Iron Harvest

Iron Harvest is an old-school real-time strategy game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, set
in the alternate reality of 1920+.

Attached: iron harvest.png (1200x630, 717K)

Other urls found in this thread:
PDF containing info about the game

Holy shit you want a lot of money.

wrong copy pasta, that is the link for their kickstarter that just started

OK cool but can you not shill so blatantly please thanks bye

scroll down and look at their budget, if it reaches its goals it's going to be the new RTS, also they need that much because they are doing it solo atm and everything is currently coming out of their pockets

>hero units
Dropped before it ever got picked up

tried not to but Sup Forums kept eating my ass saying it was spam, I tried to make it look nice and appealing but Sup Forums only accepted a jewish greedy post, on Sup Forums's behalf I am sorry

I've been talking to the devs and it's not like DoW3, even on their facebook post they've had a dig at how DoW3 hero units ruined it, in this it's more a hero unit is a special unit, say like in WC3 of SC2

>1920 RTS with mechs
Well I never donate to these things but I hope you guys do alright.
Sounds like a buy, or a least a torrent and then a buy if it keeps my interest.
Shitty b roll gameplay that devs gave to publishers, all factions are in one just for the sake of the video

Closely following, but my trust in the game industry is almost zero so I won't be donating

However I really do hope this game does well as it looks like fun and I hope you're not trying to jew us

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>its another alternate history steam/dieselpunk where the bad guys won wwi

good guys*

There's a discord with all the devs and a lot of close followers, they've already successfully done multiple kickstarters. However the devs said the only way the game will be fucked and a way they don't want it is if a publisher steps in to help them.


game industry trust is also 0 dw my dude I feel, after Dawn of War 3 I'm hesitant to back or buy so many games now a days, feels bad

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no, more like i tried to link a pdf but Sup Forums said it was spam, so I just linked the kickstarter and forgot to change what I said

So is MP an afterthought?

>1 month to reach another 360k
>wont be funded if the goal isnt reached
>"devs" will pocket the money anyways
and people wonder why kickstarter doesn't work

>World war 1
>Anyone being bad
You retarded?

>US$ 65,535 pledged of $450,000 goal
I thought it's going to be released soon.

>So is MP an afterthought?
sounds good, fuck RTS MP
>anyone being good

>All or nothing. This prokect will only be funded if it reaches it's goal
I'm amazed you can type since you can't read.

>console RTS
Yeah, fuck off.

>Anyone bring good
Nobody was good or bad, except for that faggot that assassinated ferdinand.

>fuck RTS multiplayer


Call me in three years

That is not how Kickstarter works

This is the one based off of Scythe right?

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alternate history ww1/2 era dieselpunk is literally my favorite setting for any kind of media, the game looks good so far, I'm worried about them watering it down though just so it will function with a console controller, that shit never goes well

1mill is their goal so they can do it solo, the way fans and devs want to make it, if they get close however, they might have to use their money which sets things back or have publisher step in and potentially ruin the game

I reallly-really-really-fuckingrealy hope they won't reach it. Fuck multiplayer, fuck e-sports pandering, fuck normies pandering. Make proper campaign, make god damn proper AI, make FUN gameplay instead of tryhard-balanced gameplay. If you can't make good AI you shouldn't be allowed to develop RTS games period.

Same universe yes sir

>45 bucks for the base game
Aha, good luck senpai.

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They said they're putting more effort into campaign than mp unless the mp goal is reached, then they'll work on both as hard as possible

Cool. Might back it. I personally own Scythe and I always loved the theme for the game. I am an avid board/war gamer

I hope so. There's nothing wrong with multiplayer as is, but it sucks when they build the whole game around it.

Basically this. Make a good and fun game first. If MP has to be a thing, have that be a secondary that builds off a solid singleplayer foundation.

>ld-school real-time strategy game
>PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

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The French.

the gameplay trailer looks great but I have been burned to often on those to still believe in them.
only thing that counts is gameplay footage after the release

>NG+ in RTS
>Skirmish isn't the earliest goal before cutscenes and challenge maps

>jumped +$7k in 15 minutes
good job OP

>leagues and seasons

It all sounds great until:
>console release
>that UI

No thank you, I love that setting but I'm not touching any RTS/RTT that is made with consoles in mind.

>company of heroes engine
>optimized for console
>$45 even with pre-order discount

yeah nah lmao

What's wrong with "shilling" games like this? It's just letting more people know if they want to support the development of this game or not.
It's not like it's shilling for a AAA piece of shit game.

>anyone being good
Fucking rolling on the floor laughing, my man.


So, to summarize:
>The game has been in development for a good while, but networking component is used as a stretch goal.
If you know anything about software design, this is retarded as all hell. Making an RTS game networkable is not a flip of a magical switch. It's already a massive pain with turn based shit, let alone an RTS. Stuff like the unlimited destruction is something that is so hard to do over network properly even the biggest projects ever made in vidya steered clear of it.
People will strive to hit the goal and they probably will. This is going to cost them massively.

>The cost of the game is projected to be $5,200,000, they only have $1,200,000 on hand and are going through with this at a mere $450,000 in funding.

As said in the Kickstarter campaign, this whole thing is built on the blind hope that some publisher will pick them up.
A publisher investing $3,000,000 (in a very generous estimate of the costs, no less) into a German-made cross-platform RTS. I'd sooner see pigs fly.

Oh, and they project this to be done, lengthy campaign, skirmish, co-op, multiplayer maps, most units,... in a year and a half.

