Admit it, the trailer was hype

Admit it, the trailer was hype

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I don't think anyone really disagrees with that.

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Who's saying it isn't?
Also the Splatoon hype keeps coming in, they just posted the new songs from an S1 band
>mfw 0:52

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I only like the white inklings with the white skin for some reason.

I found it cringey in general. I like the gameplay and aesthetic of Splatoon, but find the overall tone of the game and its community to be off-putting.

Me too, user.

I enjoyed the song.

Watched it at my local cardshop and me and the owner found it incredibly akward, the sexualization of what is supposed to be a small child was insane.

2 minutes of a janky ingame engine walk cycle isnt hype. It's pretty awkward and embarassing tbqh. Songs good though.

It hype something up alright.

>they could have announced a new game in the three minutes this bitch took to walk across a train

no it was something else

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It’s because you’re racist

Music was annoying.
Animation looks bad and the model has weird looking hips.
Trailer dragged on.

>weird looking hips
Nigga u gey

>Making major DLC for a Online game Single Player content

Oh well playable Octolings

I like lolis, shortstacks, etc but the hips just look goofy.
Look like shitty ass implants or something.

I was bored. Smash was hype

It was a great trailer.

Nothing's more cringy than Nintendo trying to make their cartoon characters look "badass". At least Randy is getting work.

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well, I don't like rap, so not really

>Sexualised children is hype
I don't care if they are fictional. What were they thinking?
Tight clothes and exposed midriff are not appropriate for little girls.

based nintendo saw that more adults are buying the Amiibos then kids so they're appealing to us with hot lolis you idiot.

Age of consent in Japan is 13 years old

Prove it.
>little girls
Also unsubstantiated.
>Tight clothes and exposed midriff
This is meant to appeal to pubescent BOYS.

>All the multiplayer maps and weapons are free
>Paid multiplayer DLC splits the community
>Was often said that the single player was good but there wasn't enough of it.
It makes total sense.

Yes. It reminded me about the just as hype Splatoon 1 single player trailer.

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Splatoon is better than Smash.

>more singleplayer content than both games combined for 1/6th of the price

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Ultra fucking hype. That music was too good.
And them visuals

wonder if there are going to be bosses too. We could get a Calamari Inkantation tier song from Off the Hook if there is

No I'm not a pedophile and have no interest in children's games

>The Final Boss is Agent 3

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Shut the fuck up.

No interest in splatoon
Took way too fucking long, longer than anything that wasnt Mario Tennis IIRC
Fuck off thiccsquid

they showed agent 3 in the trailer so I doubt that. I feel like it might tie into the whole salmonid thing

I actually bought the game on Sunday because of that trailer and folks in the general hyping.

Just hit lvl 8 last night. Kinda wish I had purchased this earlier. Super fun.

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>Took way too fucking long, longer than anything that wasnt Mario Tennis IIRC
It's almost like Splatoon is a top-tier Nintendo IP and they had more to show than just a logo.

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splatoon 2 really has ruined the series, they want to push black culture and its just killed the game so hard, compare it to splatoon 1 which was about idols and you have good characters to look up to and a wholesome setting, this game has fucked all of that up

So long as they don't split the playerbase by charging for maps it should be good.

Didn't stop them with metroid prime or smash

it's just a large single player campaign+playable Octolings

>push black culture and its just killed the game so hard
You actually believe that?

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The only part i didn't like was the android octolings cart, you can tell it was made apart from the rest and put together afterwards, almost like they forgot to do it and just patched it up later

I'm really tempted to buy a switch.

> that disgusting ear raping music
> hype
Kill this shitty pedo fapbait shit already. Now I even have to see this shit in the next Smash.

>The Entire Aesthetic of the game is based on 1990s New York
Of course its gonna have hip hop in it you dolt.

i know this is bait but /r/pol is that way bro >>

how many games do you want for it?

Why do they have such wide asses. Are octos blacks?

