Cosmo is runnin out of money

Cosmo is runnin out of money.

Lets discuss the down fall of one of the best Speed Runners we ever had.

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Seek mental help.

I had to go through like 8 fucking captchas to tell you this bro so i mean it

I hope he can still afford some rope.

>soy is good for you!

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hes running out of fucking brain cells

he should talk with soylent about becoming his sponsors

I am running out of money

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>Be really good at speedrunning and couple it with a quirky personality
>Stop speedrunning and become a depressing cunt
>Surprised when people stop watching you casually stream your mental breakdown day to day
>Start speedrunning again thinking it will fix everything
>Surprised when the fanbase you threw away over a year prior doesn't come back
>Surround yourself with enablers instead of getting help for your deteriorating mental health
>Inevitable suicide

He's going to be 40%'d

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dude doesn't stream as much, and when he does he's just not as entertaining as he was before, simple as that, nothing personal but he should probably get a job, work his life out mentally and physically, and then come back as a hobby-ist

He dug that grave and slept in it out of sheer stubbornness. Nobody to blame but himself.

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i know hes gonna end up killing him(her)self and social media is gonna blame it on cyber bullies and all those other related buzzwords about hating on the trans community.

yeah, the only question now is if he'll do it live or off cam

It was nice knowing ya, cosmo

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this is some good tv

>this was 2016
what happened bros

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what the fuck

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Good riddance, games should be savored. Not sped through.

Correlation does not imply causation

How is this allowed? I've got nothing against ladyboys but I thought Twitch just said they're cracking down on sex-related streams and shit

two ghouls really going at it is really gut turning

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>t. soylent
Does parroting centuries old axioms make you feel smart?

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smarter than parroting Sup Forums memes, yes

This honestly. I fucking despise speed runners on an ideological level.

soy is good for you though you retard

in the meantime she made 160 dollars in 30 minutes, cry more


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>tag: CuteGirls

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In moderation.


If he wants money so bad then maybe he should find a real job?

its literally just a bean you weirdos

/yt/ board when

Isn't everything?

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>implying anyone would hire such a mentally ill ghoul
Although I agree he definitely hasn't even tried looking for work

That will give you tits when eaten in excess.


I love it when people say that because it let's me know they have no fucking clue what they're talking about.

>letting the cancer metastasize
no, you cut the tumor out completely until no cancer is left. These 'people' don't belong on this site.

men who eat soy probably have stronger bodies, higher T levels and fuck more girls than people who use "soyboy" meme

And the world will be a better place for it.


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do tell me where I was wrong

>what happened

no it wont
it's just a fucking bean you idiots


but but making money playing games is his DREAM, and other people have done it, why can't he? gib monies. why people support these online beggars boggles the mind. some of these people are earning 6 figs doing this shit. don't give these fucking people a dime.

Why are modern people so mentally ill? Were people always this deranged and they were just really good at hiding it? And I'm not talking about people with normal, standard, by the book mental illness. I know those types of people existed; they had insane asylums. But I'm talking about people dressing up as a "cute catboy desu NYO NYO" or speed running the same video game for years daily.


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you think so, but you're wrong. your oh so clever turns of phrase were the original turns of phrase back in the dark ages, but they're stale as fuck now. Sup Forums memes are more original than your faggoty community-college tier tripe, and more relevant to the world we live in, namely one that allows worthless pseudomen like you to exist.

reminder if you have ever eaten a cookie you probably consumed soy

It's hard to imagine that people are actually going out of their way to avoid an entire food group because of memes posted by their anonymous internet friends.

They call them 'tit beans' here in Australia for a reason, you know.



because australians are literally retarded?


>implying I'd put facts down for being "original"


No, they don't.
Go outside. You need a break from the internet.

Based, perfectly natural behavior.
Strike it off the mental illness list goys.

it was just harder to survive back then and those people ended up dead or working slave labor tier jobs that left them no time or energy to express themselves

I guarantee everybody on this website has consumed soy, that doesn't make it a good thing. Much like sugar.

It's a million times healthier for you than sugar

I'm Australian and I've never heard of this term before.

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Oversocialization and instant communication through internet and social media, dopamine resistance built up by pornography/TV/video games/other media you don't like, lack of strong morality instilled by older generations

Imagine begging for money before you even try to get a job.



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i am literally OMEGALUL rn

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People have always been degenerates, except know they are seen as "brave".

Is there a hobby that attracts more mentally disturbed people than speedrunning?

It's a regional dialect.

If you eat any baked goods or packaged food in america you're eating soy

Yes, people are fucked creatures with fucked hobbies. Your preconceptions of the past are filtered through the view of pre-1900 civilization as being rigid and puritan when it really wasn't. Mozart literally wrote a song titled "eat my ass".

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The mentally ill tend to avoid actual work. Pic related.

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Absolutely disgusting

the internet happened, mixed with a healthy dose of the usual Jewish societal engineering to lay the groundwork that allowed them to become tolerated and thus emboldened, as well the pushing of degenerate ideas and concepts in all forms of media.

Weak men make weak nations
Weak nations are easier to subdue

>that doesn't make it a good thing. Much like sugar
Here's a tip: stop getting your nutrition advice from fucking Sup Forums memes you social brainlet.

Is Cosmo kissing a girl here, or a "girl"?

john numbers really fucked cosmo up


That isn't really up to the level of creativity of modern degenerates though. I mean rappers have been doing stuff like that since the 90s. We're on High Level shit now with people making Sonichu fanfiction and prancing around town dressed as a cat and yelling nyo at people.

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maybe he should give up on the stupid dream of living among trannies in an expensive apartment in The City without doing any real work and move back in with his parents

Suicide livestream when?

Would you rather be cosmo or anthony burch

ur a strong man tho right

Because humans have advanced to the point where we actually have time to express ourselves and indulge in weird hobbies.

It's only degenerate if it actually bothers anyone in the real world anyways

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Anthony Burch. He might be a cuckold, but at least he doesn't look like a deranged scarecrow.

fuck that choice but anthony at least hasn't fallen as far yet