Oh no no no no no
Oh no no no no no
Other urls found in this thread:
*Waifu protagonists help sell your games.
the second game is not even out yet and has already sold nearly as much
How much you wanna bet OP complains when SJW's complain that they can't identify with vidya characters, yet honestly posts this thread with a straight face.
Don't be retarded OP.
Only if they're strong and realistic emotion-wise like in NieR Automato. Those are just generic white females.
Left one is trash, right one incomplete.
never even heard of either of those games
Go back to Sup Forums with your shitty meme speech impediment.
>the vocal minority who complains about the lack of female protagonists in video games don't buy video games
qt 2d waifus absolutely help sell your game though
>the second game is not even out yet
It's on Steam being sold in early access
>right one incomplete.
There are tons of early access games on Steam that are never completed.
>female protagonist
>not cute
What's the point? Not to mention I never even heard of those games.
>game only sold well because it was the only rpg on the system
Ah yes, the wonderfully unique concept of 2B's character.
That game as on the Switch
>Japan is superior
What is this image trying to prove exatcly? That western can't understand the charm of cute robot girls?
get laid already
I don't care if it's a massage parlor or not
Just get laid.
Excuse me, somehow I read "System" as "Steam".
The problem with ion maiden is not the female protagonist itself but the fact they are trying to use one to ride on nostalgia fuelled by comically masculine FPS main characters
I think the point of the image is to show that the western automata/androids/robots are all varied and fantastical, while the Japanese sentient life all conveniently look like underage girls in revealing outfits.
>Games are only allowed to have straight white men
Can't wait for Sup Forums to die off
"Strong female character" gets a bad rap because it's most of the time just a power fantasy for cuntish women.
Look at how good Nier Automata and Bayonetta sold because the point of the characters wasn't to appeal to feminists.
>getting laid makes you stop being attracted to cute 2d girls
Hah, keep projecting you insecure faggot.
Nobody gives a shit about your opinion, woman.
>Sup Forums teens want everything to be an animu blob because they are incels thread #5131351
Shit rerun
>masculine FPS main characters
>Who is Sarah Conor?
>Who is Ripley?
There were lot of 80's action movies with women protagonists.
Just most of them were B movies.
Nah, the point of that image is cherrypicking for the sake of shitposting, just like every similar east vs west image going around Sup Forums.
>Look at how good Nier Automata and Bayonetta sold because the point of the characters wasn't to appeal to feminists.
Ironically, SJW shitholes like Neofag/resetera celebrate both those characters as empowered women.
desu western robots on this pic looks retardely unpractical, besides fallout one.
you might be right
Neither Ripley nor Connor are the same archetype of comical masculinity as Duke Nukem.
They absolute hate them tho.
Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no kill yourself you retarded regurgitating parrot
reddit go away
Cherrypicking of what, exactly? The images chosen were specifically because they are comparable, the two top games both have automaton characters, the middles ones androids and the third robots.
It's impossible to celebrate Automata as "empowering of females", the entire Taroverse in general portrays females as submissive, suffering victims. 2B's entire character arc and personality revolves around her mad love and guilt to 9S who is everything for her.
Are there any android / automaton playable characters in Japanese games that aren't just obvious humans, let alone girl-shaped?
I'm not a weeb so I can't name any. The few nippon games I've played had either furry- or loli-bait for anything non-standard.
The Fallout one is the only one that is a robot. Read the descriptions, maybe?
And still more practical than teenage girls in skirts and high heels
I can quite easily replace the robot girls for any of the hundreds of robot party members that are all over the JRPG genre, since Japan just loves to put some sci-fi in their fantasy. Pic related is one of my favorite party members ever, from Rogue Galaxy, another that I love is Ershin, from Breath of Fire 4.
So yeah, it's cherry picking.
That's usually only done by the anime avatar posters who the rest of Resetera resents
Also Neogaf currently has like 100 users total now who aren't SJWs, learn your history retard
Actually a robot that can accurately replicate human movement and behavior would be far more practical for a majority of tasks that involve human interaction than a hunk of metal, assuming they make it past uncanny valley.
It's cherrypicking because Automata alone has such an amount of non-human machine lifeform designs it cal blow the shit out of majority of western games.
