Announce virtual console from NES-GameCube

>announce virtual console from NES-GameCube
>make a “2DS” version by releasing a console only, no handheld version with a pro controller and cut the cost by £70-£100 on the saved components

I would buy it now, today. I just don’t care about the gimmick. If they did this is buy one.

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they have that its called THE WIIU
literally the same graphics capability

heres your (you) I know you did this on purpose asshole

this and it's fucking based. mario and xenoblade don't really compare to nearly the entire nintendo library since the NES.

>heres your (you) I know you did this on purpose asshole

What the actual fuck?? The WiiU is even worse. I just said what i wanted, a console with a pro controller. Fucking hell.

a wiiu with a pro controller.

how dumb are you?

But its discontinued you nonce.

2ds only happened because parents fell for the bad for your eyes meme

yeah like last week
which means you can get it super cheap

its literally a switch without the mobile "gimmick" like you said
the idea of a non-portable switch is pants on head retarded because THATS THE WIIU


the switch wont get GC games either because that era of Nintendo games was fucking trash and you can probably emulate them better on your thinkpad
and wiiu has HD ports of all 3 good GC games too

your idea of a new console is to make the wiiu AGAIN but even less
a nintendo 360 essentially

>a nintendo 360 essentially


>a nintendo 360 essentially
That's pretty much it yeah, I want that.

>make a “2DS” version by releasing a console only, no handheld version with a pro controller and cut the cost by £70-£100 on the saved components
I'm pretty sure that's bound to happen.

There has got to be a market for it. I don’t care about portable at all.

When the fuck is virtual console coming for Switch?

But then it wouldn't be the Switch. You realize it's the fastest selling console in history BECAUSE it's both handheld and a console, right?

That wouldn't replace regular Switch.

Okay? And the 3DS was not impacted by 2DS. A switch sale would still be a switch sale.

No because good marketing, what else.

so go get a 360
they go for less than 100$ now

why would you want a new expensive home console with hardware capability from 2006?
>it wouldn't be expensive!
screens aren't expensive user
pleasing shareholders is

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Then keep it in the dock and never take it out. Isn't that the whole point of it that you can do whatever?

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Becuase of all the nintendo bonus you ebin retard. I want HD Nintendo and current releases as well as virtual console FOR NINTENDO STUFF. I dont care about the gimick controllers of both wiiu and switch, and i think its tech warrants it being no more than £200

Why do you feel so threatened over the fact some people just don't care about portable?

3D gimmick that very few games utilized and even fewer utilized well =/= a gimmick based in the system's actual hardware design and the design-philosophy of the games on it

You could “aslo just” turn 3D off the 3DS but 2DS was still a thing. There was a market for it.

>Switch without the handheld part
Imagine being this fucking retarded.

And to me portable and funny controllers to pretend to shake ice cubes is a gimmick. If at least £100 of the £300 asking price is the stupid tablet of this 360/PS3 tier machine. then i wont bother

so buy a wiiu and get a pro controller for peanuts.
or buy a switch and keep it in the dock. it comes with the joycon caddie.

you have a problem that already has a solution you fucking moron

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>>make a “2DS” version by releasing a console only, no handheld version with a pro controller and cut the cost by £70-£100 on the saved components

It would still be a piece of shit on par with the PS360 - consoles that came out 13 THIRTEEN YEARS ago

The whole reason why the Switch is 1.5 decades behind the competition is because they wanted the handheld gimmick. If you take that away the entire purpose of that turd even existing falls apart and becomes moot. They could have simply made a traditional home console at least as powerful as the original Xbox One for a sensible price and that way secured all of the third party support PLUS Nintendo having so much hardware power at their disposal that they could have gone bonkers in terms of experimenting with gameplay ideas. Imagine what kind of game BotW could have been if it wasn't restrained by the limitations of a portable Nvidia Shield TV tablet chip.
This is why I gradually started to despise and hate Nintendo over the years.

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Short answer: At least not for a while

Long answer: Nintendo can gather basic data on how the systems are being used from anyone who connects to the internet. For the Switch, this is docked vs undocked.

The following chart indicates Nintendo's findings on the issue to be as follows

>20% play overwhelmingly docked
>30% play overwhelmingly portable
>50% play some mix

This basically means that a portable exclusive or console exclusive system that only has one of the two modes only appeals to approximately 20-30% of the market.

Then you have to combine this with the fact that overall Nintendo has had difficulty keeping inventory for existing demand, and they have little if any reason to look at a hardware revision for the foreseeable future.

In a year or two, that might change, but if you have any real desire to play the Switch anytime soon you're gonna have to buckle down and buy it as is.

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Imagine being THIS retarded. Got an argument why not?? Some of us might actually buy it for a start.

>I want functionality REMOVED from this video game system
>I dislike that it gives me various options for how I want to play a game, I want those options taken out of the design
I don't think this should spread through the gene pool.