Realistically speaking, this game stands no chance in hell of actually delivering. It's basically another Planetary Annihilation. Fueled by the misguided hopes of many except this time it's not SupCom but CoH they choose as the target fanbase.

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Company of Heroes runs on toasters. If the game is really optimised, it should have no troubles running on consoles. It's the current PC RTS devs that don't care about CPU optimisation.

I would never have gotten into RTS had it not been for the console release of Red Alert 3 my dude

It shouldn't be a restrictive genre imo

you're missing my point, i'm mocking the company of heroes engine because it began the trend of developers disguising statistics and obfuscating game knowledge, something that is evident in all of their pre-release screenshots


^ I got into RTS because of the N64 version of Starcraft. You shouldn't restrict a genre to a single platform.

damn i'm about to post it. but well then...
gonna play this 'till Came out

>console release
>focus on cinematic campaign
>make the game first then network it all (pure torture)
>CoH mechanics with units shooting at eachother in open fields while their healthbar trickles down instead of massively superior MoW mechanics
>likely vehicle healthbars due to the above instead of proper penetration and component damage
>$45 for the game (as they said, discounted due to KS, so likely $60 pricetag)

As saddened as I am that a great setting like this goes to waste, no thank you.

Yeah and RA3 was shit compared to previous C&Cs. Just because it got you into RTS doesn't mean it was good, it was the first step towards trash like C&C4 and the death of C&C.

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>is actually rtt
jolly gee who cares

looks like a reskinned Company of heroes

>that UI that supports like 8 units vehicles included
>those targeted abilities on units with cones and areas of effect

But user, you can
>Build your base and add fortification to protect your unit production and research.
It's clearly RTS.

>give us 1 million or you will never play this game with your friends

The gameplay reminds me on Warfare 1917. Click on unit icons till you win.

Does it even have base building?

Yeah, no. This shit is fucking cancer way more often than not and enough to not pledge for any game ever again.

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>1m Dollarydoos for Multiplayer
This is everything wrong with Kickstarter. Who the fuck plays an RTS for the story or to just play against bots? Also
>31 days to go

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>old school
>available on consoles on launch
Its old school shit is what it is

>console """""RTS"""""

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>Who the fuck plays an RTS for the story
people who aren't literal autists
>playing RTS for multiplayer

This just looks like a Company of Heroes skin

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Do we live in the world where CoH is considered old-school?

>special abilities with cooldown

I feel the same even though I played Warcraft 2 PS1 before moving on to PC.

RTS is inherently made for multiplayer, otherwise whats the point? The only RTS that had a decent story was WC3/TFT and you could power through that in a few hours.

>1 million dollars or play it alone
This is one of the reason why I hate kikestarter shit FUCK THAT I just bought the collector's edition

They'll definitely hit the funding goal.
The real fuck up is that even at $2 million in KS money (which is a reasonable roof of the possible amount of funds they're going to get this way), they're still over $2 million short to fund the game on that shoestring of a timeline they project for. I.e. Even if the KS succeeds in spades, they'll still lack the funds to make it to the projected end which even the most junior of developers could see is painfully optimistic and they ought to expect at least a year more. So that's more like $4-5 million they simply can't acquire.

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They copied the wrong game, rather than Company of Bore they shoud have made a Men of War copy with a stable engine or a medium scale Silent Storm
Looks boring desu

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>allying yourself with roach to kill white people
>not being bad

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>RTS is inherently made for multiplayer,
you are a fucking retard
>The only RTS that had a decent story was WC3/TFT
so you didn't play any of the old RTS you cocksucking retard

>company of heroes came out 12 years ago

>kikestarter nu-company of heroes for consoles
I'm fine thanks

Go back to playing Baldies then, Ross.

you are a literal retard

>old-school real-time strategy
>playstation 4 and xbox one
>1 million

eat shit and die

>The only RTS that had a decent story was WC3/TFT
Okay you can stop posting now.

>you are a fucking retard
spot the brainlet

you are a literal retard

You can always bet on Austrians/Germans being evil. Always.

>allying yourself with roach rape babies to kill white people

SC1 was not made with consoles in mind (it was just ported with a different control scheme to the best of their abilities), the mechanics were not altered for consoles. RA3 was borderline (easily seen by how badly it compares to previous C&C games, but not designed from the ground up with consoles in mind). Games like C&C4 and Halo Wars, on the other hand, are blatantly MECHANICALLY designed to work better on a console, and if you look at most recent multiplat RTS, you can see that the trend is towards the C&C4/HW style rather than what SC1 did (because they're designing it from the get go as a multiplatform title).

Also what said, MoW is way more fun than CoH once you get over the much much steeper learning curve.

>muh singleplayer experience
If I want a decent story/experience, I'd read a book. I want to play games and call people faggots on the internet.

That's nice hun

Why does it look like all of the game concept art is stolen from popular board game Scythe? Is one on the people on the art team the illustrator because I found about 3 examples of totally lifted artwork if this isn't the case.

>MoW is way more fun than CoH once you get over the much much steeper learning curve.
And original Soldiers: Heroes of World War II is even more fun.

jesus fuck user
Every C-tier book is better than the best RTS story by the nature of the medium

shit looks boring as fuck so far

concept art looks far more interesting than this shit

Yeah, if only there was some multiplayer games nowadays where you could do that. What a shame, really.

you are a literal retard

Last time I checked Germany declared war on everyone and started the whole thing

Point still stand, had the central power won the Ottoman Empire would have ended up as the world super power because of oil and trade routes.

>RTS game
Shit genre, why even bring the game up at all?

I'm not the one looking for an engaging story in a fucking RTS, possibly the worst genre for this
That's just an utter waste of resources