I'm so confused, I haven't played since alpha Sapphire and I feel so old. Why does this feel like a completely different series? There's way too much talking I don't know if I'm still in the tutorial but it's been like 2 hours. Does it get better?
I'm so confused, I haven't played since alpha Sapphire and I feel so old...
I barely got through X and that was helped by my friends playing together with me and having battles after every gym. Felt buyers remorse still.
We tried the same with Sun but I beat Acerola and stopped then and there. I got the farthest aside from one friend beating the game.
We're gonna try Platinum next. I liked Diamond aside from the slow battle speeds so I'm hopeful. After that will be Heartgold and Omega Ruby.
I was playing HeartGold again before getting this on sale. The transition between the two is jarring.
>why does it feel like a different series
Pokemon has kind of always been handholdy but the difference is it goes way over the top in USUM.
>> I don't know if I'm still in the tutorial but it's been like 2 hours. Does it get better?
You have another ~4 hours maybe, the cutscenes relax a bit but in general you're still going to be hounded by NPCs ,welcome to Alola!
This is why /vp/ has agreed Gen 7 is horrendous, you really should've gotten some opinions before buying it.
Modern Pokemon suffers from telling you what's going on and rubbing your face in it like you're retarded instead of letting you discover the world.
>Never played Gold/Silver
>Try out the remakes
>Play Crystal
>Having a blast
I don't know why. Is this second-hand nostalgia or what?
>Does it get better?
Hahaha. NO.
Is Crystal the pinnacle of pokemon handheld games?
Emerald is up there but probably.
GameFreak has felt threatened by mobile games lately, so they've made modern Pokemon games more handhold-y than ever. It honestly doesn't really end S/M or its alternate versions.
this has been the worst pokemon for me and i loved the R/S remake and x/y.
its so slow i cant force my self to complete it at all, i been stuck at the 3rd island for more than a year.
Yeah I see a lot of hate for x/y but I actually enjoyed it somewhat. S/M was just a dumpster fire.
most unbearable game in the series because of the constant tutorials and people i dont care about coming up to talk at every route. x and y were good though, so pokemon still has some life left
I would say HGSS more then Crystal, followed by BW2 (Kinda handholdy but enough features to make up for it).
This one is also up there.
I just started playing Moon for the first time and I fucking hate the Rotom pokedex. It's the worst part of the game by far. If they just had it as a map it would have been perfect, but instead they have to treat you like a retard. The other parts of the game aren't terrible though, I've had some fun with it.
It was really just a it's on sale and I haven't had a game to play since Odyssey. Didn't bother to ask about it.
It really makes me feel less enthusiastic about a switch mainline game if it's going to be handholding for hours.
I probably asked that question a million times when moon first leaked, and everyone would tell me that whatever island was ahead of me was where the real game began. Then I made it to the end and the game still felt like a tutorial. And the game got what seemed like endless praise everywhere at the time so I just dropped the series for now
This is obnoxious. I have to wait for rotom to finish talking then go zooming in to find what I'm looking for as opposed to a simple map on the bottom with town descriptions up top.
Listen up! Here's where I give you advice you didn't ask for!
): It makes me sad because I really want to enjoy the game because it has such a comfy atmosphere but it just sucks ass and I don't want to keep feeling like a retard wasting my time being told about a bunch of nonsense lore.
i beat it because i'm good at doing boring things but even for me it was painful. awful game. not excited for switch pokemon at all.
Don't forget that they lock off areas for you with retarded shit like MUH DOG so you basically CAN'T go offtrack even if you want to.
What I don't understand is why Gamefreak feels the need to treat its audience like complete retards who have no idea what to do in a Pokemon game. The average Pokemon player is in their 20's and has been playing the series for years already. I wish they had at least included a way to turn off the fucking rotomdex.
That's a theme across most pokemon games. They've definitely become more blunt about it though.
I just passed by "Seems like crabo or whatever the fuck we named him doesn't want you to pass and instead wants you to go left" like I could step on the little guy and break him.
Welcome to the dilemma of the adult Pokemon fan.
