Thoughts on SCP Lab?

Thoughts on SCP Lab?

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inb4 thread delete

fun for 3 hours

It could use more new players. The community on /vg/ is cancer. Except the Straya posters,.
I like ou guys.

I don't get why /vg/ is still a thing.
Why dosin't everyone just go to Sup Forums now? it's safe again we've had three threads that either got archived and one hat hit bump limit.
The dark says are over we can post on Sup Forums again.

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>I don't get why /vg/ is still a thing.
Clearly a newfag

Garbage 2bh. I understand it has points for being free and a meme community of Sup Forums, but the gameplay, visuals, level layout and interface is all fucking awful. I played a few matches and felt that was enough


Why is SCP on /vg/ still a thing? we should all just move over to Sup Forums

It only ever moved to /vg/ because of retarded mods.
People are probably still scared to make threads about it.

Games that get popular on Sup Forums produce namefags that want to be popular and funny and become recognised everywhere.
On Sup Forums, you get bullied for being an attention seeking faggot who gets asshurt when anyone banters.
On /vg/ you have a nice mod-enforced circlejerk which burns everyone out on a game and kills the community.

I like running from Doc with my Dbro blasting eurobeat.

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I guess. I got banned four times for just talking about SCP Lab.
It was crazy.
Either way I hope more anons from /vg/ move back to Sup Forums
I also hope we get a new SCP soon.

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We just got a graphics update today

Not being able to talk about a game on Sup Forums because there's a general on /vg/ is fucking retarded.
If the game is isolated to /vg/ it'll die out in no time because no new players will be brought in. If it's on Sup Forums, the community will stay active.

>6/8 D-bois escape despite all 4 SCPs being down in LC

i dunno if OG poster of SCP doctor dick worked further on his gif, but what a damn good addition.

>tfw no full video of him saving SCPs from male-to-females

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Why does he suck so much? he has to rely on other SCPs to be in any way affective.

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It barely counts as a game and all of the players are faggots that fall into three categories
>Mic spammers

get good, how are you this shit with him.

The game won't die just because Sup Forums isn't playing there's a fuck ton of servers non Sup Forums related.

>T' Scientist who got bullied by D-boys.

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>visiting that stale garbage dump

t. Nerd who got gunned down by a D-boi blasting music

found the fucking nerd

That's DOCTOR [REDACTED], user

>tfw you get into character and end up in all sorts of wacky hijinks
Miclets will never know this feel.

And proved my point. Thanks guys. ^_^

Feed me more (You)s, nerd

>Play 049
>Put on my best British accent.

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There's nothing wrong with that. He can be a star player with proper team support. If you're Peanut, be willing to stay close and you can give human players hella anxiety.

Go Back to I-funny.

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Put in your browser to see which servers are free. C'mon guys, let's have a good time. Avoid :7778 though, full of fags right now.

Also, mods banning based on IPs being posted is a myth.

>D-class user, please don't bully the scientist user.
>He's are freind and when you bully him it makes me sad.

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>Pick up radio as chaos
>Lure MTF into traps

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I played with Sup Forums a few nights ago and it was the most odd experiences I''ve had in a game.

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Great game. Loving the interactions and barebonesness of the game. Monsters are scarier and more threatening because there is an actual human controlling them. I love how you can find safe places from many SCPs by jumping on stuff like Larry's metal box. Also team work will carry soldier squads. One soldier is a prey but 2 soldiers are slready predators and threat to SCPs.

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>wow you guys like having fun xd emoticon xd im not the faggot i sweat

fucking NERD

He's hilarious when waiting for NTF in the entrance area, as long as the elevator rooms are not too close.
Chaos will just hose you down with their LMGs though.

I miss the G-Mod version

>tfw can't play scientists because everytime I get bullied and even though it's a joke it makes me sad.

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Please I want to play as my fire boi soon.

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SCP-811 is my scp waifu i love her with all my laifu. Seriously, I want to wash her oily her and give her my human seed

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Try to get your hands on a gun ASAP.
If you can't, just try to bear with it until you run into NTF

can someone explain what this game is and how it is different than the,
nvm this is the game I have, I dont know how to do almost anything in game

I don’t know what the fuck I am supposed to do, and everyone on it is either a troll or a autist