What are Sup Forums‘s thoughts on this game?

What are Sup Forums‘s thoughts on this game?

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Inb4 some salty call of duty baby cries about people being able to build in combat.

Can people be honest about this. I tried it months ago and thought it was awful but it seems very popular now,

Is it still a crap knock off for sonybros or is it genuinely good now?

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Objectively better than PUBG with Mineycrafta mechanics adding some fun creativity to high level play

Kind of the same boat. I’m just not into the whole “battle royal” survival type games. But Fortnite has definitely attracted a general normie fan base because of its gameplay. Also helps that it’s free to play.
t. Frat guy who doesn’t play Fortnite but watches literally everybody else play it

I don't own a gaming pc, so I downloaded this because I have never played a BR and I like the premise. It's addicting as fuck because the building mechanic requires some practice to get really good and when you start racking up kills it is satisfying to progress. Now that I have reached a competent level my appetite for the game is shrinking. It's competitive and tactically engaging, but maybe I'm just burnt out on it. I think they should adjust some shotgun ranges and damage outputs, and maybe drop the bloom on the AR drastically. Other than that, if you wanna BR and only own a PS4 this is pretty good.

It was a pretty smart move, it combined elements of the two most popular games these faggots played at 8 years old(call of duty and minecraft) and added a hot meme game mode.
Do I like it? Naw. I'm kind of over battle royale now, it would have to offer me battle royale and something else at this point.

Objectively better than PUBG, not my style of game, but I can see why it's enjoyable to some people.

Thanks, interesting to know you like the building since I thought that felt really tacked on from the original zombie mode

Usually the building ends up like a dick measuring contest as to who can build the biggest snipping tower.

Free cartoony PUBG with added building mechanics and a much more optimized engine/patching system. I knew it was gonna topple over PUBG someday.

I would love to play a traditional BR, but the building in Fortnite adds another level to the competitive difficulty, which I have no problem with. You either learn to build in an offensively engaging way or you struggle.

While it's obviously ultra succesful it's still got a long way to go until it overtakes on pubg on pc

It's free, it's faster, doesn't need that much PC, you can play it on PS4 without needing PS+, you can also connect m&k to the PS4 and stomp children, it's a win-win over PUBG

Y’all do know it’s on Xbone too right?

Only if you count chinese players; who will play as soon as cheating becomes easy and widespread.

Oh yea. I wasn't excluding Xbox from the conversation I just didn't think of it because I don't own one

It's just the impression you get in real life talking to normalfags.

xbo what?

it's because PUBG is on the xbox and ps4 owners are still salty about it

The other day at work I asked all the guys what kind of games they are playing.
Everyone, literally everyone said fortnite.
I'm talking even guys who you would assume their answer would be "pff bro video games are for kids/getting laid too much". infact he seemed the most enthusiastic.

I just started and I've had a blast. It's everything I've wanted really, artstyle that look good even on low graphics. Building that doesn't require you to autistically focus or waste time, just drop big set pieces of walls stairs and such and tweak it rather then placing 2ft sized blocks, it's why I can't stand terraria.
Shooting that isn't an spazztic twitch duel that lasts for 0.4 seconds, it reminds me of halo where you have a chance to flip things around.
Huge multiplay where you feel unimportant, like an ant. the new 20 player team game is fucking sick man. 5 teams of 20 player teams is just so thrilling. Especially when you let the players who like to build build a fort, the Players who like to guard, guard, and the players who wanna scout can go scout for supplies.

It's refreshing because so many games either try to reinvent the wheel and lose sight of what's fun, others keep adding onto the wheel until it can barely spin because it's a bloated mess of "ideas". Fortnite just keeps things as complex as things need to be.

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have you seriously never heard the name xbone? are you a newfag?

It's also a thrill to find no supplies in 20man because it's like enemy at the gates, hoping you find supplies on someone.

Would never even have looked at the game twice if it weren't for my friend who plays it 4 hours straight a day. Not the worst game I've ever played but I only play it for my friend.

meme game
dead in 2 months

I bought PUBG but I prefer fortnite.

Map is smaller. So you either drop somewhere, engage in a small firefight and win, or simply die and find a new game 30 seconds later.
Aside some part of the map, there's always something to loot or search, so it's never boring, I can't count how many time I hit the auto-walk button in PUBG and alt-tab to do something else while my character is running in a huge empty field.
Combat is ok, slower than PUBG, but also more forgiving, so you kinda have a chance to counterattack and turn stuff around. Aside from snipers, long-rang engagement is very difficult with the rng in rifles, so you're less vulnerable, but playing agressive is actually rewarding.

