ITT : Games you wish could emulate but cannot for specific reasons

Pic related takes the spot. It's praised even here as the best game of it's genre but I don't want to ruin my experience by emulating it or playing a sub-par version. (iOS/Android)

It's been years I could have bought a 3ds but I'm to poor for that

Attached: The World Ends with (you).jpg (1280x720, 141K)

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Sorry for the disturbance

BoTW but my PC a shit.
It does not help that I have both CPU/GPU AMD.

Good thing too, it’s not a 3ds game

Isn't it possible to emulate the DS as well

DS can be easily emulated.
Even old Androids can run it well.

As someone who loved the game when it came out and played the mobile version, the mobile version is better than nothing.

The game has story-telling in its mechanics, the alien way you have to control two characters at once is a metaphor for how Neku (the MC) learns to work together with his partner. You can't use a stylus on an emulator and the mobile port loses the affect because they turn your partner into an easy-to-execute attack

The Switch version was announced not too long ago.

nigguh just buy a DS lite on eBay & a flash cart
so many good games on DS

TWEWY deserves to be played on original hardware, it's so gud

>too poor for a 3ds
buy a 2ds they're like $50 used if you can't afford that get your fucking life sorted out

The 3DS can play DS games and if you're buying a system to play DS games, a used 3DS to buy makes more sense than a DS since it can play both 3DS games and DS games.

I played up till the chef boss on IOS should i go ahead and finish it on there or wait for the switch port?

What about Drastic DS on Android? Wouldn't that be the best compromise?

While it seems to integrate the fusion star system to some degree, it is still far more comparable to the mobile port, given what little we have seen so far.

If the mobile or Switch port are the only way you can experience the game, then so be it, but it is absolutely worth - and preferable to a notable degree - to play the DS version on actual hardware.

Though some of the songs they opted to include in the mobile port are fucking dope and appropriately placed. Except for the week 2 end boss. Fuck whoever thought changing that was a good idea.

OP said he's too poor for a 3DS.

We don't know enough about the Switch port. It looks closer to the original as far as combat is concerned, but partners still seem to be pins instead of actual combatants, and there is of course the major issue of single-screen gameplay.

The Switch port will of course have the extra content after the main game, so consider that. If you don't think you will be willing to replay the game, then I'd wait, but otherwise you won't be missing anything unless you intend to play the original version at some point.

You have to use the buttons and TouchPad at the same time, one for each screen. As long as the touch buttons don't get in the way of the touch screen then you might be fine.

Personally the metaphor was lost on me when I played it in high school anyway and I enjoy the HD mobile version nowadays.

I don't get this.
He's too poor for a 3DS, but wealthy enough to have an internet connection.

He just needs to save money and buy one.

He could be using public wifi, living in his parents house, stealing the neighbors wifi, etc. There's a lot of ways someone can be on the internet without paying a dime.

That's true. A used DS lite goes for $60 on amazon and the original game is a little less than $30. I never played the mobile version where both characters are on one screen, but had a blast on the original dual screen setup.

I've never found a working rom of it that didn't always crash at the same part

Attached: 61JTFVY2X1L.jpg (500x500, 66K)

Most internet providers automatically lock-out other people from using the internet.

Public Wifi at night isn't likely.

Living in your parents house means you just need to get a job.

He's definitely in a first world/second world country.

For 60 dollars, you can buy a refurb 2DS directly from Nintendo. You get a charger and an SD card and the same warranty as a new one included with that.

I think the best answer to this is that he's underage B&

Even China men play PUBG

That's cool to know. I got a regular n3DS but now I'm wondering if I should have gone for the XL, despite the gloss finish which is primarily why I went for the matte finish regular one and it's changeable plates.

What part? I got it to work but I played it on my hacked Vita.

I forget exactly but its pretty much right in the beginning

It might have to do with the emulator you were using.

I think I tried a few different ones, but its been years since then so maybe its been resolved by now