P6 should have an option to play as a girl. It is baffling that in 2018 and despite the fact there are plenty of female fans, Atlus stubbornly insists on Megaten protagonists being male only. It's ludicrous.
P6 should have an option to play as a girl...
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That’s nice OP
there is no real point in having a female megaten protagonist, persona and mainline are basically otaku fantasies. one is for waifufags and the other for edgelords.
Female fans are perfectly fine with Persona as it is. Only waifufags demand fem protag.
This franchise attracts a lot of women though, the fanbase doesn’t need to be split 50/50 in sex to warrant a female protagonist, there just needs to be enough interest to make it a feature worth developing.
Also there are a lot of waifufags who want to self insert as a girl
Women who are into these games prefer to fantasize about gay relations between MC and friends though
2ep and 3p has female protagonists, what are you on about
Never happening
Persona in its current form started at 3 and the female protag there was limited to p3p though
This though, while I think it would be nice I don’t know if it is worth investing a lot of resources into.
And the majority of those women are in it for the yaoi pairings. Male protagonists are a win-win solution. Dudes get to self insert while fujos get to schlick it to their twink pretty boys
>Persona in it's current form
But it isn't on it's "current form" anymore. P5 deviated a lot from the 3-4 formula. It's almost a stealth rpg now, the dungeons aren't randomly generated anymore, and the demon negotiations are back instead of gifting you cards for being a nice guy.
If you're salty about social links, you can *sort of* date someone in P2 anyway.
Your whole argument is baseless. The series has evolved a shitload and Persona as is has had 2 female protagonists. You can't deny that.
Also if you're a dense motherfucker, in SMT If you can play as a girl too.
There should be an option to do a gay romance then
A female protagonist would only effect the social aspect of the game so the changes in dungeon crawling and combat are irrelevant. The social aspect as we know it now had its start in P3, you can’t deny this and it was obe of the most fundamental changes in the series.
I want to fondle Hamuko's Hamukos.
Nope, that’ll just alienate the otakus that don’t like the thought of their self insert possibly being a faggot, which is half the fanbase. Fujos are just fine with the slight teasing they get already, they’re not asking for any more explicit
That has literally never been a problem with self insert protags, people generally understand that it is player choice that defines their self inserts, not the options available for you on their own.
You just want to fuck dudes. Just admit it.
>sporty best friend girl
>tanned hothead guy
>cute animal mascot who’s also a hothead
>otaku guy who’s actually not bad-looking
>foreign exchange girl
>mysterious guy with ties to crazy bullshit world going on
>aged yakuza dude who becomes team dad
There, I just gave you your P6 investigation theives. Make one of those girls a gay option and the game goes on to sell millions.
>cute animal mascot
This isn't normal. It's just some bullshit that started with 4.
>alienate the otakus that don’t like the thought of their self insert possibly being a faggot
I don't even care for gay romance (male on male at least), but that never happened.
>>otaku guy who’s actually not bad-looking
>Air Bud
You can‘t expect the same polish and care for twice the social links in the same time with the same budget to please a minority of fans.
Forget about that part then. Point is they don’t need to have gay romances. Fujos are fine with what they have already
P5 Crimson should have a feMC option.
but there was fukka in 3, something that ugly couldnt be human
FeMC's social links were better in P3P.
Are you talking about Koromaru? He’s never been the mascot for any game
He didn't talk, had purpose for being in the game and was hardly "the face" of Persona 3, let alone more than a supporting character.
That’s a good point. Why don’t these games present canonical homosexual pairings? They’d make way more money if they were inclusive to the LGBT community! Look at how well this worked for the Mass Effect series.
That’s not saying much since most of P3’s social links weren’t good to begin with
I’m pretty sure fujos would be more than happy to actually get recognition. It hurts no one, could attract more fans and wouldn’t cost that many resources more. And nobody gets upset, it’s as you say a win-win. I’m just getting the feeling that you personally don’t want it and that this is you rationalizing.
Fujos are into canon gay couples now.
Just look at YoI.
I just wish all the would-be datable guys in p5 weren't trash. If there were a gay option, I wouldn't take it and there was a femc I'd hold out for a female pairing (unless it was Sojiro maybe, but my head canon is him and Haru).
>wouldn’t cost that many resources more
It would though since now they have to make almost all the social links have a romance route and include even more scenarios to date scenes. Also keep in mind that romances in Persona weren’t even good to begin, so all you’re just asking for is more terrible, low effort writing.
And yeah you’re right I honestly would prefer it if Atlus didn’t add more faggotry to Persona than there already is
Think it's kind of a stigma in Japan to have a sexually liberated self-insert female MC than your usual AlphaChad ThunderCock.
Would love to play as a gyaru though.
>Also keep in mind that romances in Persona weren’t even good to begin,
>so all you’re just asking for is more terrible, low effort writing.
so more...persona?
Wait OP. Are you saying it is CURRENT YEAR and something you want to happen has not happened? Clearly the rest of the world is a bunch of intolerant simpletons! Something must be done!
Yeah no.
Otome games are slut simulators.
