If pic related is a success, how will industry react? Would SimonOC make a commercial FPS?

If pic related is a success, how will industry react? Would SimonOC make a commercial FPS?

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>Those graphics in 2018
*Breathes in*

I know, it's nice right?

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It won't be successful unless 3D realms pull a multi million dollar marketing campaign out of their ass
but it is very good.
>Would SimonOC make a commercial FPS?
I thought he worked fro raven software or something I doubt it anyway

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Low-fi games don't need a million sales in order to be successful, eliminating the need for a 100 man art team does wonders for keeping costs down.

I look forward to the second FPS renaissance.

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Needs more unique enemies in the full game.

He worked in Crysis: warhead and if IRC, Quake enemy territory

How is pic related? I didn't see shit about the campaign

>female DOOK

>how will industry react?
with indifference, its not like some indie game is going to cause a revolution or a shitstorm that makes triple A pubs rethink their existence.

almost as based as indiana jones

Amid Evil has great levels but the combat could use some work. A lot of enemies don't really respond well to taking damage, making most weapons feel weak

the industry does not give a shit, normie shit eaters do not give a shit. this game is a love letter to an era of games long gone. It's a very niche game for a very niche group of people who long for those kind of games and are sick and tired of modern console COD/Battlefield reskins.

what are the controls like?


What about smaller studios or modders who didn't make a FPS cos they though it wasn't viable?

god damn that looks nice
fuck realistic graphics

>If pic related is a success
Depends on what you mean by success. Is it going to do alright? Yeah they'll probably make back their investment and a tiny bit of profit. Is it going to sell tons of copies and start some sort of movement that gets more people caring about old style FPS? Fuck no it's a Build Engine shooter in 2018

but those ARE realistic graphics. are you bumbum?

This is seriously looking like viral marketing. No one cares about your fucking game.

>How is pic related? I didn't see shit about the campaign
It's really good actually, the level design especially in the third chapter reminds me a lot of OG unreal and the weapons all have neat quirks that make them a bit more interesting to use than your typical FPS loadout, each chapter has a completely unique theme and host of enemies.

There's no strafe jumping or advanced movement beyond rocket jumping though and melee enemies are really fast, you need to backpedal a lot or abuse their turn radius to stay alive.

price is too high imo when you look and see pubg being sold for 30 bucks
vermintide for the almost same
20 bucks for a retro style fps is a lot

Yeah, who cares beside these fags who post in almost daily threads with 300+ replies?

why do the enemies deal such little damage
why are the maps so sparsely populated
why do the enemies react so slowly
why can you literally run through every map without fighting and without getting your shit pushed in

$20 isn't that much, I could easily pay $60 for this.

are you talking about the "why a female protagonist threads"?

>how will industry react
continue making cinematic experiences

this is too basic to be sold that high specially with endless doom wad and custom maps for duke

>retrograde art
These only appeal to mentally/physically declining lifeforms.

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Have you tried raising the difficulty? Also It's the first episode wich is usually the easiest.

im a huge faggot, what game is the OP picture?

>from the team that made the ROTT reboot
>not even using Build2
failed right out the gate

ion maiden

>continue making cinematic experiences

>it's a bad thing to aim for downtime/passive moments to be on level terms with professional movies

there isn't a difficulty past the highest one yet

Different user here, I've played on both the difficulties above and below Wanton Carnage and the difference is minimal. The AI isn't aggressive enough and doesn't pack enough wallop.

What the fuck even is this chart

yoooooooooo how you gonna be posting shit like that man whatt t he fuuuck

I bet you love Kojima's "games"

>This shit game a success

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PUBG looks way shittier than Ion Maiden
Haven't played either.
I was GLADLY shell out $30 for Ion Maiden if PUBG was $20

It shows how the success of ground-breaking games trickles down to an AAA (which is still great for that reason), and then deteriorates in quality as it trickles from AAA to the lesser developers.

So, for instance, a modern film that is shot in black and white on film, is retrograde art/invalid? Or a painting that uses traditional media rather than digital? What point is this even trying to make?

They released a patch yesterday who raises the difficulty. But it really needs a new difficulty mode

Kojima's games aren't uniform in quality. If anything they demonstrate why movie tier professionalism is so important. People detested MGS4 because the cinematics were not as professional and well-proportioned as in his previous games.

Oh, yeah.
then you'd see AAA publishers scampering to pick up every shit ass studio they can find.