>shoot guy
>he turns into a house

This type of game would really benefit from having couch split screen but nah, just online.

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No building mode when
First person mode when

Sup Forums loved it until it became more popular than PUBG

>What are your thoughts on pizza?
Sup Forums:
>It's better than hamburgers.

Shitty gunplay, shitty movement, shitty building mechanic, shitty game.


>food analogy

But burgers are better than ‘za ya dingus

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very gud game 0 dollars is nize

Can't wait to play it on my phone with aim assist to destroy pcbro anus >÷)

cosmetics are a little pricey but that's it

>guns lack recoil but seem to have weirdly bad random spread considering the average range of most fights
>no practical advanced movement mechanics that aren't either tied to retardedly rare resources or just all around impractical, along with a jump that feels really bad
>building sounds interesting on paper but ends up being less about building cool forts and shit for most of the game, and just becomes a get out of jail free card for shitty positioning unless someone got lucky enough to arbitrarily find gear that hardcounters build spam
>most action takes place in the first three minutes of the game, then you typically spend the rest of the time running through an empty world until you reach the final circle with the top 10 players, which is usually an equally short engagement
>the nature of battle royale games still encourages passivity and stealth over aggression and combat, so you have to play in a suboptimal way in order to "find" fun
The game just feels like wasted potential, and I don't know what everyone else sees in it.

>this is the sony exclusive skin

They know

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ok maybe it rubs you the wrong way, but a lot of what you've said just sounds like autistic nitpicking. The people who enjoy it don't see what you see as negative, probably because it isn't

What would you do to make it better

He's implying no one has heard of that joke of a console.

That we like delicious Brown girls?yes

I mean he isn't wrong on some of these points, however I do think encouraging stealth in an action game is pretty neat and it works well.

Building is a get out of jail free card, if your out in the open and don't build like a mad man your dead. You wouldn't want to build any other time because it either gives away your position or you will go through too many resources that are hard to farm safely late game. If you make it to the top 10 two or three players are going to build towers and the rest are going to fight over them as the circle shrinks. Then it's 3 left and two have towers and one is sulking below and the smartest one wins at that point.

I really like the game but they need to fine tune some issues with the gameplay and pacing.

It's alot of fun once you get in to it. I was really sceptical of the building aspect aswell at first. "OK so it's like PUBG but minecraft?" But that's really not what it is. You can do some really cool plays with the building both offensively and defensively. I'm kindof not a HUGE fan of the very end of each game, as it often becomes very difficult to play offensively and your best bet usually is to build a huge fort and snipe which I find pretty lame. But apart from that I definitely prefer it to PUBG. It's not perfect but it IS really fun

You can break literally everything; how could you not find supplies?

Supplies are Guns and ammo and Health. Resources are wood, metal and bricks.

Tried FN and everything about it was fun except that stupid fucking building mechanic where everyone instashits ramps as far as the eye can see when combat starts.

What a fucking atrocious design decision holy fuck

Spam ramps turtle up and snipe or rpg the other guy

Way to rape the combat


go play pubg

tried it yesterday, it was really bad.

Guns feel bad, kills are unsatisfying and you don't have much of a motivation to be the last one standing anyway.

Then again I don't really care for this type of gameplay nor this type of graphix

downloaded it on a lark, thought i would hate it. nope, it's pretty fun. teams of 20 really unlocks the full potential of this mode.

I think the building is not right for my playstyle of hardcore modes. It makes no sense that you can block lines of sight instantly in a shooter survival game

They've changed the shooting a bit since they launched it, I bought fortnite when it launched to play the PVE with friends but that part of it sucks and is now getting the paragon treatment from epic (slowly adding bad updates until the player base is gone so they can focus on BR). I like BR but I don't like building stupid towers trying to get a height advantage over and over and over.

Tone down or remove bloom and replace it with actual recoil so that close to mid-range fights with assault rifles don't feel like dice roll battles, make those jump pad things more common, and reduce explosion self-damage to make cool things like rocket/grenade jumping practical.
Maybe incentivize combat by providing some sort of buff and/or restoring health after kills? Right now it's never really worthwhile to chase kills once you're geared (at least until endgame) because all you'll end up doing is burning resources and giving away your position just to add +1 to a counter on your HUD for the most part.
No idea how to fix everything else since it's either a consequence of the genre, or in the case of building, something they heavily market the game with.

The casual's PUBG, but it's enjoyable for a while.

I recently played it and the average game consists of just running to a big circle for 7 minutes, then possibly find someone.

Most of Sup Forums hates it because of its building mechanics but is one of those people who stands in the open and is not moving while in a firefight, then complains about getting raped by other players who are not fucking trash at the game