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>not catching the symbolism.
Yes. They're a minority, and a literal slave race at that. Off the Hook shows it more blatantly with a white inkling and black octoling. The Octo Expansion is literally an underground railroad leading to the Octolings being freed into society.

That midriff was hype

literally monkey ears


>The Octo Expansion is literally an underground railroad
Come on now

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>love the soundtracks of both games
>regularly listen to Splatoon music outside of the game
>I'm the only person who fucking HATED the music in this trailer
Octo Expansion looks fucking fun though

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Just splatoon and Zelda. Don't really know what else is out there. I play mostly my pc. Figured they'd have mariokart for party games later on.

Dlc where a squid and octo fuse together and go on a wacky adventure when?

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You're not the only one, I'm right there with you. The trailer music was really bad compared to how the game OST sounds.

>Tight clothes and exposed midriff are not appropriate for little girls.
Shit taste

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You found the smash teaser cringy too?

All Asian women look like that though, from 13-40

>Tight clothes and exposed midriff are not appropriate for little girls.
Apparently their parents don't think so because I see little girls dressed like sluts all the time.

They are literally referred to as "Squid kids"

What the fuck even is that green guy on the right there?

This was an Octo Adolescent though

I dunno but his Ink Floyd shirt is rad

>people actually hyped for a kids game

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>people going mad over this song?
Okay, the music itself is pretty good but then you have that shitty weird octo singing or whatever that totally ruins it. Give me a version without that please.

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video games are for children

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Well apparently he's an octopus. This one specifically, a "flapjack octopus." Sort of hard to see the resemblance beyond the hair. Incidentally, he's another abyssal species.

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The music is annoying as shit

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I could see sea anemones being the next playable race.

>Tight clothes and exposed midriff are not appropriate for little girls.

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Nah Inklings are just shortasses. Callie and Marie are older than the main cast and they're the same size as "mature" Squids

>surprised Sup Forums is hype about a game intended for ages 8-14
This your first day here eh?

Be more specific.

Anyone else tired of octoling propaganda? Reminder these cunts killed squidkids, stole inkopolis' powersource twice, and continue to terrorize it's citizens.
Marina is an insult to all the squidkids that died in the great octarian war.

>NOA shills will never ever not be salty about NOJ taking their censorship powers over Splatoon

Eat shit, Treehouse fag.

Why does the brown chick look sad in everything I see with her? I've yet to play Splatoon 2

you mean like Sma5h?

That was just DJ Octavio.

>it was just hitler
>it was just stalin
>it was just Roosevelt
>it is just the South African government
Nuremberg Defense is outlawed for a reason.


Reminder that on the surface, Octoling and Inkling shit is pretty amicable. The events of Splatoon 1 and 2 happen behind the scenes, and the final fights were basically paraded as secret concerts to the public.

I'm going under the assumption that abyssal sea life doesn't mind living underground. Maybe they're sensitive to sunlight.

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kinda off topic but should I pick up Sumo or ultra sumo? Never played them and sumo is on sale for $20 right now while ultra is still $40.

I would agree but knowing the octolings are all wearing Hypnoshades has me doubting myself.
Octarians are all evil, but we don't know about Octolings since they're all wearing the glasses.
Regardless, we've all killed far too many to turn back now.

That's just the way her face is. Her eyes are always like that.

Splatoon fucking sucks, so a campiagn showing off more mediocre single player platform 'design' was boring. Also you faggots are just attracted to pedo shit because you can't get real woman.

Yes, Sun and Moon are fantastic as long as you don't mind it being pretty story focused.
Some people bemoan it for having an extremely long tutorial, but really it's mostly story stuff that's showing the Island culture.
I loved it.

Given the otherwise non-complicated appearances of Octolings, DJ Octavio is more like the IRA than Hitler. He's an, officially, unaffiliated terrorist/freedom fighter, not a country's leader.

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Wonder if their old tracks will be mixed in with the new ones at 3.0

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