Guess I'm going to see it now

Guess I'm going to see it now

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I've literally never heard of this thing before. Apparently it's a really popular book? This just reminds me of hunger games, which I went to see and surprise surprise it's just another fucking battle royale thing.

Is this a knockoff of something else too or is it actually original? The premise sounds vaguely like some sort of .hack ripoff.

why are americans so easy to impress?

>I clapped, I clapped because I remembered it the movie
No thanks.

low testosterone

Swing and a miss there Mohammad
Don't you have goats that need fucking?

Why are Europeans so obsessed with america?

now I'm convinced he's literally on the spectrum

Wow Hernandez nice comeback, seriously though finish mowing my lawn.

Simple minds, simple pleasures


What does a Twitter post about a movie have to do with videogames again?

Because America talks about nothing but America.

post yfw reading carmack's tweets

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I'm going to see it soley because it's directed by Spielberg. I don't care if he makes a movie that gets a 0% on rotten tomato and universally panned by every single person on earth, if it's by Spielberg, I'm seeing it.

/ourguy/ has spoken. Now I must see the movie.

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Is there anywhere else in the world that matters?

That makes sense why europe is so into being cucked then. After all, America is simple mined, but that fetish is the thinking man's fetish

As much as I like Carmack's technical capabilities and his rocket hobby, I don't think I should listen to him when it comes to his opinions of media.

lmao, keep swinging, you might actually hit something other than your underage wife one day

>Swing and a miss there Mohammad

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>Thinks about overrated shows from across Europe
You guys need to do far better before you can talk. At least we have Hollywood.

>Main character is a straight white male

Wow, nice representation there Hollywood. What happened to being inclusive and diverse? Stop trying to appeal to gamergaters. Do better.

It's a cultural landmark - Black Panther for geek culture.

This desu
It's 2018 for crying out loud

>the wife

Who? Whose wife?

>Covenant of sexual predators circlejerking about their own "artsy" films
Only remotely good Oscar nominee was Three Billboards (written by a European, surprise surprise) and even then, the main actress who won an Oscar didn't deserve it at all.

My wife. He stole my wife

Sup Forums - Movies

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>The wife left wistfully thinking about her Quake clan days

He married a groupie?

Someone post Iron Giant's "this is a gun" moment

/lit/ here.
The book is an insult even to young adult novels.
It's basically "Hey you get that reference right ? Buy the book lol !".

And people lap that shit up, and a movie is made, and nothing ever changes.

You know what to do if you ever want to earn a living writing books. No efforts, just fast satisfaction written without a thought.

>Being so bumroasted you can't afford VR you can't see movies with it as a premise without getting upset.

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punished vegan

Bigger hack than Kojima.

This. Don't those people have anything better to do in their time then be invested in somewhere they don't even live.

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Hollywood must be destroyed.

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Don't listen to him. It's literally "Member Berries: the Movie". And it's not even written well either.

That's problematic

In 50-100 years, Carmack will be remembered while Anita will be long forgotten.

People already stopped giving a shit about her in the last couple years.

>make an offhand comment

Post pages from the book. It's the biggest wish fulfillment fantasy I've ever seen.

>watching Reddit: The Book: The Movie
what a disappointment

>Anita so low
Bunch of gamergaturs rigged the votes like they did in the election

There's so many things wrong with this post that I don't even know where to begin.

Anita is already forgotten. Carmack is too for that matter

I hope redlettermedia does a video on this movie it's right up their alley

To be fair it doesn't seem that Mike or Jay are that knowledgeable on videogames. I don't think even RIch is, even though he's "an expert"

But didn't you see the nerd crew? the intro had megaman in it! I clapped!

>Trusting in the taste of a robot
What about no

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Ever since the movie was announced it was a given. Even if they don't know shit about video games, it's such a desperate whorish cash-grab of "LOOK AT THE VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS AND CLAP!!!" that there's no way they won't at least cover it in some capacity.
This is true though. I almost worry Rich might like it, he always seems to have the absolute worst taste in anything video game related.

I'm not sure about cancer moby though, I don't watch PrevRec.

It's literally one endless list of references to Gen X pop culture. It's like the ultimate manchild book.

