Street fighter 5

You still playing?

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a little bit

blanka is fun

God I love Juri


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Kinda. Man, the Trials suck.

Hell no. Ryu is still trash and expresses everything wrong with the game and they’ve let Abigail run over everyone yet they nerf characters that didn’t need it like Gief. I gave up on it long ago and have yet to regret it.

Nah but I'll be back for Sagat and probably Cody.
Blanka just did nothing for me so I haven't even really checked out any gameplay vids or played since he was release

Post non-block feet

never started

why do they always draw the pinky toe like its a finger...have they ever seen a foot?

i moved to tekken

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Wise man

it's not in 2d so I never started to

Yes and I'm still bad.


Im playing with my dick

>Trying to get the fourth June costume piece
>AI was braindead the first 3 times and is now an input-reading piece of shit
>have blown like 20K on this one fight already



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if you mean playing to juri's feet, yes.

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Abigail needed those buffs

Of course.

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I switched to Tekken and never looked back. AE made SFV a little better, but it’s still a fundamentally broken game.

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I like fighting games. And I'm a big fan of SF. However I haven't gotten it yet. Looking forward to grabbing it though. R. Mika is much waifu

Why don't you just choose a spam friendly character?
I find AI sometimes has trouble with moves like Rashid's HK Eagle Spike. Then when they're walking forward just sweep.

I don't know though I've not tried the challenge, but that and cross ups generally get the AI

i play everyday just because of my waifu, but i've been playing like an hour everyday so not a lot

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if i'm not a footfag and still likes Juri then what am i?

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youre an okay person!

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i played yesterday after not playing for 2 weeks straight. it just reminded me on how you cant win unless you tier whore or having lagging connection like brasilians do.

scrub mentality, dont you people never look with 5 bars only?

Kill yourself you ugly freak

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>a fundamentally broken game
*plays tekken* LMAO

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I'm learning Juri and Cammy, I'm a Balrog main.

if you cant complete at least the vol 1 of trials you are a fucking retard

How am i supposed to play well when there's all these feet over the place?

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I like playing Alex, so no. I'm not anymore.

by taking a break every few rounds to appreciate them to their fullest

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>doing trials

>chunli/Cammy/Laura/etc fans
>Post in game screen shots/webms of their favorite character since they're hot as fuck in game

>Juri fans
>Always post fanart because her model sucks ass and has Hank hill ass


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Haven't played in about a week. I really want to but DBFZ has been taking up any free time that I have.

I'm currently a Silver scrub but I made it to Super-Silver once. My goal is to make it to Gold at the very least within the new few months. Last time I played, I was going on a losing streak though.

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compared to Chun,Cammy,Mika yeah her ass isnt that big but your picture is a complete bad angle

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I was using Rashid

Managed to crank out a win with Guile

Right now? No. Have over 300hours in it, should be more but I took a break after Abigail’s release. Back again and I do enjoy it for what it is, mostly for Birdie. I get why people take issue with it however.

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>trials suck
They’re fucking simple. Not that expect the one and only boco to be competent I’m a fighting game.


>at home on the weekend
>both of you relaxing in the living room
>she's looking over some fashion magazine
>"Hey user, what do you think?"
>she shows you a model wearing a somewhat revealing dress
>"Pretty" you say
>she throws the magazine across the room before backhanding you with enough strength to knock you to the floor
>"I asked about the dress, not the woman"
>you recoil in shock
>"You think it's alright to ogle at these whores? These sluts would never give you the time of day just to say hello."
>she slams her foot down a mere centimeter from your crotch
>"You should consider yourself lucky I don't cheat on you, I've traveled around the world, seen and met men who could offer me more than you ever could"
>she leans in close to whisper into your ear
>"I could fucking kill you if I wanted..."
>there's a momentary silence
>suddenly you feel her arms pulling you back to your feet
>she warmly embraces you
>"Look, Im sorry, you know how I get when I'm hungry. Cook us something delicious tonight, ok darling?"
>she gives you a kiss on the lips and a reassuring smile
>"it won't happen again, I promise"
>but deep down you know it will

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>>"Look, Im sorry, you know how I get when I'm hungry.
user are you writing a Snickers commercial?

Sf is the worst fighting game i ever played
I cant believe you faggots play this shit
Even the waifus look like shit

but all that was said was "pretty"
didnt specify if the girl was pretty or the dress was pretty, just "pretty"


You're Not You When You're Hungry

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yea this
what a dumb bitch

I saw the writing on the wall with SFV and gave Tekken a shot, glad I did.

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Now i want a snikers
Fuck you user

Is it weird to have a foot fetish ONLY for this character and for nothing else ? I hate feets and don't see them as sexual, excepted with her.

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I want Juri to dominate me


why does no one ever mention jolyne

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If you haven't made the move from Capcom games to T7, DBFZ, and GG, you're playing the wrong genre


so uhhh, what is she wearing when this is happening?

Fuck that's depressing

How do I get the R.Mika Zinogre costume?


Uh, why is this woman in my house instead of my wife Menat?

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i tried tekken, then got too pissed that the usually pressure tools and mix ups i use with leo whiffs on eddy and i dropped the game completely. shit is way too matchup dependent and i dont have time to remember what move beats what

Gotta get Fight Money somehow.

Menat is my wife and reason for living


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holy fucking shit, that's the hottest juri pic I've seen in a while
gonna bust a nut

If she's just lounging around the house, her hair should be down.

>chromatic aberration

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>that body
aw yeah gurl
>that rugrats face
wtf bro

Angelica was into some weird shit