Character design by Satoshi Urushihara

>Character design by Satoshi Urushihara

Attached: teeth.jpg (1000x1000, 1.2M)

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Name 3 games that aren't Langrisser/Growlanser

>character design by shadman

Attached: UaEscmK.jpg (1080x810, 104K)

still the best nipples and breasts in anything ever

>Abandonned anime and games to make porn
>His porn isn't even good

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>character design by Masami Obari

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Does he work on ANYTHING other than artbooks nowadays? I looked him up, and the latest thing I could find is from the mid-2000s. I even checked his blog, and I'm not sure if it's some hentai manga or more artbooks he drew something for.



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Whats wrong with his porn? I can concede its samefacey but i dig how he does hairs and bodies.

>Want Growlanser porn
>Don't have to search for the title's doujin because the official artist already made porn of original characters that looks similar to growlanser girl
I love promoted doujin artists.

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He animated a bath scene in Queen's Blade Grimoire. But yeah he just does porn for a magazine now.

He's not just samefacey, he's same-everything. It's always girls being fucked in the same positions making the same face (He even draws the same blushing tearful face regardless of whether it's rape or consentual). He never tries anything else, other fetishes or whatever. And his stories are like 4 pages long max.

>original characters that looks similar to growlanser girl
user, he has actually made growlanser porn.

The only good thing that he did is that Lady Innocent OVA

go easy user, he's old

>made porn of original characters that looks similar to growlanser girl

Not just girls that look similar, he has done ACTUAL GROWLANSER PORN.

>make new game of a series
>doesn't have what made it iconic

please don't use satorin to shitpost about satoshi

I like that he mostly kept that late 80s/early 90s anime style.

He's also the artist that got me into /ss/.

>Majority of the Langrisser and Grownlaser games are still unavailable in english

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>character design by Raita

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How can he get away with it? I thought there's some shit in the contract that forbid official artists from lewding their own characters, at least non-porn game characters.

>Langrisser's attempt at a reboot was so bad it killed the series and the next game is mobile gatcha shit made by Chinese devs

Isn't he going blind?

Not every contract is the same

>spooky game by raita
thx mr skeltal

>Character design by ShindoL

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should i watch this?

looks hella good

>character design by shadman
>Drawn by JLullaby

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And best pubes.

I played this but never knew it was a series in japan. Are the other games like this one?

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>Character design by Akai Mato

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Basically, in japan the arrangement is that what gets drawn in the doujin scene remains in the doujin scene.

>it's a stomach bulge from long dongs title


>character designs by shindol

I wish he'd team up with a writer and make non porn. Not that I don't enjoy his porn but his art is so fucking good, it'd look great in a romance or urban fantasy or something.

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>tfw Front Innocent Ep 2 never

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Isn't he already making a game or something?

Haven't a clue, this is news to me.

It sucks, I know.

four leaf lover

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I've never seen an artist worshipped as heavily as Urushihara.

You point out the fact that he only draws three faces for his girls and everybody either flips out or defends sameface because they like that sameface.

>Character design by Piririnegi
Boys and girls are both fappable

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In the late 90s/early 2000s Satoshi used to be my hero. Pic related was my first anime fap. My god. I actually paid a lot of money to import his stuff. I still have all of his 'Nostalgic Heroines' doujins including the posters in pristine condition. Want to sell them for ages, but couldn't get around to it.

I'm just really disappointed he never ventured much during his career. As already said ITT, his scenes are just really all the same + he never finishes anything. Vampire Master manga, Front Innovent hentai anime, all will never see their end. I suspect he's just burned out and there isn't really a market anymore for his super detailed style of artwork in modern anime. A dying breed of mangaka.

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I don't know if this update's the latest or not, but he's definitely making one.

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He already did the art for some Black Lilith games as well. Namely Monsters Survive and Captive Market.


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Nigger was pushing all my buttons with that brown elf slut.

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>Character design by Uno Makoto

Attached: 1508154758378.jpg (345x480, 39K) if any anime ever explicitly drew single teeth. But yeah, he used to be famous for his 'chipmunk faces' before he changed his style around the early/mid 2000s.

This guys stuff perfectly captures the 90s era of jap drawings. To bad everything got worse in the 2000s, but peaked to extreme levels of garbage in the 2010s

>character design by xa


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he's a living legend because nobody at the time drew anime in such a detailed fashion. keep in mind those were all drawn on classic cels!

Didn't Front Innocent took him like 7 years to animate?

Part II never.

Urushihara is unironically the best character designer in for anime-styled characters

too bad the game is a snooze
i didnt get very far tho the classes seem cool

I'd love a single player rpg by those guys.

Love those calves and thighs

I think in a way Urushihara is kind of representative of the thing people like to view 80s and 90s anime as. Similar 3 tone colouring style and general aesthetic sensibilities coupled with the fact his style is so easily recognisable, it's really easy for people who think all 80s anime was Stardust Memory and Gunbuster and all modern anime is K-On to prop him up as some bastion.

Which isn't to say he's bad or anything, Front Innocent is still one of the few h-anime I keep on hand, but I think it's those things that lead to his continued worship.

mah nigga

Depends; although for heavily stylized ones; there are others more suited

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Yes, but that was mainly due to budget problems. AFAIK he financed the project mainly by himself, respectively his production company Earth Works, which is now defunct I suppose since the last update was in 2005.

Looks like he's not under contract with Comic Tenma anymore either, but now draws for Comic Masyo and Comic Anthurium. Not sure if Tenma wasn't discontinued alltogether.

He used to be the undisputed master in the 90s. You could have asked anyone from the industry who's the best character designer and they all would have had the same answer. I actually remember importing a Japanese magazine with an article in which he showed his detailed photoshop settings when he switched from cel to digital, kek. Nowadays he's just seen as a 90s relic with a one trick pony. He'll always hold a special place in my heart though. Pic related is some of his recent works. Sorry about the ant size.

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>his art is so fucking good,
it isnt though

>Character design by Akihiko Yoshida
>Directed by Yasumi Matsuno
>Music composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto
The holy trio

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It always amazed me how Daisuke Ishiwatari:
Designed the characters
Wrote the story and setting
Composed the music
Laid the grounds for the gameplay
Voiced the main character

For Guilty Gear. That guy is some sort of savant.