Post games that impossible to discuss at here

Post games that impossible to discuss at here

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Kingdom Come
Wolfenstein II
Arena shooters
Fighting games

Civ 6 is usually impossible to discuss

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Only kate posting is acceptable
which is a good thing

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Dark Souls 2 and 3. Fucking game fanboyism so bad. You literally cant go 10 posts without some fucker going GAME 2>GAME 3 bullshit.

The threads have slowed recently, so maybe it’s becoming safe again.

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all darksouls games are trash but 3 is the worst

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BB = DS1 > DeS > DS3 >>> DS2

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AOE2HD is one of the best balanced MP games of all time.

Fight me.

You can, just post the AoK cover instead.

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I'm still waiting for those optimisations to come out. It bothers me that above all else EA devs don't focus on optimisation above else, there's no sense making a game that runs like ass, and Subnautica manages to run better than most.


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DS1 > BB > DS2 = DS3 > DeS

*accidentally teleports in front of u*

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Games that aren't the most popular on Steam/Twitch


Every game needs the dud unit that is never ever ever EVER seen.

the main characters hair bothered me more than the constant fps drops and pop-in

it really shouldn't

I've always found this stupid.
You can't see your main characters hair outside of one very specific method. Your main character may as well not exist, he's obviously a holdover from when they were going to put in realtime reflections or coop, and since they're not anymore, he doesn't exist.

*teleports in front of u, and it isn't an accident*

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I have legit never used these things ever. What are they even good for?

Ive never played gale of darkness.

>implying I even let you age up to imperial

They're like super trebuchets that don't take 500 million years to setup and fire and don't need a castle to make. A civilization having access to them is really quite significant.

Notably they're also really good against other siege, smashing rams, and other trebuchets with impunity.

It's shit even if you enjoy double battles and don't mind the outdated gen 3 mechanics

mass rams

I thought Bombard Cannons didn't have the range to hit Castles without getting fired on? That's what makes Trebuchets so vital.

t. brainlet

you can destroy an empire with those eight units

You thought wrong.

They do have the range. A castle with bracer only has 11 range vs the 12 of bombard cannons, which goes to 13 if you have siege engineers.

They're much easier to mass up caus you just have to sneak down a couple siege workshops and start spamming them.

1 is also overrated to hell and back despite being half finished.

This sadly. Fuck your infantile memes already I just want to talk about gale of darkness for once. Colosseum wishes it was this game.

smug anime girls could learn a thing or two from a kang like him

just look at that expression

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Just 2 & 3? Are you sure its not all Souls games in general?

Reddit is that way you filthy frogshitter

t. alberto barbosa

Maybe you were confused by playing against a Teuton opponent. Teutons have a technology that give their castles +3 range (they don't get bracer though so it's like they have +2 over everyone else). This makes them the only civ that can attack enemy BBCs.

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>What are they even good for?
Winning the game

What does that mean? More memes?
Like I said.

t. jean de metz

t. alberto barbosa
I can't believe I found the Mongol's opening theme

>the dud unit

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