>first bought Switch and much preferred to play it docked
>nowadays prefer playing handheld
My one big gripe is that the power cable plugs into the bottom, meaning you just can't fucking play it handheld while charging because you've got a fucking USB jutting out the bottom. Every fucking handheld system should plug in from the top.
Also, a longer battery life would be nice too.

>i would buy your product if you didn’t waste resources and saved money by not doing all this tablet shit

Its a worthless feature to me, and its bumping up the price of 13 year old tech for something i dont want.

Then buy a Wii U, because that is what that was.

Sorry your bitch ass was too retarded and late to the party before realizing the Wii U was solid.

Drop some cash on a decent battery pack and like 10-20 bucks on a metal fotable phone/tablet stand. As long as you have a flat surface it makes it easy to put the Switch down on it and you can charge it from the battery pack even if you're not near an outlet.

>Buy a dead console

I bought one of those stand things, but it's far from convenient.
I'd like to be able to just plug it in and use it normally. Why can't it just have the USB port on top?

For some people the price hike the switch received from the added portability does not equate to the value they would be willing to spend on portability.

so buy a switch and keep it in the dock?

>waste resources
>greatest selling console in history

people with money like the gimmicks
fucking newsflash: nintendo IS gimmicks

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>Not supporting a product you want before it dies due to lack of customer support

Literally LOLing at your life.

Sorry, foldable.

But yeah, I bought 2 of the stands. One's on my desk to my right with the pro controller underneath it and the other is in the bag I use for my Switch.

I'll admit the top would be a better location for the charger for my purposes, just suggesting the stand because I found it made charging it way more convenient even if it wasn't ideal.

If it lowered the price point by using less stuff and removed a worthless gimmick? Yes.

>Stop being different from the other systems while still accommodating people who want it to behave like one of the other systems!
Nintendo literally does not give a shit, their response would be "keep it in the docku desu"

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Retarded kids. Are you a retarded kid?

That's all I'm saying. Anything you hold in your hands should have the cable coming out of the top. That should a legal requirement for electronics manufacturers. Cables go on top.


You "more power = better games" casuals are a fucking joke.

I don’t think it’s worth £300. Its not about poor, could buy one today, its the principle. It does not warrant £300 and id never use the thing that clealry pushes up the asking price. You are all acting like 2DS was not a thing. Nintendo can do it again.

Yeah, and some of us would buy a F-Zero game, this doesn't mean there's a market for it.

A near-inconsequential 3D effect that nobody liked is comparable in scope to an entire console themed around portability mmmm these cocks sure are tasty I love being a complete retard

It had a gimmick controller and asked for £300 for a 360 tier console. Are you reading this thread at all eric?

Anyone else getting the feeling there wont be a virtual console?

they have NEVER mentioned it. All we know is Reggie said "We are exploring possibilities for distributing our legacy content"

I really think the NES/SNES minis are supposed to replace the VC entirerly, other than the 5-6 "updated" NES games you get with the online service

>Optional controller and ran 360 tier games at 1080p/60fps


Nintendo revise their consoles and handhelds all the time for people like me.

>wasting money on pointless “features” you don’t give a fuck about when the company DOES release budget version makes you a “retarded kid”

Portability is the number 1 reason the switch is selling so well
If anything they might make a cheaper version that can't be docked and has no detachable joycons etc.

>buy a 3DS
>try out the 3D feature because lol new toy syndrome
>feel eye strain 5 minutes later
>turn it off and never use it again
What a worthless fucking feature.

Nintendo actually do make revisions to their consoles and handhels though. 2DS, 3XLWhats your point?

>3DS on launch: $250
>switch on launch: $300

the switch is a portable console first because they know they can't compete with the pissbone
being a home console is the gimmick not the portable part thats why it has 2006 graphics
because the 3ds has 2001 graphics

>"more power = better games"
That's a fact you braindamaged simpleton. A game like BotW would have not been possible on the N64 because of technical limitations you assborn shitchunk.


“no” sorry but the way you feel about 3D is literally how i feel about “on the go”

It'd be a handheld only version, with fixed joycons while retaining bluetooth connectivity, more likely.
There's already like 20 games on the eshop that have touchscreen gimmicks.

> and i think its tech warrants it being no more than £200

Oh, I see, you are just retarded.

Precisely, I really fail to understand how this can not be obvious for most people at this point.

That pro controller came free with the wiiU?

>be a retard
>crank the 3D at max the first time using it
>my eyes hurt because the 3D is bad and not because I'm exposing my eyes to extreme levels of 3D on the first try

>If anything they might make a cheaper version that can't be docked and has no detachable joycons etc.

this OP
if you want a 360 go get a 360
you can get halo 3 and blops 2
way better then ODDYSEE

>not being a complete gimmick is actually the gimmick

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Are you? It doesn’t. Unless you literally want to argue “nintendo tax bro! Its Nintendo!”

