Really didn't enjoy the demo, Nintenbros

Really didn't enjoy the demo, Nintenbros.

I've only played Kirby's Adventure on the NES (and really enjoyed it) so I thought I'd try Star Allies for some colourful fun.
Goddamn, I don't like the feel of moving Kirby around, he flies too slow and can't attack in the air, the Allies system is difficult to get a grip of, and the Allies just end up killing everything for me.

Is this typical of all Kirby games? Does it just take some getting used to?

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This game felt like Kirby: Gears of War edition. Everything feels so fucking slow and clunky, and I've never really played Kirby games before.

The demo doesn't inspire confidence I admit, but there's still some glimmers of hope for me. It's possible it could be good still...

shouldn't you be playing superstar right now

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>can't attack in the air
yeah you can you just can't be puffed up
It was like that in Adventure and every other game
>the Allies just end up killing everything for me
you don't have to constantly have the allies 24/7, but yeah it's a common complaint I see
>Is this typical of all Kirby games?
Kirby has always been easy but people have said that this entry is easier than others. So not exactly

Easy is fine with me if it's fun but the game just kind of plays itself.

An option to have your allies in a standby mode where they dont attack anything or attempt to do any puzzles would be nice
My fears about this game being "New Super Kirby DUDE COOP EDITION" seem to be true unfortunately. It's braindead easy. Kirby games are supposed to be easy sure, but they're at least supposed to be engaging and fun. The demo was literally just slowly move to the right and kill everything in one hit
I mean shit in Planet Robobot the first (or second?) level has a miniboss thats basically a moving wall of death. Sure you probably wont actually die to it but at least its somewhat challenging and actually engaging. That game also just instantly has more personality due to the first level actually being a mix of grasslands/construction stuff/mechanical trees. Star Allies was just "dude plains dude cave dude whispy woods"
There are plenty of fantastic Kirby games that you missed though. Just about every mainline one is worthwhile with the standout ones being Super Star and 64.

Yeah, I hoped for something more fun, the fucking allies do everything for you. I really didn't like anything about the demo, other than the visuals.

Wish it was more like Amazing mirror with exploration and worlds connected

Yeah maybe the game just isn't for you
I do though HIGHLY recommend some others in the series though, like Super Star.

OP this guy is right you should totally play Kirby Super Star

What do you mean by “can’t attack in the air”?

I know you can attack in the air but you can't attack with your power while floating in puffy mode. Sure you can attack while falling but Kirby falls fast and it's hard to time it right.

I think he means when Kirby is puffed up flying

You're not the only one.
This has to be the worst garbage I've seen in a while. NSMB-level bad.

>never played a Kirby game before
>got a switch for botw
>picked up the demo
>interactive as hell
>far too easy
>comfy cute graphics tho
Preordered the physical copy already.

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I mean, I guess. But you shouldn’t really be puffed up flying all the time anyway. If you do that, the game will definitely seem slow.

The air-dash attacks of most abilities are great. I recommend you get good at those.

Kirby games usually have some difficult content unlocked after you beat the game. I still haven’t beaten True Arena in Robobot.

Thanks for the advice bros.
Will check out Superstar for sure.
I think I'll go with the new Yoshi game for cutesy fun on the Switch though.

Alternatively, you can try the DS remake, Super Star Ultra. It's got more content, more stable frame rate, and other minor improvements. I feel like they made the game a wee bit easier in the remake by giving Kirby more health, but it's ultimately up to you

I don't like the partner mechanic, the demo made me feel like I'm not going to like this kirby game unless I play with friends. Still gonna get it though

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>tfw there are no fans left for Shart Allies outside of shill threads
Everyone ITT agrees that this is the worst shit in recent memory, absolutely based.

Fucking 2018's Mass Effect Andromeda is what it is, i've never seen a game get this much backlash before.

Bump for more hate of the next TORtanic

Shart Allies Official Playthrough:
>start game
>recruit 2-3 allies
>put controller down
>do sonething else for 3-4 hours
>come back
>you're already at the credits

Strange, this is usually the part where the shills would respond. Guess we scared them off.


>anyone who doesn't like 2018's Mass Effect Andromeda is the same person
Reminder that this """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""game""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" literally, objectively, provedly, demonstrably plays itself for you.

