This is the greatest RPG ever made
This is the greatest RPG ever made
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Friendly reminder that RPGs are the worst genre of games
This is true.
Open world done right.
It has the worst combat I've ever seen
i think i kind of fucked up my build.
i am at level 20
strength 70 (80 with belt of strength)
dex 30
one handed 75% (85% with Morgan's ring)
bow 20%
everything else is what i started with.
i can't kill 2 orc worriors. i can 1vs1 them with backpedaling but 2 at the same time is hard.
currently doing notr ch.3. used spells to kill the orc camp and access the library. should i start using the tablets?
i looked online and wrath of innos only needs 100 strength (i'm a paladin). should i stop at 100 or should i increase my strength further?
pls halp
Baldur'ss Gate 2 and Planescape: Torment say hello.
learn alchemy and start making STR potions
they require dragon root and king's sorrel
you can google where these plants are if you are too lazy to search for them
Have you played the Wild Hunt?
Those are basically visual novels, really.
You just activated a shit ton of autism kid
should i bother increasing my strength more than 100?
yes you need way more STR than that
How do they went from this to III
Who or what fuck up?
>Have you played the Wild Hunt?
Have you? Obviously not.
>Generi you are the chosen one storyline
>Island smallas fuck
>Combat avarage
>Graphics bad
Music medicore
Is this a joke
It IS awesome, but Ultima 7 and Ultima Underworld are still better.
Idk yet juust started it.
It wouldnt start...but i got rid of Chrome and it started? Weird anyway looking forward to this.
Graphics are insane!
daily reminder that this tripfag thinks TW3 is the best RPG ever made
They're one of the worst overall, but the best games in the genre are among the best games ever period.
You're right but
lol tripfaggot stfu
Maybe loosely for Planescape: Torment, which even that is pushing it since there are puzzles and there is combat (even if it's an afterthought). Baldur's Gate has always had combat be a big part of both games, so no clue what your on with with that.
>ywn have such shit taste as faglord OP
feels good
Daily reminder that he is young and or simple minded
>Rng, shit combat mechanics,no real choices
More like the worst "RPG"
You're wrong.
you need dragonroots and king sorrels
I'm surprised at how good Risen is
I thought it would be shit cause I played Risen 2 first but Risen 1 Is so good, almost as good as Gothic 2
I agree. I bought this game long ago, but then I play it. I decided to play it some weeks ago for the first time and I got sucked into it in such a way it was almost unbelievable to me. Now I simply can't help playing it. How I wish that there were more modern RPG games like this!
>should i stop at 100 or should i increase my strength further?
never stop increasing STR if you can still increase it. More str = more dmg
>tfw playing 3 right after 1 and 2
you people werent kidding 3 is so fucking bad
strenght is pointless without weapon skill
Jesus makes sense now.
What i figure what most people hate on good RPGs are like
You're mom thought my cock is the best rpg ever made last night.
Torment is not a visual novel, but even its creators knew it sure as fuck wasn't a pure rpg either.
Lele thx for the attention
I'm at your same level and I have 83 strength, 58 dexterity, 30% 1h, 50% 2h, 30% bow, 30% crossbow and the ability to remove skins from animals and the ability to open chests.
Killing 2 orc warriors might be hard, so far I can do it well even at half hp. Can you kill a single elite orc easily?
you should have more STR.
learn alchemy and collect dragonroots and king sorrels and make STR potions
One of my absolute faves.
But everyone interested in RPGs played it to death so there's nothing to discuss.
You’re right, but the very few RPGs that are good are some of the best games ever.
Damn dude, you're fucking nasty looking
i haven't crossed any orc elites but i assume any fight in the game is "easy" if you backpedal
what my end game strength as a one handed + bow paladin should be
at least 120
The composer is streaming atm @ kairosenkranz
i read online to start using stat boosters when the cost of 1 str is 4 lp
is this sound or should i start now (70 str lvl 20)?
You mean the game where the developers specifically mentioned that they wanna try to replicate the open world concept of Gothic 2?
git gut
>you should have more STR
Have you read my skills? I don't see any point in learning alchemy right now, when I can get 5 STR points with 5 LP.
It's not necessary. Both orc elites and orc warriors are very easy to read: just time their swings and attack before they can attack you. Doing that is easier with 1h weapons than 2h weapons though.