Can we discuss a league of FAGGOTS pro player being a crossdresser?

can we discuss a league of FAGGOTS pro player being a crossdresser?

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sounds like shitty drama and e-celebs

Why do you care?

can we not?

id unironically fuck sneaky no homo of course

She's hot

you couldnt about 12 hours ago so what do you think has changed now?

>you're rabidly horny
>stroking your dick isn't stopping the feeling of being diamonds
>this chick(male) is is siting in front of you giving you the look that lets you know you could ravage his bussy if you choose to
Do you do it, Sup Forums?

Who gives a shit.

imagine getting angry about a trap on Sup Forums of all places

Well he's cuter than your (imaginary) girlfriend. Are you going to cry about it?

>implying boxbox hasn't done the same 3 times already

How much soy does one have to consume to reach this level of faggotry?

no, we can't
anything else

Who gives a shit?

I already masturbated to this

you'd need to concentrate it and take it in capsule form

how many bitcoins for a girlfriend like this

Any pictures of their bulge? For laughs of course. Haha.

i take vitamin d pills and just found out it contains soybeans am i fucked?

wtf I'm gay now

i'd let him suck my dick 2bh, not gay though

dumb fucks who dont want a topic talked about will bump the topic to make sure more people see the topic.
>i am 2smartxx5000xXX

can i see the pictures again

Yeah it's pretty gay, I only fapped to him ironically.

Can you help me, I can't decide who is more miserable:
>a guy who plays a shitty MOBA and crossdresses
>a Sup Forums poster who desprately wants to discuss the said palyer
>a Sup Forums poster who has so few responsibilities and so little enjoyment in life that he sits on Sup Forums 24/7 and knows what was here 12 hours ago

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>not being a crossdresser

What are you, gay?

>on Sup Forums 24/7
>little enjoyment

I'd go with C

I'd fuck her desu

>implying you wouldn't

I'll help you answer that it is me, I am the most miserable

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