Rayman Legends

I just reached the final Level of Awesomeness on this, which took months of daily playing.

So let's have a thread for one of the greatest platformers in the last decade. Don't try debate me because you'd be wrong. Sequel when?

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how'd it take you months? it's not that long of a game tbqh
still a great game, though. Sequel when?

Oh sure, the game itself isn't very long at all. I completed it long ago
But after you finish every bit of content, you're around 1500 points off the last Awesomeness level. The only way to level up from that point is the Daily challenges.
They earn you 10 points a day if you get Gold, 5 for Silver, 1 for Bronze. 50 Points for Diamond but I was never gud enough for that and there was only a limited number of them. I finally finished today.

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Good job

Thank you user. Someone on Sup Forums actually told me I could do it long ago, with an anecdote of his own.
It feels good

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Ubisoft need to get off their arses and stop it with the mobile shite and make a proper one at this point. Those musical levels were a joy

didn't they stop even doing the mobile runner gfames by now?
where the fuck is my rayman, ubisoft!?

All we have is Rabbids now user...
It really is strange though. By all accounts, Legends must have sold well. Ubisoft literally release it on every platform there is. I'm pretty sure it's on Switch too, yet we've not heard a single word of a Sequel. What the hell's going on? The games are great

>Sequel when?
Hopefully never, give me a true Rayman 2 sequel in glorious 3D

The original rayman is still my favorite. I dislike the character design of the new ones..

>he didn't like rayman 3
top pleb

Rayman 3 is a fine sequel to 2. However I do agree that both games need a new installment. I always preferred the 3d games to the 2d ones

So this really is as good as they say? More enjoyable than the first Rayman?

it's very easy, especially compared to the first rayman (which has its fair share of bullshit moments), that's not a bad thing necessarily but it is worth keeping in mind if you're going into it expecting a rayman 1 experience.

>So let's have a thread for one of the greatest platformers in the last decade. Don't try debate me because you'd be wrong.
Origins is better, why even have a thread if you don't want discussion?

>Sequel when?
Likely not soon given Ubisoft is full live services meme train right now and they seem content just porting Legends.

Not OP but Id much rather circlejerk than have another long, useless debate.

Never said that, but 2 is objectively better

Let's be frank, the first Rayman was a clusterfuck of bad game and level design.
Sure, if you are one of those though guys that likes to show how hardcore they are for beating a hard game designed with the ass, good on you.
But Origins and Legends are leagues ahead to the first Rayman. The first Rayman is still an ok game overall but the 2D sequels are among the best 2D platformers ever made.

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>Origins is better
They are even at best.

Well guess what faggot, this isn't your god damn echo chamber and OP is being a faggot and trying to make his opinion law.

Legends is a fine game in its own right but the level design suffers a lot from being originally made for the WiiU.

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Meanwhile Origins suffers on its own with stages like the ones where you ride the fly.
That is why they are even. They have both the same amount of flaws. And even then, Legends has got 80% of the stages of Origins.

>Sequel when?
Never, Ubisoft canned the series because it didnt sell well

I'm not trying to do anything, My opinion is actually law.

Source on Ubisoft saying they were unhappy with the sales?
Inb4 you post vgcharts and still no source on Ubisoft's statement, claiming you know it anyway.

I'd assume it's bullshit given how willing Ubisoft are to port it to everything

>Having to spoonfeed a retard
Literally type in rayman sales ubisoft in Google next time you fucking fag


>But the bulk of the blame lies with the delays of both open-world shooter Watch Dogs and racer The Crew, which Ubisoft announced yesterday would both now launch later than planned
Thanks for the source, bucko.

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was i the only one who found Origins to be incredibly overrated?
I loved the first 3 worlds but after the 4th I couldn't stand the game

Yeah, so expected that they didnt bother to make a sequel for the next 5 years.

A game to be overrated should first have an enormous global success and be praised to hell and back. Things that never happened.
You should say "I didn't like it", not "It is overrated".

I mean the only reason I say overrated it due to how I've never heard anything but praise for the game for years, people literally calling it the best platformer of its generation

They did a sequel. On mobile. And yeah, I know next you'll write "it doesn't count because reasons", don't worry.

it was pretty shit
all the levels felt the same and after you beat a few worlds you have to play rehashed worlds because they were too lazy to think of more than 4 themes
legends was good tho

I really wanted to like the game too, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like it runs out of steam pretty quickly
If Legends is genuinely better then Im excited to play it because I love Rayman and was severely disappointed with Origins

>playing rayman origins
>lovin the game, feels great to play a plat former for once and not another shooter or rpg
>several levels in I realize something
>there's no lose or game over conditions
>no matter how many times you die (which I did quite a bit trying to get pesky lums for gold medal) you'll just get sent back to checkpoint
>if you die too much game will ask you if you want to leave
Wtf is the casual shit? It feels good to turn my brain off and not have to think too much about getting through levels but seriously? There absolutely no punishment for fucking up?

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legends is easier but the level designs are much more creative and varied. Just don't play the wii u version because half the levels are slow autoscrolling touchscreen gimmick stages

>I was having fun but then I realised I shouldn't be because I'm a Sup Forums user and this isn't

>legends is easier
Thats honestly fine, I hate to sounds like a casual but there were some parts of Origins that just ended up feeling tedious instead of feeling genuinely challenging

Speaking of which, Ubisoft has been saying that they're developing a new UbiArt game for quite some time. What the hell happened to it?

This shit had the only good launch trailer that got me hyped enough to go out and fork out 60$. Awesome game youtube.com/watch?v=yMIKs1PKrEM

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Lives and continues are just something that could work in arcade games, to make players spend more money. There were cheats in all platformers that gave you infinite lives, making the point of game overs moot.
So it was just natural for modern games to drop it eventually. A game can still be hard and challenging without using cheap shit like game overs.

They did? They also said they were making UbiArt free to use for everyone but they changed idea fast.

that is a pretty good trailer tbf
Loads of actual gameplay too.

Not him and I don't entirely disagree with you, but
> There were cheats in all platformers that gave you infinite lives, making the point of game overs moot.
There were also cheats for godmode and infinite health, that didn't make health or failure sates "moot".

Also it could be argued that removing game overs also removed the need for the game to have tighter balance, because the developers could take for granted that the player is allowed to endlessly bash their head against any challenge since they won't be punished for it.

I 100% agree with you. There should have been a lives system and a hard game over or having to restart the world you are in. There is absolutely no sense of accomplishment after beating this game. The boss fights in legends are especially embarrasing because each one has 3 or 4 checkpoints in it.

Well ok, the cheat argument isn't spot on but it's still true that lives and game overs are just a weak heritage from arcade games, that add no more or less challenge for the player.
I think a game can still be challenging using good level design and clever "gimmicks". Of course, the developers shouldn't be lazy just because lives are an ancient concept.