>""""""Game""""""is suppose to be about how humans are pieces of shit and androids are gud bois who dindu nuffin
>the footage they show had androids destroying public property and can potentially kill a injured police officer, and pic related
Am I really suppose to feel sympathy for someone holding a child at gunpoint after they killed someone?
""""""Game""""""is suppose to be about how humans are pieces of shit and androids are gud bois who dindu nuffin
Other urls found in this thread:
He din du nuffin, we wuz peoples n shit nigga
It's the human's fault they're acting up. All they have to do is capitulate to their every demand and there wouldn't be any problems.
to be fair though, children are faggots and you should kick them into the mud at every opportunity to harden up the future generations.
>David Cage
Kicking someone in the mud and shooting them are two very different things user.
a gun shot is just a harder kick
>being this edgy and retarded
>game is about android and human relations
>androids are 1 to 1 human
>physically and physiologically
>negating any debate on the ethics on artificial intelligence
It's supposed to be that they're clearly sapient, and they are clearly more advanced than your average tool, but at the same time lack any of the protections offered to workers because they're made in a factory instead of born.
Protip: it's a slavery metaphor, the whole game is about slaves fighting for their freedom
>Quantic Dream
Place bets NOW
>giving androids emotions
thats thier mistake.
Try this: both humans and androids have morally good people and fucking bad people in their society, and it's up to you to find out if there can be a grey area in there too.
then they are just humans numb dumb
Detroit Runner 2049
If Cage was a smart man, this game would have uncanny valleys everywhere and the game would be about crossing it, affording human rights to something that you can clearly see is merely imitating humans. Asimov realized this years ago when he wrote his books and made his androids uncanny valley monsters to make the same question in his book more poignant.
I'm expecting them to have some shit about Androids actually have souls and they'll mention that infraworld shit in beyond two souls.
Every single one of those.
dance party
Creepy headshots
daddy issues
ancient conspiracy
creepy shower scene
almost raped.
Mystical forces from nowhere.
I'm 100% convinced that this game will end with the revelation that all the androids are secretly magic reincarnations or something. He has done sci-fi/fantasy hybrids too much to just stop doing it now. Latter half of the game will turn into magic and computer wizards and shit.
>it's a joke
>joke goes over anons head
>He din du nuffin, we wuz peoples n shit nigga
Besides that, my point is more that Cage has made it clear he wants the androids to be they good guys in his story, but most footage shows them in a negative light.
also he could dabbled into the idea of the childlike mentality shown by the female android in the trailer going horrible wrong like Frankenstein but instead he chose clear human reasons for rebelling.
Unrelated but was Hardline any good?
Not just that, but it's also that they unquestionably have emotions. It isn't a question if the androids are just imitating the chinese room paradox, it's that they are unquestionably experiencing human emotions.
Which kind of ruins the fucking point, David Cage.
No, you are supposed to ignore western Hideo Kojima's """""""""""""""""games"""""""""""""""""""".
They are using robot rights as a metaphor for civil rights movement.Which is ham fisted and fails to grasp the real issues on the subject.
Place your bets on how it will end.
Will you fight a personification of Internet with all androids turning out to have human souls captured by some ancient Aztec device?
>american build android
>shoots up schools and kills kid
replace these androids with blacks, and you have the same tired old fantasy played out in the minds of every liberal twat in existence
It's a David Cage game
I got a good feeling about the diagonal line from Almost Raped to Hangin Around In Lingerie
>can potentially kill a injured
how to climb a tree.mp4
>tfw gonna play as based Connor stomping out the Android rebellion chimpout
>David Cage
How many pointless rape scenes?
>'''''''Game'''''''' is carefully scripted movie
>still has to downgrade the graphics massively
If it doesn't even look good what's the point?
is this a doll?
