Should I upgrade the hunters axe or the saw spear before taking on the Cleric Beast?
Should I upgrade the hunters axe or the saw spear before taking on the Cleric Beast?
I don't really like the saw spear personally, but it gets serrated damage bonus to beast type enemies.
The axe is probably the best starting weapon and is a decent Str weapon. But there will be Str weapons with higher damage, if not as long range and knockback.
Anyway, bloodstone shards are plentiful later on. So you can safely upgrade to +3 whatever weapon.
Saw spear
It does more damage against beasts unless you're going for strength maybe upgrade the axe because it's two handed charged R2 is really strong.
why don't you fucking find out yourself? why do you even play these games?
He's probably afraid of wasting (finite) resources. Which is a legit concern when it comes to BB, since it's pretty outdated and doesn't have an option to respec or stay on the current NG cycle etc.
>Which is a legit concern when it comes to BB
lol no it fucking isn't. you can't accidentally upgrade the "wrong" weapon, because all weapons are perfectly viable
OP should go back to skyrim if he thinks damage is more important than a comfortable moveset
what in the flying fuck are you talking about
Whichever you prefer using
that's the first fucking boss you mong, you can basically wreck him with anything
saw spear will be best for a new player though
it's literally top tier for PVE
did you read the rest of the fucking post dude?
>BB is outdated because it doesn't have respec (which DS2 has) or the option to keep playing before NG (which DS2 has)
also finite resources unless you fall for the PS Plus jew
>BB is outdated because it doesn't have respec (which DS2 has) or the option to keep playing before NG (which DS2 has)
that's just your personal shitty opinion though. an entire game isn't outdated because it's missing a few features
>also finite resources unless you fall for the PS Plus jew
the game literally showers you in shards and twin shards early to mid game, you have plenty time to figure out what you want to spend chunks and rocks on
Saw spear is your best bet if you're a newcomer.
Use the Threaded cane, get bonus damage against all special enemy types.
Go strength, use the axe then hold out for Kirkhammer. Hammer Time is the best way to Bloodborne.
I figured out how to wreck the bagger fucks but the boars wreck me sometimes, is there a simple foolproof way to kill them?
Use the cane, it's the patrician choice.
if he is at the start of the game and dont read on wiki he will have a small ammount of upgrade stones
so yes in his case they are a finite resource until he progress
>really like the threaded cane
>want to become castlevania in bloodborne
>be completely aweful with the threaded cane
My damage is so low i don't undersrand why, it looks so cool.
fist their anus
Nope, keep playing until you get Kirk Hammer or Ludwig Holy Blade.
You mean the Church Pick.
Threaded cane only gets bonus damage against either in the corresponding form.
Tricked Church Pick counts as both simultaneously AND deals thrust damage almost exclusively, so you can stack adept gems instead of tempering.
>if he is at the start of the game and dont read on wiki he will have a small ammount of upgrade stones
then that's his own fault for not exploring. I upgraded plenty weapons as I went through my first playthrough
stop being a fucking shitter
Try the beast cutter it's like a strength cane
How are stones finite when you can grind them out on certain beasts?
>My damage is so low i don't undersrand why
Put more points into SKL.
Threaded cane is all about abusing that long reach. You have a much easier time to get into position and as a result can attack sooner, more often and from a safer distance than with weapons that require you to get closer. If you need stronger hits you need to sheathe the chain and attack with the stick
>tfw 10+ threaded cane with three 27% gems
>tfw buffing it with beast pellet and fire paper
destroying NG+7 bosses in seconds is so fucking satisfying
Stop playing bloodborne Jake
Trying that out when I get home from work, got plenty of stones to upgrade it to the level my Kirkhammer is on rn
>If you need stronger hits you need to sheathe the chain and attack with the stick
Only like 10% stronger. But you also need to take the serrated/righteous modifiers into account. So against beasts you don't really gain anything by going cane mode, just lose the range.
Dude. One is a SKL weapon and the other is a STR weapon. Do you even know about damage scaling?
Saw spear for optimal damage because of serrated. It really doesn't matter though in this game. Just pick whichever weapon you feel most comfy with. All weapons are viable in this game
how about just kill it because cleric beast is the easiest boss in the game rivaled only by the stupid mushroom swarm
And the witches
I haven't really invested much into str, I've only reached Yahar'gul so it's not gonna be a huge difference.
Cleric beast is only easy because it undertuned.
Just look at Laurence, which is literally CB just on fire.
laurence has a way fucking harder moveset, have you even played the dlc? did you reck him on NG with some OP build?
he's way more spammy, covers ground faster, has some AOE attacks, has TWO extra phases with completely new attacks, the third one being a entirely new form
they only look the same
>did you reck him on NG with some OP build?
I might have.
The last phase is piss easy though. It's mercy killing.
he's an absolute nightmare on NG+7
Good thing there's no reason to go past NG+ in BB.
But at this point you can probably just BSE him to death.
>Good thing there's no reason to go past NG+ in BB.
other than playing the game? what are you talking about? continuing NG+ cycles allows you to have all weapons fully upgraded, you only grind for gems once, and you can freely level your character to fit all builds
starting a new character every time you want to do a new thing is tedious
Oh boy, here's where you're wrong.
Playing BB means grinding FRCs and that's what allows you to have your weapons fully upgraded and where you get the most blood echoes from. And the gem grind never ends, because different weapons require stacking different gems. Especially if you play normally and don't just use well-known p2w chalice glyphs with PS+.
>starting a new character every time you want to do a new thing is tedious
Yep. But it's nice to start from scratch and go very carefully into the game knowing any shitty minion can kill you if you make a mistake.
If only the game had more than five fucking save slots.
Although it's not like there's enough build variety in BB to need any more.
all you need is three 27% gems, those are plenty strong for ng+7
two radials and one triangular. if a weapon doesn't fit it then just get the uncanny/lost version
I've been using the same three gems for all my weapons (except kos parasite) since like ng+2
That's just tempered gems.
>Kill Paarl without progressing Eileen's Storyline
>Now she's gone forever
so? why do you need anything else for pve? I get minmaxing for pvp but not pve
Threaded Cane run is almost done, honestly enjoyed it more than Hunter's Axe Run
Bloodletter next or Amygdalan Arm?
Or go full Executioner with the Wheel and Gloves?
She'll be waiting to wreck you in the Grand Cathedral.
>Or go full Executioner with the Wheel and Gloves?
Of course, purge the vileblood filth
Threaded cane is more about reach and positioning than damage my man. You get to kill beasts without getting any blood on your clothes.
Pic(k) related is my favorite weapon by the way.