Yet botw is on Switch, a technically inferior console, while Horizon Zero Dawn, with all the PS4 horsepower, hasn't won any game play or design awards, hasn't acquired the level of sales as botw, and wastes it's processing on graphics.

Geee it's like Nintendo understands that less power will force developers to be more creative....

>extreme levels of 3D

>Wants the Nintendo experience
>Doesn't want to pay the Nintendo tax.

Well user, I don't know what to tell you. Either wait until piracy catches up, or stop having such strong "principles" on such a trivial matter. Or stop being poor.

I think there was an early ZombiU bundle with the controller.

Behave yourselves lads, its MOSTLY down to damn good marketing. Its not the games, those are all ports.

No, Wii u is equivalent to handheld switch. Docked switch is almtwice as fast graphically.

It wasn't "a budget version" it was "this won't hurt your kid's eyes and it won't break when he drops it versión"

But WiiU already has GC

I stay not poor by not wasting money on shit thats not worth it. Switch WOULD be worth a £200 console only with pro controller however.

>Docked switch is almtwice as fast graphically.

Nobody bought the WiiU so they may as well be new games for most people.

It fucking was budget. They are like £50 these days whilst a 3DS is closer to £100

'handheld only' makes no sense, they literally get the video out for free with the SOC and USB C.
I could see a 720p-only version though that never clocks up though, especially if they manage to achieve the baseline performance fanless with a new revision of the SOC.

why else would it need 2006 graphics dude?
its because it is a portable first.
its Superior graphically to the N3DS and doesn't require a excel sheet to know which one you should buy
the dock to your tv IS the gimmick
why else would they have graphics 2 WHOLE GENERATIONS BEHIND

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As many people bought a WiiU as currently own a switch. This is absolutley retarded logic and false for the sake of Drone defence. Not saying they are bad games, im saying i wont lie about the truth. Ports. Showing that people care more about good marketing of hardware than the actual games.

Same reason the Wii was an overclocked gamecube? Or the wiiu was a PS3?? Because what? Waggle?

>>make a “2DS” version by releasing a console only, no handheld version with a pro controller and cut the cost by £70-£100 on the saved components

Its like people forget the whole point of the name and use of the system. Its called a fucking SWITCH for a reason.

>announce virtual console from NES-GameCube

This would make it the best out of the 3 consoles alone if they do it.

The marketing was 'this won't hurt your eyes', but it was made totally to hit a low price tag.
It let them use a further simplified SOC (one of the GPU cores disabled), it let them use cheaper screens (no parallax barrier).
Nintendo's whole business plan for handhelds require them to have one in the sub $150 market and the base 3DS was never going to get there.

That's why we'll see the New 2DS out there until they can build a budget (but still handheld) version of the Switch.

At launch it cost almost the same as a normal 3ds. It wasn't targeted at low budgets. It's market where retard children. Even if now it's the cheapest version doesn't change the fact that it's market was retard children. If you bought a 2ds and it wasn't for a preteen child you are retarded.

Brother have you heard of this thing called emulation

It's like a virtual console except it runs better and is free instead of costing 20 dollars per game

Why? It'd function exactly the same way as the docked version. Why not just buy the console and get the controller, then never take it out of the dock? Do you just want it to be cheaper? From a business perspective, they probably wouldn't want to sell a cheaper version all the time they're selling the way they are now, so while it may be likely much further down the line, I also wouldn't really expect it. It'd make more sense to have a handheld-only version. Increase the screen size by removing borders or just increasing the device size itself, and sell it with only the joycons and no acc. Also reposition the charge port.


Uses a more recent architecture than GCN 1.1 used by other current-gen consoles.
Uses Vulkan based API, which is newer than the Mantle based APIs of the other systems.

Unlike in the past the Switch is not far behind the other systems technologically. Its limited by its smaller thermal envelope because its a handheld.

It’s like you forget some of us don’t give a shit and it would literally not hur Nintendo’s earnings to make one in the bear future. A switch sale would be a switch sale.


>he thinks not making it portable would make it cheaper

is this why Sup Forums isn't into business

But the wii u has a stupid gimmick of its own

the wii was 1 generation behind (in 2006 so it wasn't actually far behind) and the wiiu was standard because the ps4 and xbone weren't even a thing yet
it was the nintendo 360 and you didn't buy it then so why would you now?

the switch having 11 year old graphics capability has a logical reason

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There would be no other reason to buy it. The WiiU made a slim version that was cheaper too. It couldn’t play Gamecube games.

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>And to me portable is a gimmick
To you? Alright.

not cheaper than a used wiiu or a 360
>muh new games
new things are expensive welcome to reality