Anyone take multiplayer gaming too seriously? I've literally broken 4 mice and a keyboard from CSGO...

Anyone take multiplayer gaming too seriously? I've literally broken 4 mice and a keyboard from CSGO. And Rainbow Six Siege has made me break another mouse.

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Only soycucks get mad at videogames

No. You have mental health issues. Get help.

this is what happens when you play video games too much, take a break user

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What kind of loser does this

t. Silver 3 worm
t. person with autism
t. plebbit meme spouter

Wow Sup Forums really is full of faggots now, literally all Reddit replies.

come on user, you can do better...

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sorry op, I've used two different mice in the span of the last 16 years

>Sup Forums neckbeard reply, someone talking about mental health on Sup Forums, and a literal Facebook/Instagram meme
>I'm the one baiting

Lol ok buddy

you have down syndrome

imagine being gay

Nah, not really. I used to when I was younger but I realized that was stupid

Why do you get some mad at video games?

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Because I like winning and being competitive. And when things don't go my way over bullshit, I need to exert my anger on something.

maybe play real actual competitive fps and not just ranked matchmaking pugstar garbage. Matchmaking is cancer

This isn't 1996, no one plays Quake anymore grandpa.

I'm from SA/Reddit, and it's way better than this shithole, i don't get why you guys are so protective over it
doesnt stop me from posting here though :^)

you're a dumbass teenager that needs to grow up

I'm probably the exact opposite of you, I enjoy watching my team mates lose, not every time but half way playing a game I attempt my best to make the team lose while being extremely polite and making dumb excuses like "whoops" "didn't see it" "missclick" or my favorite "sorry I'm bad". I discovered that I never get banned because the curse language comes from them, I've been ruining games for years.

Do you play with other shitters? We just kick people like you if you do something stupid more than once.

>yeah im retarded, and proud of it too

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You're just a faggot, op

>Going 4v5
If you're bad enough to get mad at the game and break shit, I doubt anyone you run with can handle being a man down outside of a clutch once a week

play Quake and frag
it is your destinyyy

I don't get angry at games, I just get tired of them. I know that after losing three or four games in a row I just stop giving a shit and play something else.


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You might be actually autistic.

i've been an mmr booster/r1 in multiple games and if you break things when you're mad you should be shot in the head

There was a time that I did, but I'm a big boy now.

Are you 12, op?