Who is the Hayao Miyazaki of videogame industry?

Who is the Hayao Miyazaki of videogame industry?

Attached: based miyazaki.webm (853x480, 2.85M)

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rofl, sauce?

>I strongly feel that this is an insult to life itself
The Master with the hot bantz

Who was in the wrong?

Hidetaka Miyazaki.
Also why did they choose a flopping body? Why not a worm or a fish out of water?

They chose the wrong Miyazaki to show their creepy zombie.

Miyazaki is such a buzz kill.

Someone needs to tell the fogey to fuck off.

tfw ai is going to take literally every job within our lifetime
how will capitalism fix this i have anxiety over this
there will be nothing left to do once ai learns efficient programming

Guy made some pretty neat anime. But, his ego is so massive he needs his ass kicked to bring it down to acceptable levels.

Am I to understand what's happening here is that they developed some AI that is able to teach itself how to move and Miyazaki has completely missed the point and instead whined about how it triggers him because he has a crippled friend? What a dick.

kojima, he secretly hates bidogam and wants to make da mobee

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He's actually saying that they should go ahead and use it to do creepy stuff. "It's an insult to life itself" can even be seen as a compliment considering the kadokawa scrubs who showed him this (actually the company president who then cried like a bitch) want to use it for zombie games. What more do you want?

Yes, but it's odd they chose to show it to him of all people in the first place.

>how will capitalism fix this
it won't lol

This guy who made this post has actual autism

how will the world function

damn, those guys in the last 2 seconds look petrified.

Fuck off. Stop sucking this chinks dick and accept he's just an ass hole who's basically triggered.

Actually I think you should drop the meme of calling autism on people with no actual disabilities. Clean up your act.

Reminder he hates everything and closed down Ghibli in 2015 on a whim because of his disgust with the world.

He's a hack

they were retarded to think that a hand animator and a pretty old and old fashioned guy at that would want anything to do with their weird ai tech in the first place

>Actual autistic poster

>someone offers an opinion
>sperg out like a retard
Fucking edgy redditards these days.

I wasn't convinced by that other user but am now

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Source? Why are they pitching this to miyazaki? Is he making a zombie flick?

>thinking capitalism is the only model for civilization


why is the KFC guy talking about games?

should have shown it to Ito

Strong opinion from Miyazaki and pretty understanbale after explaining his backstory.

Young animation team wanted to show him newer techniques. No idea why they thought to show an awful looking flailing zombie.


all you have to do is google miyazaki and zombie and this is the first thing which comes up holy fuck

i hope you enjoy being spoonfed you retards

Attached: 11514-animated_gifchat8etf.gif (290x189, 2.9M)

warren spector

try this user
bfy (dot) tw/H50z

They were pitching it as a new animation method, "machines could do our work" and that sort of stuff. They picked a zombie because they basically had no idea how else to justify the fact that their AI worked like shit
>i-it's retarded on purpose, it looks so retarded it could be scary even!

it's the only one that's worked so far

you're doing it wrong buddy

Well yeah zombies that don't feel pain are an insult to life itself, hello that's the point?

Because they wanted to show him the technology and what it's capable of and they thought he would be not autistic enough that he'd be able to extrapolate the fact that it taught itself how to walk.

Please explain it then.

>t. 18 year old ironic anime fan