Some of the references are updated for the film.

If you want to spend 2 hours pointing at the screen yelling

>I know that thing!

It will be a great time for you.

this. should be battling michelle obama for number 1 spot. gloopergloobers rigged yet another election.

I'll just assume you're underage b&.

Not that this tweet is a GOOD thing to discuss. But it is sadly viyda related.

He usually parrots Rich.
Also, don't watch Previously Recorded if you want to have any level of respect for Rich/bald guy.

In the book his best friend in the digital world is another straight white male.

He then finds out "he" is an obese black lesbian.

In the film version, the Obese Black Lesbian doesn't choose a white male as her avatar. She chooses a WoW Orc.


the book is reddit incarnate but you sound like a fucking bitch


>His influence on the industry is based on Rage

What godforsaken shithole of a publication is this?

>Surprise surprise it's just another fucking battle royale thing.
I'm pretty sure the Hunger Games movie kickstarted a lot of the battle royale shit. It certainly wasn't even nearly as big of a thing before the movie came out.

Battle Royale kickstarted the Battle Royale thing.

The thing that kickstarted it was a 1999 book literally titled Battle Royale

How do you know hes from euroland? Sounds like you're obessed to me.

>Some of the references are updated for the film
Oh yeah, like the Battleborn character? Nobody is going ro know what that is

I figured he was referring to shit like H1Z1/PUBG/etc.
I'm on Sup Forums, I don't know shit about books.

>momentary assumption that that user is from yurop
You're not even trying anymore.

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On what basis? There's a decade gap before you see them becoming popular post Hunger Games.

>Reddit spacing
I believe it

You guys do know that Carmack sold his soul to Shlomo Shekelbergstein, right? Who the fuck cares what this sell out says?

The biggest fall from grace ever

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I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're not canadian, or god-forbid australian.
Be grateful. Know your place. Sit down. Be humble.

Depends on the definition of "kickstarted"

I'll probably watch it at some point. Might be good, might be trash.

Not gonna be so quick to judge it just because it has a lot of gaming references in the trailer.

I'd sit, but it took every seat in the house to cushion your fat ass.

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Neirher, you retarded monkey. So why are you so obsessed with yurop?

It's not offhand when you see it every thread

Literally obsessed

America no. 1 bitches

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how to wipe hard drive?

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Incinerate it

One of the main characters is a fat black lesbian

it's by the man who made half life

It's almost like there are millions of people on Sup Forums, and many of them are non-americans who occasionally make fun of americans for being retarded.

Fridge magnets

Physically destroy it. Don't just shatter it, grind it into dust. Small pieces can still hold data.

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So because someone who did something with game development said something about a movie, the thread is videogame related? Fuck off

Everyone got it wrong again because "everbody is an idiot except me" right ?
American but normals of everywhere have no choice but to get excited about dumb shit or else they are socially ostrasized by their entourage who are faking it as well. I think it's facinating.
It's called bonding inside a group, it's called a strategy and common denomination means easy to like, easy to bond. You better believe it because loneliness kills.

Is this an actual child or a "child", like he got tit pics of a 17 year old?

I miss the days of good YA novels for the young'uns, such as Cirque du Freak (12 books long but i read through it twice i liked it so much back then) and Artemis Fowl (also amazing in the day, my first taste of the keikaku meme)

the whole world hates you americans its not just the sandniggers

new to Sup Forums?

Her representation is problematic. Why isn't she trans? Are there ANY trans characters? Does she have a girlfriend?

It's almost like there are millions of people on Sup Forums, and many of them are americans who occasionally make fun of non-americans for being retarded.

Millions of people aren't posting on Sup Forums.

>one of the most important has-beens in the industry
>commenting about a movie that is about video games
>with video games includes in the tweet
You are not the yeast of thoughts and mind.

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Not at all at once, sure, but i bet the total of frequenters breaks 1mil easy

I'm gonna be the bigger guy and see this film.

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how does that statement even make sense?
you're projecting something dude?
> circlejerking about their own "artsy" films
hollywood is as far as you can go from art film
its commercialized shit. it's pop music. there are some exceptions but not many.