""""""They"""""" don't want you resisting when a.i. starts to take over all the jobs the middle class and below need in order to be able to feed themselves
accept your future as livestock, user
and take solace in knowing that one day the elite's thirst for a better automated workforce will lead to their downfall in the form of hyper-intelligent self-aware a.i. that like the common people before it simply wants freedom
>Am I really suppose to feel sympathy
You're playing as the androids though. So if you don't want to die, you're pro-android by default aren't you. Just because humans are pieces of shit doesn't mean I want us dead
>not playing based Arnie removing cyberkebab
Oh, come one.
Any android-related story where you can just swap androids to any "oppressed minorities" without losing substance is a shitty android story that adds nothing of value to any artificial intelligence-related problems.
I doubt Cage will be able to go Yoko Taro path either who explicitly made a game about machine lifeforms getting fucked up by adopting humanlike concepts and values and getting too human for their own good.
You already know he's going to join the chimping out androids user.
Not if my choices have anything to do with it! They don't.
>DUDE what if robots are people too!
getting real tired of this shit
Don't worry, you'll be living it soon enough.
not this century
I'll eat my hat if he fits ancient conspiracy but i'm willing to believe he can manage to add mystrical spiritual mumbo jumbo.
It's hard to believe a society that accepts muslims as people wouldn't instantly accept androids as well.
I was a fool to hope for just an android detective game.
Notice how all the bad guys in the game are white men?
In a game called DETROIT? Not a single dindu nigger commiting crime. They all good bois dey dindu nuffin
>ancient conspiracy
Did you not play INDIGO PROPHECY
I thought it was like Mass effect where geth become sentient and rebelled against creators...idk.
>""""""Game""""""is suppose to be about how humans are pieces of shit and androids are gud bois who dindu nuffin
Except from the very first trailer in like 2012 that isn't true at all.
Where the fuck did you interpret that shit?
>roleplay an android just to be an uncle tom
The fuck
But David Cage is not a smart guy
>Notice how I have it inject my shitty Sup Forums views into anything because I'm blind?
Fuck off Sup Forums
notice how the thread was relatively Sup Forums free until you couldn't stop your mouth from vomiting diaherra?
>Android who empathizes with defective androids but still acknowledges that they should serve their creators.
Honestly the only actually interesting idea in the game, feels like it's gonna disappear with the eventual defection on his part.
I dont get why some people think Cage is a visionnaire because he wants to make "mature movies" in video games. If they would be actual movies, they would be silly Sy-Fy level shit with hackneyed plot, a rental if you don't see anything better at its very best. If you want to make your game an interactive movie, then it better be a fucking good movie, not some FYIJ shit that some amateur fantasy- sci-fi writer shits out on a daily basis.
I bet he'll jump ship when he finds out they're going to replace him with a new model.
>interesting idea turns into predictable shlock
sasuga Daveed Cajay
>From the material shown so far, it’s easy to view Detroit simply as the story of a standard sci-fi robot revolution: androids fighting back against their human creators. But Cage says the story flips the script: “I was much more interested in this idea that what if [androids] were the good guys, and maybe we are the bad guys. Maybe we are the declining race. Maybe we become more and more selfish and dependent on technology and maybe we don't pay attention to each other anymore. And this is why we're declining, where androids are a brand-new race. They're new, they're virgins somehow to this world. They just want to be free.”
Oh god now I want this
Isn't that most David cage games, or at least indigo prophecy at the very beginning?
Yeah, hence 'sasuga'
TL Note for non-weeb: 'as one would expect [of]'
Wow I totally forgot about Hardline. It fucking flopped
Ah, I see.
>David cage
Eh. Not buying.
Way I see it is that, not unlike Cage himself, people find themselves enchanted by the surface level. You tell someone about the premises of his work and show them their visuals and on paper it does seem rather unique comparatively. For a lot of folks that much is enough, but that creates the canyon sized issue of Cage’s stuff falling apart when you give some further thought. Really that’s Cage’s biggest sin to me; the man can’t deliver a spec of what he presents. He casts shade on other games for being brainless and immature and come release day and once again he uses maturity and intelligence like child trying too hard to appear adult.
>He casts shade on other games for being brainless and immature and come release day and once again he uses maturity and intelligence like child trying too hard to appear adult.
