What actually makes a female protagonist good to you. Drop the face, tits, and ass and what's left that you genuinely enjoy about the character. Also it's not objectifying woman to scrutinize them.
>Inb4 footfag
What actually makes a female protagonist good to you. Drop the face, tits...
Attitude, demeanor, abilities, backstory.
Just wants to do what she can in a fucked up world
A believable character with believable motivations.
>Drop the face, tits, and ass and what's left that you genuinely enjoy about the character.
nothing comes to mind honestly
I'm gay so I mainly enjoy their design and voice. Character motivation also doesn't hurt either.
just make them feel like a video game protagonist the player can identify with
face tits and ass
>cock teases
Fuck off.
Give me a strong willed, fully armored maiden with a sense of duty.
That way it's all the sweeter when she gets captured by orcs and gang raped until she doesn't even remember her own name.
The exact same things I look for in a male character. A vehicle for me to overcome a challenging situation. Chell would've worked as the MC for Half Life just as well as Gordon could've been the MC for Portal.
Also long as female protag isn't just a reskinned man I'm good. I'm tired of developers trying to be progressive and force a woman to act like a man when they could have just made her a man.
>not liking tomboys
>dude these personality quirks are 100% male or female only and no person in the history of humanity had ever acted out of line!!
This is how stupid you sound
Believable motivations, an actual feminine personality not just Butch McSpacemarine with titties. Not to say that characters like Samus aren't cool and likeable, but it's been done to death.
Oh sorry how wrong of me. I sure as hell like tomboys now
>What actually makes a female protagonist good to you.
Same thing that makes a male protagonist good to me.
Memorable character design.
Their story and goals make sense.
Bayonetta is literally a reskinned Dante
What's your point?
A good character is good regardless of sex. Either they have a good story, humor, attitude or whatever else is down to preference
There are many ways to write a good character.
>t. self hating elf
Those are my favorite types of VNs.
i don't care as long as its a super kawaaii desu sugoii anime girl with boobs
those aren't tomboys though, they're goblins.
Kristen Wiig is sort of qt though.
>female character
>believable motivations
pick one.
>believable motivations for the character
wow, that was hard.
>>believable motivations
I like a woman who is emotionally strong. One who doesn't cry over small crap and is determined to be self sustaining. One who doesn't bring up her being a woman, she just does what needs to be done, because she's the heroine.
>for the character
Yeah but bayo act like her own character who is very dominating but sensual. She know what she's got and uses it any time she wants. She also really cares for her friend yet doesn't have a strong sexual love interest that isn't just extremely implied. She knows full well she's a woman. I'm talking about full on Butch dykes who think they're cool for acting like men and being "awesome".
Bayonetta is a woman, that acts like a woman and is designed by a woman, that's why she works.
Yeah that's what I'm talking about. Tomboys aren't bad but literally just replacing a man for a woman cause it's the current year isn't going to help me like them. Especially if they just act like a man.
>actually liking characters that flaunt their sexuality
>muh anime
sick of you fucking half brained weebs always posting with a boner and a rotted mind why everything should be like "le based nippon"
>hurr hurr it good because i can jack off to her xD
Fuck off
>acts like a woman
She acts like a stripper.
What the fuck are you talking about I'm gay.
In a word, strength. More specifically, emotional strength, honesty and determination, while not being arrogant and retaining a sense of humility and modesty. Intelligence and good judgement are almost required too. For younger female characters, they have to be energetic, carefree and fun loving, yet not oblivious and can become quiet and depressed in the right situations, then I'll automatically like them, and I’ll also like them if they show strength and maturity beyond their years. This all comes with the standard preference of round characters to flat, character development, etc. I'm really describing this in autistic detail huh.
Not much really.
Just don't be annoying.
That reminds me of Saria user
No every woman is a plain, average, sexually repressed gender studies student I'm afraid.
>drop all these great things about a character
>character is no longer enjoyable
wow who would've knew!
Well OP, you can close the thread I guess
Bayonetta is indeed a good example as well
Why? Because in both games I played she didn't act like her gender is relevant.
>if you're not acting like a slut 24/7, you're sexually repressed
lmao'ing at u rn
How so? I just played Ocarina but I still don’t even remember if there was even that much to her character.
Look uncle Sup Forums I understand what you're saying, I know you mean well but I can't be bothered at the moment.
I'm sure there's a slut walk that's missing you right now.
Her being a happy and carefree kokori but later on understanding that she has to be come a sage in order to stop ganondorf. Also maybe it's just me who that. I don't even know if she actually died or not with the way the ending cutscenes showed it.
Not him but it's obvious your either underage and/or trolling.
Not him but it's obvious you're a retard.
So underage it is then.
One day you'll grow up and learn there's more to characterization than acting like a slut.
If you say so kiddo.
>Life is only extremes and absolutes! There are no middle grounds! It's easier if I just try to portray you as a caricature and make grand assumptions
I do say so, chief.
I just like how cheerful and energetic she is
>Life is only extremes and absolutes! There are no middle grounds!
This is pretty funny considering the point was bayonetta being a huge cocktease at all times.
is that pepe?
