He grilled millions

He grilled millions...

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To feed billions

Gnna be getting a Switch next week, are there recipes and food that give you buffs in this? I've only really played through MM and LTTP but this looks fun.

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He seduced trillions...

>are there recipes and food that give you buffs in this?
certain ingredients have buffing properties that you can use in dishes and potions

That's pretty neat actually. Games with cooking systems are pretty relaxing.

To restore billions
of hearts

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>botw DLC
>no food compendium or catalog added
This is how I knew the DLC was shit.

To gain hundreds of pounds

Nothing g to see here detective.

Does he not need to expel waste? I’ve never seen him do it

There's a lot of recipes you can make.

Like Tabantha Wheat + Rock Salt = bread.

He does it when you're staying at an inn or waiting at a campfire.

After you leave the great platue head south towards Faron Tower. Active that tower and behind it you'll find two lizard dudes. Kill them and find the King Durian fruits. Typically about 11 spawn there.
Cook 5 of them or 3 Durians and 2 big hearty beets for 20 temporary hearts.
You'll be able to tank 3 hits from Lynels the strongest in game enemy at a minimum and it's a big help for feeling your way around Hyrule.
Remember to dick around and explore Hyrule your way no one is rushing you and the final challenge defeat ganon is always available as soon as you leave the great platue

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There are recipes, but the system is so insanely unbalanced it's ridiculous.
>Go out of your way to gather a load of varied ingredients to make a proper meal
>Heals three hearts
>Cook a radish you just had sitting in your inventory
>Full heal + bonus hearts

>you can play hundreds of hours without doing either

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I just gathered hundreds of apples and ate them raw all the way through the Ganon fight.

Gotta buy that strategy guide, goy.

this is ridiculous. even worse that the game goes out of its way to give you varied recipes if you're observant (NPC dialog, posters in stables etc)
but then it punishes you with this shitty hearty things

Its pretty freeform save for a few dishes that require a specific recipe.
For example an apple heals you, peppers give you cold resistance. Mix them together and you get spicy apples or w/e that heals you and gives you cold resistance.
And a dish can only have one buff/resist effect

>buying strategy guides

The BotW one is the only one I've ever bought and it's beautiful.

First thing to know: do NOT mix food or elixir ingredients of different effects together or else they'll cancel out (also, don't mix food and elixir ingredients, period); you can, however, mix different ingredients with those of a same effect and/or with "neutral" ingredients (apples, meat, Hyrule Herb, etc)

Hearty recipes will probably be your best bet as a beginner; these give full heart recovery and add temporary extra hearts (the max heart cap in this game is 30, mind you, and not even temporary hearts can exceed this)

Tough recipes are best suited for those too broke to buy good armor and not confident in their combat/survival abilities, since they boost defense for a period

Mighty meals temporarily boost your attack power, which is super handy to have for a while (until you find a certain set of armor that makes such meals obsolete in many scenarios... Still not totally, however)

Sneaky dishes are ideal for those who like to use some tact in combat or want to better their chances at the few stealth segments in the game, as they temporarily render you harder to detect

Then there's Hasty meals and those that refill Stamina and then those that refill and grant temporary extra stamina but I've rarely bothered with these to be quite frank

There are also certain opportunities to cook where the effects of your meals/elixirs are enhanced, but... Should I spoil it, bros?

he made me shoot trillions....

Damn, this game and it's threads died fast, it's hilarious

s-shut up

>One year later
>Still multiple threads being made daily

Yeah, what the fuck? It came out on March 3rd, barely any threads after ten mere days.

I love seeing Link eating something

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trillions of what?

Is there a reason you'd EVER want to increase hearts over stamina? I could just rely on the fact you can't die in 1 hit and Hearty foods, no? Does obtaining the Master Sword require permanent hearts?

Yes, you need 13 hearts to pull it out. Otherwise YOU DEAD.

But you can use the artificial hearts you get by eating hearty foods, correct?

>Mighty meals temporarily boost your attack power, which is super handy to have for a while (until you find a certain set of armor that makes such meals obsolete in many scenarios... Still not totally, however)

Except that armor's effect stacks with mighty food, which makes Link hit like a fucking truck.

Haha, nope.

You want that sword, you're gonna have to earn it.

You can't. However, there's nothing stopping you from getting 13 hearts, pulling the sword, and then respeccing.

They stack combined to a level of 3. Once you have full barbarian armor, the only benefit of mighty food is being able to wear different armor instead.

For example, if you want to really go all out on attack, you'd wear upgraded guardian armor, use one of the lab crafted ancient weapons, and THEN eat Mighty Food.

But most of the time you'd just wear all 3 barbarian pieces when you were fighting and mighty food would be useless.

Sadly, it actually does not (I've read up on this, and believe me. I'm heartbroken over it). Bit the next best thing is having an Ancient Battle Axe++ (all the better if it has an extra power buff), a certain ancient set of armor upgraded twice, and THEN a three-strength Mighty meal, since strength buffs and Ancient Weapon Proficiency DO stack.

Shit, really? I thought it stacked.

Damn shame, really.

sperm, obviously

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