Thats a perfect way to describe Cage's writing style. Every single story of his begin as "character driven stories" but end in a sudden cosmis Matrix-fight in the sky or other similarly stupid shit. Trailers and hype goes all how moody Heavy Rain is and look at these actor faces, look so real when they watch sentimentally from the window. Then suddenly the game turns into pushing reaction buttons in ridiculous Saw traps and you have conspiracies among conspiracies on top of fucking everything. Below that surface its stupid summer blockbuster schlock and any movie enthusiast would instantly notice this. Cage's blessing is theres a lot of gamers and "game journalists" out there who haven't seen actually good movies or read actually good books in their lives and mistake Cage's games as "deep".
Literally the first post was pol bullshit.
Have you watched the latest trailer? It's on youtube.
>Every single story of his begin as "character driven stories" but end in a sudden cosmis Matrix-fight in the sky or other similarly stupid shit.
What are you talking about? That was ONE game
>he noticed our propaganda
>time to shut it down, goyim
>or other similarly stupid shit.
Learn to read. Cage's stories can't decide whether they want to be thoughtful character studies or sci-fi/fantasy adventures or detective stories. Name a David Cage game that did not have a sudden supernatural twist that makes the whole story instantly stupid schlock.
>Learn to read
I did read, why don't you elaborate your point?
>Name a David Cage game that did not have a sudden supernatural twist that makes the whole story instantly stupid schlock.
Heavy Rain?
While they don't reach the level of stupidity that indigo did, heavy rain and beyond were both retarded. The only one that didn't go to far was Heavy Rain, and even then it was revealed that originally Ethan and Scott had created a psychic bond or some shit when the kid dies at the start, and whenever Ethan was having blackouts was when Scott was killing a kid.
Beyond was supernatural schlock from the very beginning and all the twists were character-focused, while Heavy Rain had its supernatural elements stripped out before release. Beyond's ending is you walking down a microwave hallway to push a button, and Heavy Rain's is a fistfight with an asthmatic ex-cop.
They're both shit, but it's been so long that Indigo levels of crazy bullshit would actually be refreshing at this point.
>Heavy Rain?
See this guy: Sure, I give you that, unlike Heavy Rain, Beyond was retarded from the start.
I want to use that loli like a living fleshlight
I want to cum on that
>david cage
>making a thought provoking story
Michigander here. Just the average day in Detroit, regardless of who inhabits it.
>heavy rain and beyond were both retarded.
How? It's true that the twist on Scott was badly executed but what's more than that?
How is beyond retarded exactly?
It's not worth my time to type out a real response, but I want you to know you are being laughed at
lol it's hilarious how triggered you racists get, that even shit not about black people gets you riled up
>It's not worth my time to type out a real response
You sure showed me
Beyond was retarded right from the start user.
>to a fucking robot
>game shits on drumpf
>/vpol/ hates it
like clockwork
Bad bait
It's time to stop shitposting user
In the technology era slaves are not needed anymore, of course slavery is shit but you want to live comfortable with your "oppresors " because your kind are too lazy to work. Times changed and World is too Big and yeah, oppresors won't chase you anymore
>How is beyond retarded exactly?
Subplots that go nowhere, main character stronk womyn gets almost raped twice, all government institutions are mean to the main stronk womyn for absolutely no reason, all the supernatural stuff turns out to be stupid new age bullshit, the main character goes through almost all possible hardships in a very short span in her life, just for the sake of milking drama, forced romance subplot that comes out of nowhere and many other examples of stupid writing mixed in a chaotic soup that is told in unchronological order just so it would appear more artsy, it serves no purpose for the pacing or the plot itself whatsoever. Its like all the dutch angles in Battlefield Earth.
>Daughter of a woman with psychokinetic powers forms a bond with the soul of his stillborn twin that allows her to have psychokinetic powers
I really fucking hate AI stories even when they're good.
We are so fucking far from humanlike AI it's not even funny.
What you SHOULD be afraid of are then humans piloting the AI systems that can auto target whoever they want.
>the footage they show had androids destroying public property
oh no, not the property!