>So, for instance, a modern film that is shot in black and white on film, is retrograde art/invalid? >Or a painting that uses traditional media rather than digital?
In a sense they are retrograde since they do not make use of the vast leaps in the quality of tools available to their craft. However, in practice, some artists are still incredibly successful with a retrograde approach, and that is because, unlike with Ion Maiden where the developer does not even have access to the latest tech because of their low level in the professional, someone like Bela Tarr (to use your cinema example) DOES have access to the latest tech, and in fact does use a lot of modern tech besides certain things (like the choice of filming in black/white). So in those cases it is an intentional limitation upon their own powers, basically an "economy of means" or even minimalism, so not as retrograde as an artist who is dependent on shit tech. But overall, an economy of means cannot achieve as much as the best uses of all the best tech (by definition), but an elegant restriction (like Tarr) is much more effective than a MISUSE of the latest tech, so that's why it's common to see such restrictions in the arts (compared to vidya where the latest tech is not so expensive and restricted to the most experienced professionals).

*compared to vidya where the latest tech IS so expensive and restricted to the most experienced professionals

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand AAA cinematic gambling+walking simulators.

Who are you to say that they don't have access to latest tech? It's not special to use UE4 or whatever. It was certainly intentional to go back as far as the build engine.

shit graphics and sjw garbage

>warning: there are still 14 secrets in the area

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>Who are you to say that they don't have access to latest tech? It's not special to use UE4 or whatever.
By latest tech I didn't mean the use of free, stock UE4. Jesus. None of the big production games that incorporate UE4 are cheap.

>It was certainly intentional to go back as far as the build engine.
Not because this engine has any practical advantages but because it directly appeals to nostalgia.

Amid evil is really good
heretic if existed on the unreal engine

Look around you. NO ONE here is being positive about the game except you. Please stop this.

They released a patch yesterday which made the game harder.

Attached: ion maiden patch.jpg (632x452, 109K)

it's not industry changing just listen to these retards that represent the majority or players these days
performance doesn't seem much better for me, still chugs in open areas, some office areas and any time they are moving loads of sectors at once
didn't seem much harder either

I've played with the patch, it doesn't improve neither the AI nor the shitty slowdowns.

You're fucking retarded, plenty of people are positive overall and plenty of people played it but they have shit to fix.

I don't buy it. This is just some random fuckoff indie game that popped up overnight. That happens when someone wants to sell it.

this the best looking game i ever seen

>If pic related is a success, how will industry react?
By pandering to nostalgia retards and hipsters like retro indie platformers did for years.

Those are stylised flashy high fantasy graphics though.

Style is what makes or breaks the visuals for me, and most of the time realism is equal to no style of its own, which is shitty.

Remember Unreal? The dithered, but silky smooth waterfalls, animated water that looked like magical glass and fire made out of small sun-like particles?
Not realistic in the slightest, but it looked fucking phenomenal.

And then Quake 2 popularised "realistic piss-brown"

Given how good classic shooters are, this would hardly be a bad thing

>Sup Forums
>positive about a video game

Pretty much this, and the most hilarious thing is when you see this spergs throwing money at literal nostalgia bait that appeals to emotion trying to criticize someone else taste.

>Those are stylised flashy high fantasy graphics though.
That's art direction and assets, it's still uses PBR of UE4 even if it tries it damnest to hide this fact under low-fi filters.

>popped up overnight
its your fault you haven't been paying attention for the last few years

Is gonna be on ps4 or switch?

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How it's a genre stagnating into the past not a bad thing? Fuckin nostalgia manchilds ffs.

Sure glad that meme circled the punchline. I might have missed the focus of the photograph

that does not mean shit though
one could make a cartoon while still using standard UE4 features, and it would not make said cartoon "realistic" somehow.
Case in point: Snake Pass. Nobody in their right mind would call it realistic even if it uses all the stock UE4 features.

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If anything it has only disavantages, like worse physics and anything that tries to have some decent amount of detail being too much to handle for what the engine was supposed to do, which means piss poor performance.

Some were very good but not all of them. I'd say it's a positive thing overall though.

>wtf I can't handle mazes fucking manchildren

yeah but pubg has multiplayer ,servers and a shitload of actual infrastructure compared to ion maiden
i also made around 50 busk selling stuff from the game so it was really worth it

Except the genre has been steadily degrading for the past decade.
There was literally no good FPS released in 10 years, on any platform.
Even Doom '16 that many cite as "oldschool" follows Painkiller formula (lock-into-arena-until-you-kill-everything, which is not oldschool) instead of original Doom/Quake (navigate complex environment, with monsters being part of the challenge but not all there is to it).
Some times going back to get out of the dead end is the right decision, user.

>mazes, fast paced movement and complex level design are only possible with shit graphics and outdated, limited engine.