>2018's mass effect andromeda
So you DEFINITELY samefagging?

Goddamn it, you just had to reply to him. For once, I thought he could be finally ignored without a hitch.

No, it's just that bad.

Reminder that Shart Allies has no defenders left. It's the unwanted abortion of the series.

I can get behind with most arguments in this thread, but don't pay much attention to that twat. He's just fishing for (You)s and if you want evidence, look at the poster count.

>I can get behind with most arguments in this thread
Then you should have no problem agreeing with facts and laughing at tards who actually have hope for this "game".

>now that switch has no more games left THIS shit is what they look forward to

Where da shills at?

I said in an old thread that the game looked underwhelming and not worth the price and nobody believed me.

I can see why people like it for sure. I'm just more of a platformer guy. Loved Wooly World.
Kirby's fun for sure but not enough of a challenge for my taste. Especially for the price, as you said.

Don't worry, everyone ITT agrees now. This "game" has practically no fans left outside of literal shills like GayXplain. All thats left at this point is so laugh at the shills.

>18 posters

Just gonna wait to buy it used I think. I was trying to pretend it looked cool for the longest time but I already knew I always hated AI buddies in Kirby games. Maybe if it had online co-op it would be worth it. My 30 year old friends aren't interested in coming over just to play fucking Kirby so I'm gonna be stuck with retarded AI as usual.

Is this all the Splortch has to offer for the first half of 2018?

we found a worse one than shortch guys

I played the demo then pre-ordered off the Nintendo store. Seemed like a typical Kirby game to me that I can play with the girlfriend.

Kirby always felt pretty slow to me.
You need to get used to double tapping forward to run to get some speed. Certain abilities certainly do let you do aerial attacks. I know sword does for example.
Remember, just because you can always spawn 3 allies, doesn't mean you always have to. It might be more fun to go it alone and just get chumps when you need 4 to proceed to the next part of the stage.

will soccer guy ever return to make a kirby game bros? It seems the best ones were under his direction

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I don't know if it's THAT bad in absolute terms, but this is damn near the Nintendo equivalent.
If Star Fox Zero and Federation Force hadn't already taken those titles.

Honestly, this just looks mediocre and half-executed like Squeak Squad. Even the power combining is roughly the same.

Go home, Arlo.

Never. Kumazaki owns the series now.

You can tell the backlash is fucking real because nobody is willing to say anything positive about this trash. It's hated by just about everyone in this board.

I want to pop that puppets eyes out.

dont reply to eric

Last Kirby I actually liked was crystal shards one for N64

Well for one thing you have nintenbros in the OP, so most can already tell it's a garbage thread.

Yeah this is a pass for me. Will get it if I can find a cheap used copy in a fee months, or full price if it gets a serious patch fixing fps and online co-op.

Its not worth $60 as is.

The game feels like it's running at 24fps outside of the 60fps menus and it looked blurry yet was full of jaggies, made my eyes hurt (the blue loading screen also fucked with my eyes)

Gameplay was too easy, specially with all the friends. I barely attacked Dedede and still won in less than 2 minutes.

Show me a video where this happens outside the first 2 boss battles (not even the actual levels).

>it looked blurry yet was full of jaggies

see Skyward sword as an example

No, I mean I played it and it was clear as fuck with no jaggies whatsoever. Like show me an image of what you are talking about.

Kinda how it looked to me. Blurry. Jaggies were more pronounced on my 32TV tho

Attached: file.png (768x432, 662K)

I have a 42 inch, and it doesn't look near that blurry. Not sure what's wrong with your setup.

This game feels like it was rushed out the door so Nintendo had a new game for spring.

The fact theres an update a week after launch adding in characters pretty much confirms its an unfinished game.

What was the last good Kirby game and why is it pic related

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>those artifacts
Yeah, sure, directly from the switch right there.

Let me guess, when they add more characters a year from now, that will be proof that the game still wasn't finished, right?

Yeah really. Looks like they picked up the canceled 2006 kirby game and upgraded the models.

wow you pulled the words out of my tongue

I think besides the original game, this might actually be the worst Kirby. A shame, was looking forward to it but lost interest from the demo

I think we both know quite well that there's a difference between a content+update patch being released a week later and a content patch a year later

What would be the perfect Kirby game? besides Super Star 2

This is looking to be the worst game this year, as proven by the unanimous hatred toward this game ITT. Nothing nice is being said about it.