Gamefreak is very adamant about appealing to children exclusively, which is fine and good, but they're so incompetent as a dev studio that they can't implement a cut scene skip button or difficulty settings. Pokemon has always been easy but Gen 6 and 7 with EXP share on are so non-engaging it's almost insulting.
The real kicker is that GF knows it has older fans, but instead of doing the things we're asking for, all it does is throw Kanto shit in our faces. Here's alternate forms of Gen 1 Pokemon! Here's Team Rocket again! Charizard is here! It has 2 megas, isn't that cool?
Gamefreak is so out of touch and all I want for the Pokemon franchise is for it to get handed off to another dev team.
Yeah but i was more using it as a example of how utterly superfluous the Rotomdex "help" is, do you REALLY need pointing out where to go next when there is only one path?
it took me 2 damn years to finish moon and its so goddamn hand holdy. they have all these big spaces but you get absolute shit as a reward for exploring.
i wouldn't mind the NPCs healing my Pokemon all the time if (especially Lillie) followed me like a normal sprite and if it let me actually EXPLORE the islands.
It's sad. I'd rather they go back to top down. It's funny that as a kid I dreamed of a game like this but they just can't do it right.
Yeah there's tons of games marketed to children that still have no problem inserting difficulty where it needs to be. Just plain incompetence. Coasting off the back of a popular franchise.
they literally gave up after 5th gen. x/y was unfinished as hell and gen 7 was worse off for it. they know people will defend them to the death and Pokemon will always print money for them. why should they bother trying anymore?
it doesnt stop. that one horse gym leader is gonna at the end of every route to talk to you
Both X/Y and Sun/Moon were fucking awful yet still sold like hotcakes because is Pokemon. UltraSun/Moon are literally reused assets EVERYWHERE and basically a DLC, yet people ate that shit up like there was no tomorrow.
The plot of S/M was a dumpster fire. Everything else was great. You should be skipping all the dialogue anyway. Pokemon has never been about their stories.
Hadn't played a Pokemon game since, I dunno, the DS era, so I figured I'd get Ultra Moon. Shoud've gotten something else, the game is goddamn infuriating at parts.
personally i would wait for the older versions to wait in the eshop. i refuse to have current GF do a sinnoh remake.
These are my feelings exactly. I even have freeshop but I like to purchase my games when possible.
The worst of these in the series I think have been
>we're just dancing here, someday we'll go away, but you can't pass
>there's a power outage here, you can't go through (lights on and NPCs freely walking by the guy)
>my giant dog has to sniff everywhere so fuck off
whoops i wasn't clear
rather wait until the games are in the eshop because that's honestly going to be the best versions legally available besides the cartridges
>frig off I'm studying these footprints
>oh im so thirsty, you cant pass here
it's been self aware that it's blocking off routes for dumb reasons since the very beginning
>tfw gen 7 is my second favorite gen
>genuinely enjoying it and love the Pokemon
>taking an inordinate amount of time with photo club to mess around
fug I hate being the contrarian. Idk, Sup Forums likes gen 5 right? I like gen 5.
sun and moon is the fucking worst and it is the only generation I haven't played and finished and dumped at least 100 hours into.
N is Tumblr personified. so no. try again.
I think that's the worst part, when USUM came out, people in both Japan and the US were pissed because USUM was largely the same as SM for the vast majority of the game. There was no reason the Rainbow Rocket episode and other UBs couldn't be $15 DLC. The game was a copypaste cashgrab, and despite this, still topped charts.
Pokemon has too much power in it's name for any group of fans to do anything, kids will always buy it, and diehard Pokemon fans will eat up anything.
Iwata was likely quality control to prevent things like this from happening, and is probably why we got a game as polished as B2W2, but now there's not really anything we can do but find another series. It's depressing as fuck.
>2009 + 9
>still playing Pokemon
honestly same. i haven't really been really into a Pokemon game since gen 4
Well which one am I supposed to like? I dropped HG and skipped gen 3, so I can't really say much about those
Gen 1/2? Didn't find Gen 6 terribly memorable.
I put 300 hours into Moon after barely managing to hit 105 with ORAS, the lowest I'd hit in a long time with Pokemon.
Gen 1 for nostalgia, gen 2-4 for kino.
Why waste my time?
