What are your favorite 3DS games Sup Forums?
3DS Thread
>Animal Crossing: New Leaf
>Devil Survivor
>Dragon Ball Fusions
>Fire Emblem Fates
MH4U and
This plus MHXX and Stories.
Also the Bravelies.
Booting ultra moon in the o3ds is painful.
You can see the console begging to be put down.
I kind of wish I had gotten that N2DS because of how great it looks, but I don't think it comes with a hackable firmware, so I'll stay content with my 2DS.
I'm not the only one who bought this, right?
>Best Tier
Style Savvy
Kid Icarus Uprising
>Good Tier
Fire Emblem Echoes
>Alright tier
Resident Evil Mercenaries
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
>Waiting To See How I Feel Tier
Etrian Odyssey V. I'm playing a dungeon crawler on my Vita right now and haven't touched this.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. This game's battle system is shit. Controlling the camera with the analog button is terrible.
Every firmware is hackable if you have a flashcart and a magnet.
Ace Combat
New Leaf
Fire Emblem (Awakening and Fates)
Hyrule Warriors
I kind of want to, but I never carry my 3DS with me any more. Do you recommend it?
>and a magnet.
How does that work?
I only own fire emblem games and it makes me mad.
Well, you're not gonna be making the next Yume Nikki or anything, but it is pretty fun to dick around with. It's got a lot of neat features.
Also, it got a physical release in Europe, which I personally think is completely fucking bonkers. Since none of the previous handheld RPGMs even made it out of Japan.
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Rune Factory 4
Got rid of my 3DS. I mean sure it's a solid handheld but I was either playing games I couldn't get on consoles MH, shitty pseudo phone games like animal crossing and harvest moon, or Nintendo games. Just wasn't using it because I looked terrible out in public using it too so I only used it in my room. Have a kindle now and it's a much better experience.
We got one too in the US. I didn’t realize this was a franchise. So you’re mainly creating, huh? There is like some online thing for distribution of the created RPGs, right? You find any gems there?
Does anyone know if the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games are good, and if so then which ones are worth picking up?
>he actually used it in public
>he actually cared about what other people might think when he used it in public
You were doomed from the start.
Dunno. There's a free app on the eShop you can use to play games made with it, without buying the actual software.
>Just wasn't using it because I looked terrible out in public
>style savvy
What can possibly be so good about dressing game?
You have to put it over the sensor that determines when the lid has closed, so you can press buttons while it is in the suspended state.
Using mine as a both DS and 3DS machine so Flower Sun and Rain is the favourite. Also big into SMTIV and all the goddamn DS Castlevanias. Picross 3D is also fantastic.
Fuckin' magnets.
>Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker
>The Legend of Legacy
>Kirby Planet Robobot
>Persona Q
And soon to be pic. I also rather enjoy USUM, EO1U, and ACNL but not quite favorite level.
It's really fun for me. It's got plenty of charm due to the actual style of the game, the characters and customers you interact with, and all the various clothes you can choose from. If you give a fuck about fashion at all, you'll probably get a kick out of it. That, or if you're a waifu fag. There's inventory management as well.
Honestly, just play the demo. You'll either like it a lot or not at all. I can easily spend hours on the game, but I wouldn't easily recommend it for everyone. It's clearly not a game for everyone. It is still my favorite game on the system.
It's pretty much a business management game that lets you strive to rule over a whole industry, but with shoujo manga art. It's a really well made game and incredibly addicting.
I don't even think you need to care or understand much about fashion, as long you don't mind the girly art-style, you will have a great time with it.
>style savvy is actually good
i ain't getting trolled
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Star Fox 64 3D
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Corpse Party
Bravely Default
Bravely Second: End Layer
Dragon Quest VII
Tales of the Abyss
Legend of Legacy
Persona Q
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Also pre-ordered The Alliance Alive. And as much as everyone is bitching about it, I will most likely buy the Luigi's Mansion remake when that comes out.
Smash and FBI
Minus Soul hackers that list is garbage.
Are you joking nigga, just try it.
Is it just me or do all Nintendo handhelds have shit libraries and no one wants to admit it
What's the best Etrian Odyssey entry point, IV?
The NDS's library was amazing. The GBA was pretty good. 3DS has a few Monster Hunter games.