No that chie from persona 4
Idk what exactly, but both Cassandra and Bayo are nice examples, and they are really different games.
>Drop the face, tits, and ass
But that's why I like female protagonists. I want them to be attractive. Having an interesting or charming personality is a part of that.
I don't think it's that complicated. I feel the same way about male protagonists. It's just that what is attractive about guys is different.
You fuckers have the worst taste in women possible. She was absolutely great until she ran into her son. After that her character and dialogue went downhill even faster than my dick jumped up at the sight of that cute little girl.
I think the point of it was to see what actually makes a good female characters without the sexual appeal.
I would like Bayonetta more if she wasn't a total brittish stereotypical cunt and overconfident womanchild who comes of unpleasant and condescending outside of battles.
Maybe if she were more relatble like she acts like this on the surfice but she's more or less a nerd that has social issues and likes anime alot henceforth the wild outlandish moves she generates.
An actual believable personality. She doesn't need to vocally remind me that she's a woman while I'm looking at her 100% of the time. That also goes for her sexuality, in fact I'd rather for it to be ambiguous since it usually isn't important to the story. She does what she needs to do and doesn't give a fuck about anything else. Some quirks to her persona are okay once in a while.
The same things that make me like male protagonist, the only difference is that i can be sexually attracted to them.
Bayonnetta is fucking awful character by the way and i actually made thread somewhat related to her that died with 1 reply. Bayonnetta's gimmick is supposed to be her hyper sexuality but it falls completely flat on it's face. It's as forced as forced can be, that character has no sex appeal whatsoever.
Anything that goes for an ideal of beauty/design realted to gameplay mechanics.
I can't stand that new wave and their retarded realistic uglies ladies with fat and dyed hair. People behind those designs aren't creators, they're marketers.
I liked the contrast actually.
She's presented as a sadistic overconfident bitch who enjoys torturing enemies and teasing people, but she fucking melts the moment she has to deal with children despite saying she doesn't like them, so much that Jeanne manages to make her legit mad.
It doesn't work because the whole thing are just summons that umbra witches normally have.
Heather rocks.
>Implying female characters have any appeal beyond being eye candy
This is mainly why I love her character cause deep down she acts like a mother.
Being a lesbian.
Bayo and Dante have no notable social skills beyong clapback snark and tease mode, pretty much is whats holding them back as proper likeable characters, and is why I hate them.
They're like Homer and Bart but at least those two are comedy characters, the videogame heroes are both dicks for no reason but edge factor plus their both conceprs of anti heroes in the M rated genre.
>write a man
>call it a woman
So love?
I think what I'm saying is that the character has to have appeal. From being sexy, handsome, well-written, interesting, compelling, or anything.
Not that you see them in many situations, also in both games Bayo interacts way less snarky with children.
Also, when did ever Bayonetta pretended to be a serious game? It's full of jokes and over the top scenes.
Only if it's love for another girl, yes.
Yeah I understand but what OP most likely wanted was to pick a character you liked and see how they really were when cutting out anything sexual. Seems like people are mainly talking about bayo though.
You know. tons of people dying in 2, even in one her and her friend had some serious issues with each other.
Literally just write an interesting character with a good backstory and interesting motivations. If you do that, the gender doesn't fucking matter, because you have just written an interesting character.
The thing with characters like Bayo and Dante is that for them to show a deeper side you need another character who won't go along with their shit but at the same time won't criticize them for it. It's not hard or anything, just have a character that's really nice to everyone and having said character question the heroes on their actions. Doesn't need to be confrontational, just something that "disarms" them.
Funny how in Bayo's case it was Bayonetta herself, but younger to bring out her likeable side.
Okay cool. But ever love matters
See did treat Loki a little harsher but she seemed to still care about him.
Bayonetta would be perfect with long straight hair like Jeanne in Bayo 2.
And no glasses and no mole. Because fuck glasses. And fuck those moles. Moles are disgusting.
Well, Loki did challenge her a bit, while Cereza was just a cute little girl.
Yeah, honestly I was ok with her before but that and the fact that she took the blame for Luka's dad death just to give him a purpose sold her for me.
Yeah he did try to act tough and cool.
glados from portal is a good example
She ain't the protagonist tho
>Gravity Rush girls
I want (yo/u/) to go back to (yo/u/r) containment board.
she's a deuteragonist in 2
but she is an interesting female character without tits, ass, or a pretty face
It has to be someone I can self-insert with. If I can't empathize with a character, it's as good as nothing.
Bit they are.
faggot go back to Sup Forums if you hate seeing hot lebanese gurls
fucking mobileposters
>Also it's not objectifying woman to scrutinize them.
Relax, user. You are not on reddit anymore.
But the camera does that for her by zooming in on her was, crotch and tits forgot or being necessary. Then half the gameplay revolves around her becoming nearly nude for tins of attacks. But no it's not selling female sexuality at all.
Fuck Bayo 2 fags, her outfit in 1 was so much better.
With that said, how do I get her Bayo 1 costume in 2? I know you can, but not how.
bayonetta is absolute garbage as a character
Bitch he was asking about female characters. Everyone already said that.
>good aesthetics
>interesting perosnality
>great story