The actual gameplay is the best in the series, nostalgiafags like the freak the fuck out at anything resembling a cutscene
Eh, well like I said I didn't really find 4 that interesting, dropped HG because I disliked the interface.
2 was entertaining enough for the time I suppose, was thinking of replaying Crystal on the 3DS because my memories of it are pretty fuzzy and might've changed, judging by how uninterested I was in HG.
I couldn't give two shits about cutscenes in a pokemon game. The gameplay sucked ass. Getting rid of gyms/gym leaders was retarded. Giving trainers only 1-2 pokemon was retarded.
Trials are infinitely better than gyms and some trial battles are actually challenging by mainline pokemon campaign standards.
>skipping gen 3
im sorry about that user. thats the comfiest gen. best music, best settings, best pokemon, and battle frontier is the best post game ever made in any pokemon title.
>only thing added to gameplay was z-moves
>gameplay is best in the series
the fuck?
From this point forward, I'm mentally replacing all blocking npc's in Pokemon with Randy, and every time I try to go past them, the pants come off.
>infinitely better
I guess if you like shittier versions of caves
>actually challenging
It's ok man, playing it on an emulator didn't really interest me, although I probably would've loved it as a kid. I couldn't care less about battle facilities though.
I love Shedinja though, I've raised a fair few of them.
With some luck, Digimon might actually step up to the plate on this one.
Cyber Sluts was passable, Hacker's Memory was better, and Next Order was the least autistic Digimon World game I think I've ever played.
It's early to say, but it looks like after however many fucking years, Digimon might have actually gotten its act together, and might even field a "good" game by the end of the decade.
cute! mudkip is peak pokemon design imo
Explorers were good but I'm more partial to Rescue team because the fried areas gave incentive to keep playing and you could evolve right after beating the game.
Gym leader characters were mostly replaced by trial captains/kahuna characters.
The Totem battles were often much better than Gym Leader battles simply because of the fact that they're 1v2 fights where the enemy enters battle with a buff. Not all of them were better, like the awful Totem Vikavolt, but a good deal were, and had a fair bit of thought put into them in USUM.
I do quite like it as well. Good color scheme, pleasing shape, good original base animal.
Overall a very cute, appealing Pokemon.
Pokemon sucks right now but the issue is not with the designs. Genwunners should stop acting like they know shit about character design.
>biggest variety of available pokemon in any game, even beating bw2
>totems in general offering a relatively unique challenge (1v2 battles with stat boosts)
>overall hardest mainline games in the series outside of black 2 hard mode
The first island is brutal. The second one starts the same but gets better. Around the 30% mark they realize you arent dumb and let you off your leash more. It is still fairly linear though. I really hope US/UM performed less than expected to prove a point. I still havent beat S/M due to boredom.
Name one pokemon game that is harder than USUM in the main campaign and specify why
I haven't played USUM. I barely made it through the originals before giving up out of boredom.
USUM sold over 7.17 million copies in a couple months.
Literally the only nonlinear pokemon games were gens 1 and 2, and only for small portions of it. They also had their own massive problems (1 being incredibly broken, 2 being insultingly easy)
meant for this
Seriously stop playing that piece of shit.
play HG/SS
>this game isn't challenging at all compared to other pokemon games!
>how do you know
>i didn't play it lol
As compared to what? The only thing hard about Gen 5 was the retarded ass-backwards EXP scaling and Gen 1-3 are the easiest in the series along with XY and ORAS.
Never cared about the friend area sine I never used any recruitable mons until gates because of the shit ai, that made them alawy wander off the second I didnt have always follow.
If you dabble in Showdown, Shedinja is actually really fucking good in Ubers. Hazards are at a minimum, toxic and wisp are on pretty consistent pokemon, it stonewalls a good half of the tier, and can win 1v1's with far, far more than it should with a sash. It's fun shit.
>Everything else was great.
There's over 700 Pokemon to choose from and trainers in the same route had the exact same motherfucking loadout.
The run down Team Skull town comes to mind.
I know other games do this to represent a gang, but it's really repetitive and underwhelming when you can knock them down now with one fucking mega move.
>only up there
Any PMD game beats all mainline pokemon games in the singleplayer department.
