Opinions on scalines in modern games

opinions on scalines in modern games.

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As long as you have the option to turn them on/off, I don’t really see a problem. Also comfy game.

is it just a vn or do I have to do shit?
just started

Depends on the game. The lower or more pixelized the graphics are, the better it is. I think an exception to this, however, is Far Cry Blood Dragon. Just as long as it fits the theme.

Also it's good if you can turn it off.

You have to serve drinks and shit.
Reminder that if you serve everything perfectly, you'll miss out on tons of interactions.

Also, if you aren't into yuri, you'll find the game boring.

don't mind me just posting best girl

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>if you serve everything perfectly, you'll miss out on tons of interactions
Well shit, now I'll have to go back and check out what I missed.

Obviously the best way to play it is while drinking along then, otherwise one's skill will stop them from experiencing all the available content

I want Jill to sit on my face

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can you actually "fail" this game?

or get stuck?

What was her name again?

If you fail to pay the rent, you get the "bad" ending where you live with big tiddy hacker girl.

>letting Jill live with her when Jill already said she would be interested in her if she wasn't straight
She's gonna get FISTED isn't she?

user, they're all dead already

I think it's pointless. I never once thought scanlines were "Cool" as a kid, at best I didn't notice them, at worst they were intrusive and annoying to notice.

I still can't fathom why anyone likes them.




Someone like Sony should rerelease a line of CRTs. They'd make a fuckton off smash and retro autists.

> soyboys pretend to care for the environment

> meanwhile hoard tons of Sony PMVs and other CRTs


Best track

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Jill is bi...

> if you aren't into yuri, you'll find the game boring.
Just started this and I hoped there would be an actual story with white knights and hacker shit.Found it enjoyable since the music and characters seem nice is there nothing else to hope for if im not into yuri?

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There will be background events involving the White Knights as well as backstory stuff for some of the characters; and I guess there's Alice Rabbit for hacking stuff.
Also, robot dirty talk.

Attached: Hack me.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)