The fact that we are this far in the thread and shills still haven't set foot is ultimatr proof that we're looking at another tank.

Super Star 3

Why the fuck is this 30fps??? When Mario odyseey is 60 there's no excuse for this to be 30

yeah. same bro. Last kirby game I played and enjoyed was 64 - and I loved 64. I sat down and played the demo and couldn't get past the terrible, clunky gameplay. This went from a day one pickup for me to a "maybe buy if I can find it used for $10 three years from now"

Too many effects. It could probably hit 60 when a bunch of powers aren't being used at once, but they opted for a consistent 30 instead.

MRW (you) try to convince me the game's no good.

Attached: But I didn't die though.gif (289x201, 1.66M)

It's not hard at all to make something like that run in 60 on Switch if you have any clue on how to design for the hardware. The graphics you'd have to draw are extremely predictable and controllable which means that avoiding drops would be easy as far as optimization goes.

Read over the thread again and tell me Shart Allies is good.

Honestly, this game being 30fps is enough proof (in my eyes) that this game was rushed to fuck

Nintendo games are often optimized as hell, so for a game like Kirby of all things with its simplistic designs to end up being at a subpar framerate (when Wii and 3DS games managed 60), you can easily guess that this game didn't get the amount of polish you'd expect out of Nintendo .

If your job is to make actual critics of the game look terrible, then you're doing a really good job faggot.

This is why this game deserves to be called 2018's Mass Effect Andromeda. All the proof is laid bare and there are more and more people turning against Shart Allies.

I think we may already have our worst game of 2018. Nothing can compete at this point.

Can you fuck off Eric, no one is using your autistic Andromeda or Shart Allies memes and never will. Your samefagging is worse than Kirby

>Honestly, this game being 30fps is enough proof (in my eyes) that this game was rushed to fuck
This is exactly my worry about it as well.
Fuck off.


>long load times
>hated by the fanbase

Attached: Sonic_Next_Gen.jpg (1392x1773, 307K)

Hahaha nice one user. Shart Allies is truly the Sonic 06 of Kirby. Sad!

they should make a kirbys epic yarn 2. my mom hates me and hates video games, but she played epic yarn with me. too bad she died

Sonic 06 ran at 60fps

Doesn't matter how shit the game is. It will get 9's and 10's around the board. it will be praised as the breath of the wild of kirby games. All its faults will be ignored in favor of nostalgia.

Did Eric get bored of trying to cry blunder on XB2?

Did the shills get bored of damage controlling this "game"?

So it's objectively worse than Sonic 06. Fuck how does it still have fans? The debate should be fucking over at this point.

This is the sad truth. It hapoened with every other Switch game, even though they were proven shit by actual people and not mindless sheep. The best we can do is go to the Metacritic user scores and redpill the fuck out of that. Keep in mind that the game was confirmed by to be unironically worse than Sonic 06.

Shut the fuck up Eric

Found a shill thread
Should we fuck them up?

I bet it's going to get in that 8.0 range that sounds respectable but obviously says "this is a step behind what it should be"

There has been a "shill thread" before this thread was created you retard.

not your personal army

>all those hype threads, exactly the same as robobot was a few years ago
>this blunderfag thread perpetuated by an autistic samefag means that the game is gonna flop
on what goddamn bizarro planet do you think that a goddamn Kirby game is gonna be your next TORtanic? kys, go shit up some other online forum. I'm sure Reddit or Neogaf would take your stupid ass. When has there ever been a bad mainline Kirby anyway?

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>>all those shill threads
FTFY. One reading of this thread will make you realize that there is literally nothing positive to say about Shart Allies.

At least Sonic 06, for as shit as it was, ran at 60fps and didn't beat itself for you.

>When has there ever been a bad mainline Kirby anyway?
Just recently.

Let him revel in his own autism user. He doesn't think for himself and run off with its piss poor arguments. If anything, it's sad that someone actually bumped this thread because there's barely anyone wanting to participate in this worthless thread

Dont listen to him, Super Star Ultra is a better versions withmore modes and it's more fun.One of the best remake of all times