Do you have ADHD/ADD?
how do you git gud when your brain feels like a fart?
Do you have ADHD/ADD?
I have ADHD but it might be different as I don’t feel stupid just bored and distant.
That’s why I hate strategy and turn based games, to slow paced and dull for me
thats pretty much it
how do you do it?
I used to smoke pot and carry my team in every match but something changed and now it makes me worst at the game
its worse when im sober, I pop off like in one game for a couple seconds then its back to having a fart for brain
thats pretty much me
I am bored 24/7 unless im hyperfocused, wich only happens in games
dont mind the OP, what does it feels like? I cant do anything properly unless im focused like a beam
I have ADHD and getting regular exercise helps. I was getting a lot of stimulation doing some contractor work in the fall, but I’ve been jobless at home for three months and now I’m a flabby idiot once again. Warm weather usually gets me out and about but I fucking hate going out for a run in the cold and feeling hoarse and shitty afterwards.
Pray for me to get some goddamned exercise, lord almighty
I find dividing my attention between two screens (as the ADHD stereotype dictates) is actually anxiety inducing, especially because I don’t play games with much downtime.
I focus only when it interests me, for example certain subjects are the death of me like maths and science but English is my favorite subject as I’m a writer . Trying to learn how to program and code so I can learn how to make video games too
I also take methylphenidate so that helps in college but with games I just buy what I know I’ll have fun with ( good story and engaging gameplay)
I had a similar experience but it mightve been the pills I was taking at that time
I used to have an 8 hour job that got me out of my house, I didnt realise how unhelathy I was
those days were pretty nice
I was taking a new antidepressant at the time and it was amazing, exercising gave me a lot of joy
I also was playing very good at OW
but somehow the drug stopped working so I quitted and I was back to normal
Hahaha I just went on a fucking ADD tangent, my god.
My personal advice is not to smoke weed if you have ADHD, it makes your focus even fuzzier. Once in awhile is alright, but if you make it a frequent habit you’re going to feel totally useless 90% of the time.
All kinds of stuff that might sound like a meme is good for ADHD. Keep a journal, do daily guided meditation, learn some breathing exercises, do some lifting/jogging every day, drink tea when you’re at home and coffee when you’re at work, and get lots of sleep.
I am doing none of these things which is why I’m spitballing with you loogans at 3AM. Also unemployment.
I find a great way to boost my focus on Vidya is to overlay it with a playlist of music I enjoy.
really? are you the inattentive type?
ritalin does nothing for me unless I smoke tobacco
I got a vape recently and it helps ritalin work but only while im smoking, if I stop the effect is gone in minutes
I don’t smoke or anything like that because I have a very addictive personality, and seeing as good whiskey is $15 bucks away it’s hard to fight urges to try it
Yeah I mainly just become distracted, my worst distraction being my mental ramblings. I had a notebook with all the ideas I had and showed it to a friend but he said it was so nonsensical it could have been a manifesto for a serial killer. Great for creativity, horrible for logistics
>Once in awhile is alright, but if you make it a frequent habit you’re going to feel totally useless 90% of the time
last year I smoked all day long every day for like 5 months
at first it helped a lot but then it made everything worse
im kinda scared I did something to my brain in that time because my focus has been worse ever since
>All kinds of stuff that might sound like a meme is good for ADHD. Keep a journal, do daily guided meditation, learn some breathing exercises, do some lifting/jogging every day, drink tea when you’re at home and coffee when you’re at work, and get lots of sleep.
I honestly am not sure about that, I think it all helps but it really doesnt change anything
idk, I did all of those things at some point and I quit because it doesnt feel like it pays off
>I find a great way to boost my focus on Vidya is to overlay it with a playlist of music I enjoy
I used to do that in TF2, it really helped me (I was a pretty good sniper desu)
>and get lots of sleep.
I feel like the day shouldn't even exist if I don't get at least 8 hours.
> I have a very addictive personality
I wish I had one of those desu, I have a hard time getting into things even if they are addicting
booze is amazing tho, I drank a lot for a period of time
it was the one thing that always made me forget about my boredom
I stopped for some reason
>my worst distraction being my mental ramblings
I get that feeling when im arguing, I always have something to say
it feels really good
How bad of an idea is it for harebrained schmucks like us to do delierium for that sweet, sweet nightmare vision?
me 2
thats why I stay up all night, feel like shit the next day and go to bed at 6pm so Im fresh for the day after that
Deliriant, I mean.
ITT: airheaded people
drugs are the spice of life
they are always good and better in abundance
most of the most important people throughout time had ADHD/autism/depression
it kinda hurts being sane desu
ADHD is a fictional illness invented so that pharmaceutical companies can get kids hooked on medical grade meth. You have attention span problems because that's what smartphones do to people.
Personally I just give up all hope of getting good and just play whatever entertains me.
how can you explain then that some people aren't as easily amused as you are?
there weren't any smartphones 20 years ago
and what is that
I have 40+ games in my pc and I only play OW and clash royale on my phone
>my worst distraction being my mental ramblings.
I'm not sure if it's something everyone gets but this happens to me every time I smoke weed when I'm alone. I just ramble on in my head like I'm arguing or trying to explain something to someone. I should write them down next time
Bullshit. The symptoms of ADHD don’t always (IMO, generally) require medication (regular outdoor activity and a firm routine do wonders to alleviate it) but I had difficulty in school for years and fucking years until I got a straight ADHD diagnosis in grade 11 and that smidgen of guidance helped me get assistance that wasn’t crimped on ‘oh he’s just an underachiever’
This was pre-smartphone and before the point having a cellphone was a social prerequisite.
There are a great many factors that contribute to attention problems and pretending that the blanket-diagnosis is irrelevant is irresponsible and stupid as fuck. Shut up before you confuse someone, fuckass.
Your faggot attitude doesn’t do anyone any good you recalcitrant douche.
Im just really slow mentally. I took special ed in highschool with all the other wierd kids. My game of choice is stuff like animal crossing and jrpgs. Stuff thats generally easy to follow.
mostly discipline, exercise, pomodoro's for work/study stuff, eating good/ healthy food in moderation.
It's a constant battle but I don't want to depend on meds.
One of my friends from hs has adhd and hes a muffuggin beast at vidya. Just play a lot of vidya and youll get better.
Play more retard
I recently learned that I spent a significant amount of time in my early 20’s in psychosis because of my methylphenidate prescription, so I don’t personally recommend it unless you’re in school and not taking anything that might adversely effect your attention span (such as weed)
Adding on to this. Im just super lonely but find friends annoying. I just want someone to check in on me from time to time other than the one person who already does. Sorry for the blogpost.
>tfw ADHD and mostly play Dorf Fort, Dominions, roguelikes, SS13, other typical autismo games with a lot of reading about intricate mechanics, and grand strat games