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Smash 3DS
Yo-kai Watch
Pokemon Y
Resident Evil: Revelations
Kirby Planet Robobot
I agree
Miku and Kirby.
Sadly that's the only 2 things I care about for the 3DS.
i just realized Citra made significant progress last year it's already feels like PCSX2.
also EO IV, since they all has qt gurl around.
n2ds is not that great, the speakers positioning is retarded and the materials feel really cheap
When is alliance alive dropping ?
>Xenoblade 3ds
That game literally hurt my eyes to play. I'm not even exaggerating. I had to return it it was so bad
new leaf
pokemon X
there are a lot of games that I'm gonna play after I hack mine, like fantasy life, dq8 and attack of the friday monsters
>Question about 3D
Im the only one that really enjoy the 3D effect of the 3DS?
It doesnt hurt met at all even after few hours and it feel really good to play with it on. Why people hated it so much?
Bought this a couple days ago, first handheld since the Original DS Lite.
What games should I buy/pirate ((Currently waiting for the R4 card)
I feel like it depends on the game. Sometimes they use the 3D well and it's not distracting, and in other games it's awful.
Mar. 27 officially, you can also put an incomplete patch into the JP one from the demo if you're a pirate, but that means you can't use Tiggy apparently, because she can't acquire any skills in the patched thing.
No I love it, always have it on if I'm capable of accessing a charge port.
According to the playtime they are.
Pokemon X
Fantasy life
>Mar. 27 officially
Thanks user, i'll wait for it to drop, just got a n3dsxl nd hacked it today so i'm just getting started on installing shit.
Is the port really that bad? I wasn't sure to play it on the 3ds or an emulator, but since the 3ds is portable...
Got a 3DS in December. So far:
>Bravely Default
>Kid Icarus: Uprising
>Picross 3D Round 2
> 80's Overdrive
>Super Mario 3D Land
>Donkey Kong Country Returns
>Fire Emblem: Awakening
>Box Boy
Probably hitting up Animal Crossing New Leaf or Fire Emblem Echoes Next.
The 3D is shitty if you're on an XL.
And more recent games have that "Plays in 2D only", thus making 3D more pointless.
Project X Zone 2 and Streets of Rage 2 3D.
Not that I'll ever play them again because my 3DS is officially dead now.
I have an XL and I rather like it more on it than the regular size.
Animal Crossing. That's all I need.
Bravely Default is one of the best for mee too (I also have the 3ds for some months)
Donkey Kong slowdowns makes it unplayable for me.
How is the pikmin game? Don't think I've ever heard anyone talk about it so it must be terrible
Pokemon Moon
Pokemon X
Super Mario 3D Land
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Monster Hunter IV Ultimate
What happened to it?
>The 3D is shitty if you're on an XL.
On the New XL the 3D is better than ever, they improved it alot.
Also yes, i hate how they force you to play in 2D in some games.
>Not having the best feature of the 3DS
I played X and Alpha Sapphire the most, mainly casually shiny hunting with the others on /vp/, enjoyed New Leaf but ultimately stopped playing because of having to grind neighbors for town projects.
Absolute favorite game would have to be Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
Charging port broke, which was fixable, but it also blackscreened, which wasn't.
Considered having the charging port fixed on the odd chance the latter would fix itself, but it would've cost nearly as much as a used 3DS.
>I feel like it depends on the game. Sometimes they use the 3D well and it's not distracting, and in other games it's awful.
I just find a couple of games where the 3D make the game worse, one of them is MGS 3D. It is a really good effect, but in the forest all that tree and leaves are so damn annoying and fuck up the focus on your eye.
So i've heard that Citra got a massive speed boost with latest version, how is it for DQ8?
I want to play Etrian Odyssey on my N2DSXL.
Which title is best for someone like me who has never played an Etrian Odyssey title?
F, get a new one and hack it.
If money is low you can get a regular 2DS for $80 or so from shamestop (the green one).
one of these days.
i'm just mad it didn't hold up anywhere close to as well as my DS did.
Personally find it better on it's native screen than
the blown up one, "new" or not.
A bit off topic but does Citra support 3D monitors?
Anyone played this little hidden gem of a game? It's called Sadame and it's like a Japanese folklore-inspired Diablo, the gameplay is very challenging to the point of being bullshit but the pixel art and environments are comfy as fuck.
