I seen this old ad from the 90's and the little kid is doing the soyboy grin when he gets all his superfluous shit.
Soyboyism isn't new?
People opening their mouths when excited has existed for as long as humanity has existed.I think you spend too much time here,you should be studying for school.
>OP thinks "soiboi" refers to nintenkids now
damn you newfags... the whole term was invented to get around the Sony-gger word filter.
Kids are supposed to be like that, it's only worrying when adults do it
>Ever allowing your son to act soyish
>expecting anyone on Sup Forums to bear kids
This is a shit thread, you are a shitcunt. Fuck you, I'm not even gonna give this faggotry - fueled thread the bump.
Fucking kek
>bear kids
I don't know, degenerate homosexuals sounds exactly like the sort of kids Sup Forums would raise.
>excited people bad!
>must be frowny frowny fascist me manly
for fotm autism from pol this is extra retarded. it only makes sense when you realize alt right is deformed incels trying to deflect from their own perceived insecurities
>expecting a fucking toddler to be manly
They are not, they are kids.
Someone shouldn't even be considered a person until they are at least 25.
>comparing a 7 year old boy who looks good and clean to disgusting faggot liberal men who get pegged by their wives
the desperation
they know and couldn't handle it so this is the response to it which is kind of sad considering they had whirr posting which was in itself very telling of the fanbase
No you'd teach and guide them
Teah they actually invented escitement and smiling all the way back in the 40s when WWII ended so they would have a way to celebrate getting to rail their wives for the first time in years
Kids are stupid and driven by impulses.
You slap them everytime they fuck it up until they are grown enough to understand the stuff you want to teach them.
I dont know about the guys on the left or the right but the real soyboi was the one who made this pic cause he chose the ones on the left based on how attractive they were to him.
I think your judgement is clouded by what you've extrapolated from your own experience here, soylent boy.
So fucking cringe, even for Sup Forums standards.