*removes puzzle focus*

>*removes puzzle focus*
>*replaces them with long, open corridors*
>*spams 50000 enemies in them*
>"here's your BADASS expansion bro"

Attached: Half-Life_Opposing_Force_box.jpg (288x346, 24K)

It alright. The new weapons were easily the best part.

half life had puzzles?

>Make game combat focused
>Include new enemies
It could have been worse

Attached: 1518423410395.jpg (669x1024, 79K)

hahha gonna shit in it

Opposing force rules, OP drools

>Implying Half Life was about puzzles
What game did you play? Making an expansion pass about a SOLDIER being combat oriented like was a smart idea

I got stuck in the elevator shaft part for 20 minutes. I didn't realize you were supposed to climb the rope after turning off the power

I agree. Opposing force felt like a bad fan fiction mod. Blue shift is much better

Don't forget:
>Crate platforming every 2 meters

got to see more of black mesa and xen, thats good enough for me.

Attached: 1520522283034.jpg (1033x679, 168K)

You're not the only one.
Opposing force tried to go into too much detail and have too much of a story when gearbox's writers couldn't handle it. Blue shift was a perfect "Guy tries to do his job when shit much larger than him goes south" game.

Are race X combine or not?

The combine uses to them to terra form worlds

These guys get it.

>Blue shit is better
Is it even possible to have taste this bad?

>removes the endless awful jumping puzzles
This is a bad thing because...?

It was a really nice game actually

>having the game focus on a soldier separated from his squad and focusing on the combat is a bad thing

Gearbox might be total garbage right now but this was a good expansion

>You play as a scientist and solve puzzles in between shooting things

Opposing Force
>You play as a soldier and mainly shoot things with minor puzzle solving

They were just adapting the gameplay to suit the character.

Boot camp was the best part of the game.

Attached: training.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

Blue Shift
>you’re bored out of your mind the entire time

Wow... they really captured the essence of being a security guard

>blue shift is much better
It was a fucking reskin of the Original Half Life and short as FUCK. At least OP added new guns and new enemies

>added nothing new whatsoever
>doesn't even have a final boss
at least decay had the co-op gimmick.

sucks to be you, better kill yourself now

I hate those needle shooting pricks.