Just finished this

And all I can say is fuck the goddamn shitty AI of the Alien and how buggy the game gets sometimes..

>Hit it with flamethrower
>Alien goes through it and kills me

>Hit it with flamethrower
>Doesn't fuck off
>Hit it 2 or 3 more times
>Finally fucks off and retreats to a vent

>Alien retreats into vent
>Comes out the same vent it went in 5 seconds later

>Alien goes in vent
>Drops into vent near you although you are sneaking around making ZERO noise

>Alien can spawn on you leading to insta death

>Check motion detector
>Alien not around and all the sudden YOU DIED because it came out of nowhere and was not giving away sound such as running at you which leaves footsteps or the Alien making noise in vents

>If Alien is in a vent opening, you see it's drool coming out of it and you go around it to avoid dying and sometimes the drool doesn't appear which leads to you dying because you think it is not in there

>If alien grabs you which is instant death, no feature where you can break out from it's grasp such as mashing a button or something. Same should've applied as well with those Facehuggers.

>Attack Facehugger with melee attack
>You take damage

>Crawl through vent
>Alien sometimes insta spawns right in that same vent without any warning such as it making noise leading to death

Jesus that game had problems. Also Predator Isolation when?

Attached: alien-isolation.jpg (825x464, 185K)

You still don't understand what you're dealing with do you. Perfect organism. It's structural perfection is only matched by it's hostility. I admire it's purity.
I can't lie to you about your chances but...
you have my sympathy

yes. the game sucks. better to mod the alien out of the game and enjoy the 10/10 atmosphere

I played the game on max difficulty when it came out and I didn't have even a single one of the problems you mentioned.

Not sure if you have shit hearing or shit skills, but you probably have both.

You can't keep spraying it with the flamethrower. The more you do, the more immune it becomes till it doesnt bother it anymore. The flamethrower is a temporary deterrent for the alien so you can have a moment to escape and hide. You're not supposed to actually fight it.

On hard or Nightmare? Nightmare was added in one of the game's patches. Also no my hearing is fine but sometimes the alien can come out of nowhere without giving any audio cue and I do pay attention to the sounds in the game.

I fired at it in bursts with the flamethrower since it pisses ammo fast and rather conserve ammo instead. I did use molotovs on it and distractions with flares and noise makers.

At least humans and androids are much easier to deal with regardless of stealth or combat.

I had probably one of the most perfect experiences with this game. It was amazing.

You playing Easy?

This is the rare game where the higher difficulties arent artificial.

The devs have scripts for the Alien's AI that open up on Hard/Nightmare

i'll legitimately admit in front of all of you retards that i stopped playing this game because it was way too difficult for me.

it's also frustrating as fuck to lose twenty minutes' worth of progress and sneakan because you made the tiniest mistake and the alien instakills you.

Nope. Played through on Hard since the game recommended playing on that. At least I pushed through the game to the end.

You just suck. The AI in that game is great. It's been great, fuck you.

Are you retarded? This game didn't have any bugs or real problems, even the shittiest toaster could run it and make it look good. Are you playing in a potato or what?

OP perhaps didn't play with unpredictable AI mod.
It really should be part of the vanilla game.

Do the lvl 3 pipe bomb glitch in Gemini labs and watch it fuck off forever. Though personally I beat it on hard without using gadgets more than 3 times (twice against 2 alien scenarios), and a flare once. The key is patience and realizing it's patterns, the distance it goes on normal can actually be annoying sometimes. Use the flamethrower as it's intended, an anti bullshit cannon for when the alien AI randomly gets lucky.

Favorite hobby in the game was selling out asshole survivors that tried to shoot me to it and listening to them struggle while I went about my business.

>Alien should automatically drool to notify you of its presence

>hitting an Alien with a flamethrower no matter its health and how long you spray the flame should kill it

>Alien can't possibly find you if you're sneaking around close to it without noise, nevermind it has way stronger senses than humans

>Hitting it melee means you should never take damage from it

>An incredibly advanced predatory creature designed to kill should always make noise to notify you of its presence

Y-yeah fuck this game.

Attached: b90.png (200x226, 26K)

I have played the game on hard difficulty and didnt have any of the problmes you had.
I thought ayyy siolation was prety much the perfect game other than it dragged on for too long.

You do understand alien is the perfect organism?
Shooting a few bursts of tickling flames scares it away at first because it tickles and ayy is like "nyawwww dont tickle me imma go inna vent and laff mate"
and over time it grows used to tickling

so you know
if you were any good you wouldnt need the flame thrower but here we are

Git gud. I was able to get away from the alien multiple times on Nightmare just by bluffing with a readied flamethrower and retteating out of sight, without wasting any fuel.

B- for effort, user

Attached: ash.jpg (1920x811, 342K)

Don't you know you aren't allowed to criticise this game here or the redditors come crawling out of the woodwork to tell you to "git gud"

Almost like it's a perfectly hostile organism with senses that still aren't completely understood by man?

So you're mad because it's accurate to the movie universe? And why would you attack a facehugger with melee? It has fucking acid for blood.

I stopped playing because the game wanted me to mash buttons to bypass obstacles.
I mean holy shit, what timeline are we in where Sup Forums enjoys QTE's

>interacting with anything in the envrioment locks you into a fixed animation or QTE type sequence

Attached: trash.gif (580x433, 1.41M)

>what timeline are we in where Sup Forums enjoys QTE's

Shenmue. Bayonetta. Resident Evil 4.

Three games the majority of Sup Forums will say are good, and yet they have QTE's.

>sitting under a desk for 10+ minutes waiting for a good opening because the alien never fucks off for long enough
>have to do this multiple times, in every chapter
I couldn't get into it

Attached: 1505344575477.gif (500x384, 951K)

>beat game
>still suck at it

>Bought this yesterday

>Only up to where the balt british guy gets killed by alien
>Already bored as fuck

when does it get gud?

>when does it get gud?
It doesn't get good, ever.

you didn't break the ice and never took the risk.

I know what you mean a little. There is definitely a chunk of the game where moving around is extra gay. I found not using the radar and unplugging any microphones connected to the computer helps because the alien can hear them.

My baby literally would yell out and the alien would come murder me.

Is this game, dare I say it, the best pleb filter?

There's nothing wrong with the Alien's effectiveness, but its rules are inconsistent, so you can't learn them. The only way to progress is to a) get lucky or b) wait like a pussy. Isolation needed a dynamic but consistent AI so you can learn the game and become proficient at it, but there's only so many aspects in the game you can reliably master. The Alien isn't one of them. And considering he's around a lot, that makes it dull and frustrating.

Attached: alien068.jpg (308x366, 21K)

user I don't think you realize this but the Alien is actually learning your attack patterns with the Flamethrower. It will fake you out with a cry before it attacks only to stop and then attempt to charge you after you stop firing.

Attached: Alien_ Isolation 21_07_2017 16_24_40.webm (900x562, 2.91M)