This is your Iris. Say something nice about her!

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Built for bbc

Like all girls

She got nice lips

I want her on my dick

I still can't comprehend how a game can be so, SO impressive and at the same time be so shit. FFXV trully is the weirdest game i have ever played.

Please user be my Iris. I want to whore you out for black cock.

>white girl making a racist caricature of asians

Hoodie+skirt combo is the cutest

It's what happens when you get almost everything right except the gameplay design.

That's called an infinite budget, it's Final Fantasy's single defining trait.

>They didn't show older Iris, Cindy and Aranea.

Attached: mhm.png (353x364, 247K)

>everyone except ignis speaks with american accents
>they say her name with the euro pronunciation

I thought that was kinda weird

would like to see her on all fours sucking and fucking dog cocks. She seems like she would be perfect for that

Aranea was already like, 40 or something.
From the thousands of weird fuck ups that the game has, THIS is the one that caught your attention?

She is cute and must be protected


it's also my cousin's name so I guess it stuck out a bit more

that bitch can fight really nicely.

Fuck now I have to think about ioanna the whole day. Thank you.

It doesn't feel like a date.

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She was infinitely superior to princess idofuckall

>not wanting your best friend to also be your brother-in-law
Noctis was a failure

>Tfw this was the option I picked
I thought he was going to slightly tease her by implying that Luna is the one for him. And then he said something like that. I was kinda shocked.
What happens when you say Yes to her?

>What happens when you say Yes to her?
She kisses you and you grab her lower back, implying upper ass.

What's wrong with her eyes?

>princess idofuckall
What the fuck

You heard me

>She kisses you and you grab her lower back, implying upper ass.
Lies, Fuck now i have to youtube it. At least i got her the flowers.
I would argue that prompto is his best friend.

What if I aren't lying?
*sweating intensifies

>I would argue that prompto is his best friend
i mean, they're all his best friends. but even still not taking the opportunity to have your best bro become your actual bro.

Fuck you, and damn this kinda made me sad.

>not the No Way Fag version

porn when

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She needs to get black bred




Cheap Makoto knock-off


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her brother is kinda cute

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Moar, pls.

Mais, carai!

Bbcfags get the FUCK out.

Why would she insinuate this knowing he is a prince with a bride to be, and that she is only 15 and Noct is 20? Furthermore Noct's guardian is her own brother

Fucking kill yourself you fucking faggot.

Isn't she Asian?

Your lack of friends is showing.

Sure it is.

Post moar Iris.

She’s Noct’s good friend, and she also very obviously has a crush on the dude. Combine that with being a horny teenager and there ya go.

She's the worst of the main girls.
I guess that wasn't very nice actually.

True, also in Brotherhood Noct helped her when they were both children, so I'm sure it stems from a childhood crush

Is burazahoodo worth watching?

your game sucked.

If only Iris and Ara were permanently playable

It was above average. A very VERY solid 6/10. Mayber even a 6.5/10 during a good day.

modding tools soon

Yeah it's pretty good, it builds on the relationship of the boys and makes there friendship feel more authentic. I was also suprised how good the Japanese voice actors were. Made me consider playing through the game with the Sub

Pretty sure they're getting episodes late '18 and into '19 or something, through Squeenix's DLC plan.

>this is a game released in twenty eigtheen

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I'm so sorry user, I'll donate you 10 dollars out of pity if you want.

the lot of you are pathetic.

i want Aranea to breastfeed me.

Attached: Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Screenshot 2018.03.13 - (3840x2160, 1.72M)

If only Iris and Ara were permanently playable

Have to agree with this. I went in with the mind set of "ok, 5 or so episodes, let's get this over with" but it was actually pretty nice to see how each and everyone of the bros is connected to noct and what they mean for each other. Especially with Prompto who was actually a fat kid in school. The topic is only slightly touched upon in the game but if you have the background knowledge it makes the scene where Prompto and Noctis talk while sitting on a motel sign thingy that much more powerful

She's cute!

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She should have fucked Noctis

As long as she waited until she was 18 and had Gladdy's permission sure

Right? The cutscenes are janky as fuck, even the normal walking animation for Noctis is janky as fuck, it's pretty damn glitchy, the English dub is both better and worse because the voice acting is less anime but they didn't let the voice actors see ANY of the cutscenes so they can be crying one second and sound completely fine one line later, it's pretty grindy at times, playing it felt like a chore at least 80% of the time, yet by the end when Prompto told me to choose a photo, I was holding back tears and felt something I can't even describe in my chest aside from the words "hurt", "loss", "bittersweet", and "leaving". How the fuck did they do it?

iirc that's how you pronounce it in greek/latin.

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They setup Lunafreya to fail, didn't they. The poor girl.

Currently replaying the game after finishing it originally on PS4. Iris was best girl back then, and now that I know the story she's even more best girl

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She should have raped Noctis

Cute, but this one's cuter.

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Does she become a badass? I can't wait. When she was in the party for a bit she didn't fight, but Gladio would throw her and she would do some badass shit occasionally

>tfw that part made me cry not because of the characters (maybe a little) but because it was a reminder that one day I will have to say goodbye to my friends for the final time and vice versa, and unlike Noctis we won't even know when that day is
>it could be in 100 years, it could be tomorrow, it could be in 5 minutes

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She has a nice brother, I wanna fuck him #nohomo

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I want to get dogpiled by all 4 of them!

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Wet poosy

>tfw your bara bro won't let you smash his imouto

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plus ultra

>walking around
>gladio tells noctis to take his shirt off, then calls noctis out for having a scrawny body

Next time, Noctis should take his shirt off in front of Ignis.

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Attached: Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Screenshot 2018.03.11 - (1920x1080, 1.84M)

>gave ignis a pink chocobo
>every time we approach, everyone knows who the faggot is

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That's not very nice to the person taking care of you.

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why did they add so much detail to food? this game makes me hungry as fuck

Looks better than the Switch version

Can the PC version keep the extra party members yet? i figure that would be one of the first mods worked on for the game.

English Gladio is amazing, he goes full infomercial.

She's 30 you cunt.
Don't talk shit about my little Ara.

How do you get Iris to ride the chocobo? I'd call mine for her (right after Ignis tells me to) and she'd just run behind on her own little legs.

>implying they couldn't immediately tell from him blasting "donatella" from his phone

No idea, I did just that.

Noctis' walking is janky because he has a twisted skeleton or something from when that huge demon hurt him when he was a kid. Why do you think he stands that funny way?

I get that reference.

Is this the same shit as FFX where you can date Lulu and blondie and still get stuck with boring main girl?

He stands like an asshole, and it's not from that, it's like the animation doesn't know where the ground starts and the air ends.