>game with a budget of 50 dollars has sold more than ten copies
breddy gud
Nice cherry picking you cunt
That's French.
Please tell me all about how dressing combat androids in mini skirts and high heels improves their combat performance and helps humanity win the war.
No RL pussy would ever compare to the charm of 2D.
2b is shit. A2 best girl.
Shit thread. But is either of these games worth checking out?
Whys this turd getting shilled so much lately?
precisely why it's better.
I see the Tarodefense force has come early. Arent you fuckers busy being BTFO in the other thread?
>gets blown the fuck out
>starts shitposting
as expected
there is another thread where weebs get rekt? I gotta see that.
wow these games would have sold way better with a MAN as the PC (that's "playable character" not "political correctness", which is for cucks), further proof that ROASTIES do NOT play video games! thankfully we still have BASED DEVS who know what make games great and are willing to fight male genocide
>has all these non-humanoid lifeforms and automata
>none of them are independently playable
I like Build Engine games, I’m cautiously excited for Ion Maiden
Too bad 90% of Ion Maiden threads is bitching about female protagonists instead of everybody discussing their favorite Build engine game and mods
Because humans are generally more comfortable around other humans than metal monsters, and general tasks such as infiltration or even simply utilizing weapons designed for humans are easier when you are built and appear as a human is.
>normalfags triggered that their shitty female MCs don't sell so they start attacking female characters from Japanese games instead
Every time, it's getting pathetic
How? You fucks always seem to be in a rush whenever your precious taroshit gets criticized in some form. You're as worse as Sonicfags.
You have a playable non-humanoid machine flying around each main character, retard.
And one of them can use literally any machine from the game with full moveset
ITT Tarofags can't read.
The image specifically compares party members and playable characters.
>cherry picking indie niche games
>get BTFO by Black Panther
>get BTFO by triple AAA games like Horizon Zero Dawn
why is the alt right always dishonest hateful losers trying to cope
>get called out after spouting falsehoods or strawmanning
>indepedently playable
So? The ones posted on that image aren't either, wasn't that about party members, not protagonists?
Because there's a lack of robot MCs in general and it's something I want to see more, both from Japan and west.
Why did you forget the best one?
No we fucking dont. Just look at the uncanny valley inducing monsters being made in Japan right now. I'd rather work with a non-anthropomorphic machine than something that looks like a crude mockery of life.
Based Karabamga
both black panther and zero dawn have massive marketing to a point the race or gender of its main character is irrelevant, people will buy this shit just because it's a high-budged blockbuster
>spouting falsehoods
Like what? You're just a stupid fanboy who appears every time your shit series gets attacked by Sup Forums.
>tried to google the name of game on the right
>no results
>it's ION maiden and not Iron maiden
Like that image.
SO another Japanese android that conveniently looks a cute girl.
Thanks for supporting his argument, I guess?
>assuming they make it past uncanny valley.
Nice reading comprehension senpai.
>not a single blond haired blue eyed man among them
I see you merchant.
Are you trying to prove that japan does it better? Because, while decent, I cared a fuckton less about ED-E and Nordom than about the rest of my humanoid companions.
>This level of grasping at straws.
How the fuck do high heels and big boobs and flowing fabric improve combat performance? How do Tarofags even function in reali life when they're this delusional?
But it's true? 2B isn't exactly a unique concept. There are dozens of niche JRPGs with her exact character. Ar Tonelico for example.
Because he doesn't care about that user's particular preferences for robot party members. Yes, attractive characters make the game more enjoyable for some people, but not for you, because every game has it's target audience.
You can stop getting triggered over things you don't like now.
Kill yourself:
No you're the one with no reading comprehension. You generalized that humans are more comfortable with robots that look human when you know whats gonna happen is people screaming in horror over the 'thing' that should not be alive.
The ones on the left aren't unique either.
The real question is do you tumbrfags function at any capacity at all ir? If you get this triggered here, leaving your house and facing any opinion different than your own must be hell.
Wasn’t Bombshell the brain child of the geniuses that made Duke Nukem forever?
only its been known for decades fem protags make anything sell worse
Why not give a choice? Learn from fucking pokemon
>disliking cute girls
okay faggot