It's no contest
Welcome to neo gaming.
Fuck all the casual positive reviews.
Same thing happened to Zelda, SS is the worst "game" of all time, dropped it after 1 dungeon because it's a disrespectful piece of shit.
Basic anime animals with dragonball Z eyes are not high art.
How was gen 2 "insultingly easy"? It gave me a lot of trouble back in the day between Whitney's Miltank, Claire, and a couple rival battles. And of course Red at the end.
design is 50% of the reason why its shit rn
If only the story wasn't 80% of the game itself.
Sorry if I don't feel like shelling out another 60 dollars to play a slightly improved version of a shitty release.
>There's way too much talking I don't know if I'm still in the tutorial but it's been like 2 hours. Does it get better?
Haven't played US/UM but I know in regular Sun/Moon it never fucked ended. The hand holding and forced exposition goes all the way to post-game if you can even call the battle tree post-game.
he's right though. the game is way too easy.
there is a point where a game can be so easy its literally boring. imagine if every pokemon game you played just required you to press A once and you would instantly have all your pokemon at level 100 with all 1-hit ko moves. takes the fun out of the game and thats the road we are going down with pokemon (and other nintendo ips). shits just not fun and will put you to sleep
>No Mareep
>It's a fucking anime character
I wish theyd make the games less linear and let you explore more. B/W did that with one or two routes I think. You could go onto the next route abit, but the wild Pokemon would kick your butt. So if you were doing good till that point you would be rewarded, otherwise you just couldnt explore much of that route. They could do the same for Gyms. I know theyd never do that though, just wishful thinking.
Considering how you and most of the people here seem to have missed the only optional areas in the game until postgame, yeah.
The IDEA of trials is neat, but i don't think they need to be mutually exclusive to Gyms.
Trials are basically based around dealing one buffed up SUPER Pokémon doing a specific strategy while Gyms were more built around the opponent losing a single Pokemon not being MAKE OR BREAK in the same way.
Maybe because you were six and retarded. The game basically gives you a Machop if you're that stuck, or you could get a female Gastly and avoid everything but Rollout. Claire is a dragon leader who comes after an ice cave, apply yourself. Also even though its hard to have a dragon type by that point in the game dragons are only super effective against dragons and she doesn't even have a dragonite.
Not to mention that the """elite four""" has pokemon in the fucking fourties.
Like whatever you want dude. I personally enjoy all of the games because they all play slightly differently and have advantages and disadvantages which make them different.
Well the thread was made for it, so that's which Totems I was talking about. The post you initially replied to was talking about the game in the OP as well.
To elaborate though, the Totems in USUM were simply better overall. Where most summoned fairly useless crap in SM, Totems in USUM summon stuff like Skarmory, Blissey, and Scizor. The auras are generally better balanced to accentuate a boss's ability to attack the player, and most of them are more offensively geared than defensively in the first place. Ultra Necrozma, the climax of the singleplayer campaign, is the most powerful enemy to ever be pitted against the player, almost to an unfair degree. 10 levels higher than anything else, uncatchable in battle, and with a +1 in every stat complementing a 754 BST and specialized Totem AI, plus a move that always targets the lower defensive stat. Generally the game just has more thought put into the stat distributions, EVs on NPC Pokemon, and movesets.
In comparison to SM, Lusamine's fusion form had an AI set to a very low setting, underleveled party of Pokemon with some random auras thrown about, and generally didn't do much.
Man, Gamefreak tried SO FUCKING HARD to copy Whisper with the Rotom-Rex and botched it so unbelievably hard. I actually forgot he was even there most of the time because of how irrelevant he is.
Heartgold and Soulsilver. The level curve in those games are fucking obnoxious since the game lets you go in whatever direction after Morty, the game has account for the fact that your pokemon will be in the low 20's, then the game throws millions of team rocket grunts at you who all give shit xp yields. Also, unlike gen two where the AI's dumb as a brick, they think more and have stronger movesets (Not good movesets, but they have high damaging moves).
Fuck you, I liked XY.
>good pokemon distribution
>wild eevees
>best daycare route
>fairy types
>several towns are comfy as fuck
>has best pokemon and best gym leader