My 3DS is 5 years old, I had to repair the shoulder buttons and change the battery but it still works.
Man I feel lucky with my handhelds
GBA SP still works as far as I know and while my 3DS needs a new battery pack (charged thousands of times more than it should have been), the only part that broke was the circle pad's glued base, which was easily fixed with some krazy glue.
It looks rad, I was looking for a challenging game, guess that I will try it.
The amount of shit on screen is massive since the scale of the game is huge, so resolution is a big problem. I thought the game was bad on Wii, but it's so much worse on 3ds. Emulate that shit at 1080p and it'll be fine
eh, occasionally good but even on New 3DS it keeps fucking up so much that I kinda dislike it. if I use it, I tend to keep it to a very low setting.
>A bit off topic but does Citra support 3D monitors?
Not that i know, and probably never will, becasue most of the people hate the 3D, so it will be a waste of resource and time.
>even on New 3DS it keeps fucking up so much
I have a new XL and it never fucked up except few times in a total dark ambient. It doesnt fuck up even moving fast the 3ds.
To answer your question though, it's not an issue with the port necessarily so much as it is the 3ds being 240p. If I were them though, I would've turned off 3d and used higher quality assets (character models very visibly drop to shit at a distance) and put on 2x MSAA. It probably wouldn't have fixed the issue, but it would have helped
>Animal Crossing New Leaf
>Fire Emblem Awakening
>Fire Emblem Fates
>Fire Emblem Echoes Shadow of Valentia
>Fire Emblem 3 Shop and Chop
>Mario Maker
>DragonBall Fusions
>SMT IV Apocalypse
>Monster Hunter 4U
>Majora's Mask
>RE: Revelations
>Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
>Phoenix Wright
>Kirby Planet Robobot
>Dr. Mario Miracle Cure
>Mighty Switch Force
>River City Tokyo Rumble
>Project Mirai DX
I think I got them all.
Rin and Len are cute!
Damn it.
>Mfw people write out their favorite 3DS games without mentioning Pokemon
Rune Factory 4
Shin Megami Tensei 4 Apocalypse
Etrian Odyssey 4//Untold 2
Xenoblade Chronicles
7th Dragon.
I have an old 3ds and n3ds. I was looking at selling the old 3ds and getting a 2dsxl since I rarely use the 3d gimmick and giving my kid the n3ds. Is the 2dsxl worth it or am I better off with the n3ds?
What? The N2DS XL actually feels pretty solid.
Beside the 3DS speakers alway sucked that's what the headphone jack is for.
Yeah go for it, user, let me know how you like it.
I wish there were more people playing it so someone more skilled than me could explain some of the mechanics, but for what it was I really enjoyed the game.
yeah I just bought it to play monster hunter
Etrian Odyssey iv v u u2
Corpse Party
Gotcha Protectors
Soul Hackers
Blaster Master Zero
Code of Princess
Persona Q
Dead or Alive Dimensions
Senran Kagura 2
Ace Combat
Puyo Puyo Tetris
it's fine with movements but it's not very forgiving with viewing distance, and sometimes it would be more comfortable to hold it either closer or further away than it would like to make you look at it for the 3D to work well
position of lightning also affects it a lot
Is there any good 3DS Pokemon game in the first place.
I'll check it out if I have the cash. Heading to Gamestop this thursday to pick up Fire Emblem Warriors Special Edition, Mario Odyssey and possibly Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and some eshop cards to buy a DS virtual console game to hack my Wii U. If I have some leftover cash from working overtime, I might check this game out.
If you're into Atlus games SMT IV and Persona Q are solid as fuck.
Kirby RoboBot is good if you don't mind an easy but satisfying game
Just about any monster hunter game is a good choice
Also Animal crossing New leaf is perfect for relaxing gameplay
>Rune Factory 4
>Shin Megami Tensei 4/Apocalypse
>Etrian Odyssey 4/Untold 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>7th Dragon III
I stopped playing Pokemon games with White. I recently picked up Aqua Sapphire to see how the newer games turned out, and while it was fun I'm certainly not going to recommend Pokemon as one of the top 3DS titles. That shit gets boring after awhile, you know.