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I want her in smash. Inkling girl and Shantae would make it my dream harem brawler

Can the game actually stand on its own against Pirate Curse now?

Day One buy.

I want peachypop to do more futa shants x risky

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Never played a Shantae game, whats the draw?

waifu faggotry

>waifu faggotry
Sounds like an oxymoron.

Great music, traditional but not mindblowing gameplay, humorous writing, fun cast.

guess I'm gonna have to buy it again

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Why don't they package RR, PC, and HGH together?

She can't not be in Smash. With Bayonetta showing the line they're willing to cross, there's no excuse.

that is one miserable looking piece of cooked dough with cheese and tomato sauce on it.

I think its Ninos.

Or maybe Little Ceasars...

The initial game when it was released was fun, but you can beat it in a few hours. Pirate's Curse is still my favorite of the series, but opinions.

The additional content allows you to play through the game again as different characters. It adds a couple more hours to the game. I think the price point of $30 or $40 dollars is now fair.

Thought the game was mediocre as fuck

Its 40. Which is perfect with the arcade-like costume modes its adding.

I would buy it if I have a switch cause it seems like a nice package. Still debating buying the DLC, maybe if it goes on sale. Pirate's Curse was better.

I wonder how many of the shills are paid, or if they are literally doing it for free.

Smash is entirely out of its league. Don't kid yourself.

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i don't think shantae deserves any smash representation beyond a mere trophy
it's clear that wayforward is okay with half-assing gameplay and that's against samurai's philosophy even if you hate tripping and smash4

That was a lot more effort than necessary just to say "No."

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Waifus. I played some of risky's revenge to see what everyone liked about it and it wasn't very fun to play.

Nope. The dlc was mostly shit. Playing as Risky was fun though for like ten minutes until you realized you were still playing the same stages and fighting the same bosses.

>until you realized you were still playing the same stages and fighting the same bosses
was so upset with this
the fact that there is sexy nude risky bathtubbing makes me even more puzzled why they censored my risky gallery art

Seeing Risky in the tub for area select was probably the best part of all the dlc combined both unfortunately and fortunately.

>playing this game
>at the end with all the spikes
>keep dying because harpy controls don't stop on a dime
>been doing this for three hours
>realize I can just fly offscreen and avoid the moving spikes entirely

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Did the japs really advertise this as having cute monster girls?

Pirate's Curse was better

This is just fact, I don't know why you're spoilering it.

>I played the worst game of the series to see what everyone liked about it
Granted, it's not that different, and any person that says "waifus" is the only reason for anything will never have their mind changed about it, but still.

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I want to have quarter-genie babies with Shantae!

Thanks for reminding me
Just bought it

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Just admit that the game was horrible and people donated purely for the art.

I got it on sale a few years ago, didn't even realize that people thought it was the worst. I just didn't find anything about the game to be great, it seemed like a generic side scrolling metroidvania copy to me with hot girls.

What is the best Shantae porn for a background pic?

I still don't have any of the dlc because it never goes on sale

the one where she shits in a jar.

it wasn't horrible. It's a medium game. I definitely wouldn't play it again or recommend it but i don't regret having bought or played it. It was fine.

Good game but I'm not buying it twice.

and that's how you get her games

No wonder they taste so good.

I mean, we were hoping for something like Pirate's Curse, which is understandable, because that was the title immediately preceding this one.

disappointment. music composer whos full of himself. get it on sale. it's basically a Wonder Boy in Monster World lite

Which was stupid of you considering they said dancing was going to be a core mechanic again.

i backed it knowing that, but i backed it with the intent to have the risky playable mode, not the shantae mode which anyone with fucking common sense and reading skills of a first grader would have seen that the latter was going to be with dancing in it

goddamn man
people don't read shit, they just rush to voice some sentiment