No it is THIS YEAR and we want answers and change THIS YEAR
I don’t give a fuck about feminism or any of that other bullshit. I just want to experience cute girls doing cute things in JRPGs without having to pretend I’m some Japanese schoolboy or spiky-haired edgy faggot.
This. I want to have all the boys lust over me, and then cuck them by dating a girl.
eh persona 2 already has canon fags
What kind of otaku wouldn't want to play as a cute gay girl?
On your way to remove more games from steam, muhammad?
Allegedly 'Blue Reflection' can give you that.
How about Atelier games?
>Amerimutt SJW OP's so blind to the natural order of the world that they don't see the fact that fem-fans LOVE playing as a handsome, smooth criminal, that has his way with ALL the girls.
>This is exactly the same reason why there's so many female Witcher fans.
At least people like (You) will never reproduce.
See Lots and lots of fujos and they go wild and spend buckets when pandered to(see Yuri on Ice). Pic is one.
Atelier Arland (Rorona, Totori, Meruru) sounds like your thing. You might have an edgelord as an optional party member.
I do play and enjoy those game (although, Blue Reflection less so because it’s more like a tech demo) but with the popularity of all-girl anime right now, I’m surprised that more companies aren’t trying their hand at it.
When you know who's the right audience to pander (actually making a market study comparing sales on who buys the games, who spends most of the time creating fan art or talks about the game on the internet) instead of being based on muh feelings.
Shut up kaffir
Then you should play games about cute girls doing cute things instead of Persona, you dumb faggot.
Reanime for what, you moron? Persona protagonists are skinny femboys who have no voice acting apart from a few anime grunts. They could use the same character model skeleton to implement a female protagonist at virtually no cost.
Can you fuck the mascot?
I agree, yuri route would be highly appreciated.
>people are allowed to ask for self-inserts in game likes Neptunia and Atelier
>but asking for a cute girl protagonist in Persona is going too far
>>aged yakuza dude who becomes team dad
>SJW trying to change established franchises to fit their needs
>But it isn't on it's "current form" anymore. P5 deviated a lot from the 3-4 formula.
I love P5 to death but it is basically P4Golden with a red coat of paint. It doesn't deviate from it by any means, it builds upon it by adding new systems and QoL improvements. And it has nothing to do with P2 which is basically from another series at this point.
The canon protagonist of if... was female which was basically proto-Persona. We also have had Maya and FeMC so I really am not opposed to it.
Female fans are fans of Chad Potter.
>Neptunia or Atelier even being remotely popular amongst SJWs
>if you want CGDCT at all, you're a SJW
>with the popularity of all-girl anime right now
Those are popular among a vocal minority of the already niche anime fandom. Big videogame companies aim for the mainstream audience, not the moe-loving otaku
Persona has already had female protagonists you massive melt, there is precedent. People just liked that.
>a self admitted pervy dude
Man, people aren't kidding when they say "ess jay double yoouu booogeymaaan". It's like you're too gay and too angry.
If femMC, you should be able to cuck every male character and then in valentine they gang rape you.
Male velvet room attendant and male lovers arcana.
>it's sjw to have an optional female main character
>putting out gives you a point on a male SL
>but if you do it too often with too many characters, words goes out and you become the group's cumdumpster
Okay, look, I also would like this as well, but you have to take into account what that would require from the devs.
You have a heavy story centered game that relies on what gender your character is.
So they either have to rework portions of the story and SLs to fit the gender you chose.
Or they only change the gender specific words and leave everything else the same.
Which do you think is more likely for a dev to do?
[Current year]
>relies on what gender your character is.
Not really.
Tadashi already did it anyway
Okay, switch Joker to FemJoker. Suddenly half the cast is lesbians? I mean, I'm down for it, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
>vocal minority of the already niche anime fandom
>Yuru Camp is the best selling anime this season
>Girls und Panzer movie BD is in the top ten
>Kemono Friends is the biggest, new franchise around
>Love Live! still sells more than anything combined
If Japanese game companies are going to continue making increasingly anime-esque games (which clearly don't appeal to mass audiences), it makes no sense to copy harems when all-girl shows sell that much more.
Which persona game was about cute girls doing cute things again?
Obviously some of the S links would have to be partially changed, and some of the cakes would have to be replaced by dudes. But that's hardly something huge.
>Suddenly half the cast is lesbians?
Somehow, I'd manage.
yeah but then you dating an older man would spawn at least 6 polygon articles
So like I said above. It's more work to give us the option to choose genders than it is to just build the story around one gender.
What's her name again?
>FemJoker dating teacher or Futaba
My fucking everything. FemJoker would have to be more dominant that regular Joker though.
what about grill otakus?
The story is built around both genders. Optional side content is a different story.
Sad logic. A female protagonist would require male love interests which means significantly more dev time. Not a big enough female fan base to justify that.
More Yuri I totally support you OP.
Well in P3P feMC is much more assertive than Minato.
Yeah well, I as a man would love to play as a beautiful girl who has her way with ALL the boys.
Which is why I love her.
Moving the goalposts, this thread is about a female protagonist
Besides P3P has what you want in some scenes
I dont agree with your sjw pandering..
But i want akira kurusu female version like this...
And i will romance sojiro