Anyone else feel a bit shit about the Switch last week who now feels incredible positive again?

Anyone else feel a bit shit about the Switch last week who now feels incredible positive again?

Attached: switch18.png (1120x3108, 2.11M)

Other urls found in this thread: kong country tropical freeze switch release date

no because im a falseflagging faggot

The lineup for this year has started really taking shape. I would've expected Yoshi to already have a release date though.

Attached: switch18.png (1120x3108, 2.26M)

Not really.

We've just got a bunch of ports and some title screens for games they claim will be released this year without showing any content.

Devs aren't magical creatures that can shit out games even CoD titles take 2-3 years so I'm pretty sceptical.

Are you really thinking even half of those exclusive games are going to be out this year?

How cute

No I don't, that's why the section is labelled nice and clearly in red and big white letters '2018 and beyond'

Attached: IMG_0734.jpg (1354x776, 387K)

What's sushie striker ported from?

it was a 3DS game.

Who cares, Smash is coming this year.

Last week it was sitting on my desk and I was feeling real shit aboujt that purchase (was thinking about trying to resell) but this direct at least got me to stick around just a bit longer.
I also never had a wiiu so I don't actually mind the ports that much.

Attached: hoho_meme.jpg (631x591, 36K)

How stupid are you? They don't start development when they announce the game. They probably have it almost finished. Nintendo is being really cautious with release dates with the switch, that's why they announce the games with really short times.

How likely is a color splash port?

Unfortunately I don't like every Nintendo franchise and most of those ports disinterest me, so this year is still looking pretty barren for me.

I might check out Okami HD just to shake the dust off the thing.

And I'm still hoping that Ninty will revive FZero is some random direct later this year

Attached: nintendork.jpg (500x669, 47K)

Rabi Ribi is also coming to the Switch.

Too bad the Switch's dpad isn't that great

IMO The Switch D-Pad is amazing for platformers. Infinitely more precise than a D-Pad for fast paced inputs.

Garbage. Just comes across as Nintendo console warrior delusion.

No gameplay, no release in 2018.

Octopath and Smash are enough to keep me satisfied for the year. Might check out some ports

>Hollow knight

shits been on the "this year" release list for 2 years now

>Devs say a game exists
>user puts it in a list of games coming out at some point in the future
>You claim it isn't coming out in 2018
>You don't realize that you can't read.

Are you just pretending to be stupid?

Pretty good, I wasn't feeling Mario Tennis Aces much before the Direct but the new mechanics seem fun and the demo event is a plus.

Attached: 5.png (1120x3104, 2.06M)

Yeah they delayed it into early 2018 because they realised that they could fix a whole bunch of issues with the game on all platforms at the same time as porting it to Switch. I would imagine it's coming this year.

Still missing stuff like SNK Heroines, Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Shining Resonance.

>SMT V in Yellow
>Prime 4 in red

Prime 4 was supposed to be green but I guess I didn't click elsewhere before changing the color in paint, whoops. I've never played a SMT game so I'll need some convincing, the 3DS ones seem like ass.

Am I the only who used the dock regularly and has 0 scratches on the switch?

I don't understand why people don't just slap a cover on the screen and just stop worrying. I don't have scratches on mine either anyway.

Remind me when dong freeze is?

Name 1 (one) game from Nintendo in the switch not released at the date it was announced. kong country tropical freeze switch release date

Why hasn't there been any news regarding the new FE? They literally said the game would come out this year.

Smash should be moved down to ports/remasters

great meme, bravo

Nintendo is gearing up for a big E3

There is around 30+ games I want on switch (including indies/ports/multiplats I haven't played on other platforms)

My wallet!