Implying the Dark Souls rep in SMA5H won't be the Soul of Cinder

>Implying the Dark Souls rep in SMA5H won't be the Soul of Cinder
>Versatile Moveset that can use a multitude of abilities from various classes
>Sickass grab move
>Final Smash would be that flame juggle/stab explosion
>Can throw lightning storms

Attached: soul_of_cinder___phase_2_by_thefearmaster-da5o3ug.png (600x1084, 632K)

>1/5 Souls games and Nintendo got it years later
>Dude they should totally be in Smash lmao
Cloud was a mistake. People don't understand that even though Cloud specifically doesn't Final Fantasy as a series has a history or involvement with Nintendo, just like the other 3rd party reps.

Doom is the only series to recently get a Switch port that actually makes sense to have a role in Smash.
>SNES was one of the first consoles to get DOOM and IIRC had the best console version
>Got Doom 64 as an exclusive for the N64
>Iconic to gaming like Pacman, being the game that solidified the FPS genre

>Solaire is getting an Amiibo
>DaS 1 is by far the most popular
>also releasing on Switch
If it's not Solaire, then it will be the chosen undead.

dude Snake lmao

>Chosen Undead
You mean Ashen One?

Dude exclusive Metal Gear Solid game lmao

Are you stupid? Ashen one is DaS3. Chosen Undead is DaS1. Which is getting a release on the switch.

>dude personal friend of Sakurai who specifically made a whole fucking video game just to get Snake into Smash as a deal with Nintendo.
>Still only got that opportunity because Sakurai was friends with him lmao
Unless From has some Kojima tier madman who's a close friend of Sakurai's on board that I'm not aware of it's not happening.

>wanting edgy Soul of Cinder
>not wanting Onion bro

Storm Ruler as an Item. Can instant KO players under the efect of the mega mushroom.

Attached: 041216-125807193-big[1].jpg (202x344, 30K)

I've only played DS3, aka the only one that's good. I never even bothered with DS1 because it's a buggy mess. DS2 is too long and Demon Souls is for tryhard hipsters. DS3 is the only function Dark Souls game that's worth playing and is way more memorable

>Amiibos debuted with Smash
>very limited number of third party Amiibos exist
>revealed in the same direct as Smash
You don't just snap your fingers and make an Amiibo happen, there's tons of logistics to go through.

Fuck man, at least try to be a little subtle.
I can't belive the standards of baiting on this board.

Yet you replied

A reply isn't a successful troll. And being proud that someone replied to say they can tell you're being retarded on purpose isn't a win

Just keep them coming. Successful troll is successful.

For someone acting like they have tons of experience, you forgot the absolute basic rule of not feeding the trolls.

Fucking moran.

Some people imagine that trolls are self aware, apparently

Just like Shovel Knight, right retard?

Won't you feel silly when he's announced.

God, Shovel Knight is in every fucking major western indie game now that he might as well be in Smash. Jesus christ, does that guy have the record for the most game crossovers yet?

>Chosen Undead is the first protagonist but has no personality
>Solaire isn't the main character but has a personality and is popular

What would their victory jingle be?

Not just one, but four. Metal Gear, Snake's Revenge, Ghost Babel, and The Twin Snakes.

A more energetic firelink shrine jingle?