Nostalgia gamers are all brainlets.

Well, it's immensely easier to do it using something like Build engine, that's true.

Sadly no one tried this, if you don't count mods. Arcane dimensions is easily the best FPS of the decade

>>mazes, fast paced movement and complex level design are only possible with shit graphics and outdated, limited engine.
apparently so when you get call of duty shooters otherwise. when a hundred artists can only produce linear corridors then clearly simplifying the graphics is going to help expand the area possible

>No gfx
Just use a good engine and photogrammetry.
>b-but much sjw
Fuck you fuck your game fuck your friends your family your country bomb it into the ground kill your entire race.

sure but where are all these games?
the truth is the modern design principles are awful the genre has been stagnant for a decade.

this entire post tbqh

Thanks for the bump, bro

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>Made in unreal
>Not realistic
Really makes you think

If you think oldschool automatically translates into something being good or not you don't have a good taste, just a preference for old shit. Doom '16 had level design with far more quality than any shooter made in the last 10 years, makes the maps of games like Serious Sam 3 or painkiller like amateur made shit, at least Doom '16 arenas are actually arenas like something you would seen in a classic arena shooter game like Quake 3, not repetitive random locations spawning you tons of waves of brainless enemies like Serious Sam does.
Doom '16 was a success both commercially and critically, the only people that think games should just become sad imitations of the past are just the very small demographic that actually buys shit like Dusk or Ion Maiden, we talking about less than 1k people.

there is more to level design than just making it look pretty, Doom 4 is fucking garbage in every sense

Once you restore blocky textures/particles and add shadows it's bloody gorgeous. Some cvars I know are also great.

>Doom '16 had level design with far more quality than any shooter made in the last 10 years

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are you sincerely defending nu doom while putting down serious sam in the same breath or just fishing for replies

absolutely dreadful mouse input

Not him but Serious Sam and Painkiller are not even in the same genre.
Also you are making an ad populum fallacy, popularity is not a valid indicator of quality, especially if you compare crowfunded independent games with one that was published by Bethesda.

I preordered IM and I think Dusk is dogshit. I also liked Doom16, but I wouldn't call it old school. It's it own thing, wich is even better

that's not a particularily high bar to pass

Like what? Verticality and being designed for fast paced gameplay instead of camping? Because Doom '16 levels had all that, i'm not talking about pretty here, but design philosophy, if anything it's some of the serious sam 3 maps which are nothing but eyecandy, open, flat areas trying to look realistic. Pic related is how you do arena shooter maps right.

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Well, no, and to be honest Doom's level design was all right for a first person shooter, it just felt like it often took more inspiration from Painkiller or something similar. And it definitely wasn't on the level of something like Shadow Warrior Classic.

That's exactly my point, oldschool doesn't mean something would be automatically good or bad.

Yes. But not-oldschool would, because there'd be nothing even potentially good to it.

>popularity is not a valid indicator of quality
It pretty much is when we are talking about a genre that requires some taste to actually appreciate and get in. You can't just claim any game that sells less than 1k its some flawed gem masterpiece, that's not how it works.

No levels in a videogame in the mid-'90s! Still every screenshot of the damn thing looking exactly the same as any other! Did id people play any games at all besides their own? It's highly unlikely. They didn't even seem to know what a level is because it would give you a new level's name on the screen while still being the same fucking level! People today have even been brainwashed to think Doom was a masterpiece of level design and Romero a master level designer. Well, if going nuts and autistically copy-pasting identikit corridors all over the place in a level editor all day long counts as "level design", maybe. But it doesn't. Level design is what The Super Shinobi has, which starts off at the ninja village, and then moves on to the waterfall outside the village, and the city, and the nightclub, and the military base, and the transport plane, and so on all the way to the Neo Zeed labyrinth complex at the end — NEARLY A DECADE BEFORE DOOM'S RELEASE. That's level design: distinct levels, but connected by narrative logic. And the corridors and staircases and ledges in the levels come AFTER you have decided on the type of environment you are designing, which decision of course is dependent on the narrative, which presupposes that you have one. This stuff matters ridiculously more than where a particular ledge is placed in any given level. And I couldn't give less of a fuck how well your stupid ledges are placed if the environment you have designed is so drab, monotonous and boring that I get depressed by the mere thought of spending any time there. By 1994 dungeon crawlers were effectively dead precisely for this reason: because they fucking sucked and games with actual environments were a million times superior. Name any mediocre modern FPS and I am 100% certain I'd have more fun with that than with Doom today. That's how important actual levels and interesting environments are in games. Believe it!