Stop hating Eureka, whito piggu

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>just got to book step for Excalibur
Wish me luck



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So is it Diadem 2.0 or what?

Ganbatte user.
The suffering has only just begun.

The atma and books were even worse. Eureka is just classic mmo grind

So what will happen at the next live letter?

Where do I get the antiquated stuff for Eureka armor/weapons?

Yes, but worse.

>Preasu buy our merchandise! Hai!

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It's the gear you get as a reward for completing the level 70 job quest. If you don't have it anymore you should be able to buy it from the Calamity Salvager.

>the quests tell you where to go, and easily narrow down the search to a small area
>the first thing people do when they get the quests is ask where it's at in /shout because they can't deal with not having their hands held

How did they manage that?

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can i pretend i'm exploring the dark continent while grinding?

every fucking time

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>every first step relic got a glow
>Monk already had a glow
>Relic is the same as the level 70 job quest reward
*Breathes in*

>you can enter this zone solo
>completely fucking useless unless you're in a party

>you can join parties while in the zone
>no one wants level 1s in their party because they've been grinding since the patch dropped and they're 5+

Lmao Yoshi

Only way to get to Eureka is to do the mandatory story and boring leveling


It's really just the antiquated gear but glowing? Jesus christ.

Devs literally can't win

Give people instant gratification and they get bored

Give them a grind them they say it's too much

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Give them meaningful content and they...wait, never happens.

>he doesn't like my boring grind content
>I need to call him a cry baby but that's too simple
>I'd better search for a video of crying babies instead

How's that soy taste, bitch?


I hear this all the time yet people don't give details

You can make grinding fun. It's possible. One day you'll play a game that isn't shit and see.

It's pretty bad. Trash rewards unless you're a turbocasual or have shit taste in glamour, droning content with nothing new to offer but a minor rock-paper-scissors mechanic and some semi-decent visuals.

>starts crying because the grownups don't let me play in their group qq
>random implications
>muh s-s-soy!

Take your meds and fuck off you demented, oversensitive twat

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That's one of the saddest parts. The art department did a great job. The zone itself looks great and interesting.

Give me a full list of games that do this and details

Same as in HW.

That's why grind is always the better choice. Instant gratification loses more players than endless grind.

>valid criticism of shitty content I like because it calms my autism

Gb2 rdt

Yes, but monk was already that so it's literally nothing

What's to explain? Are you a fucking brainlet?
>grind mobs for hours, hours, and hours
>to get some recycled shit weapon and armor that are not even relevant combat-wise
>you can't even exp lower level classes
>and that's fucking it, there's absolutely nothing else
>this shit got DELAYED many times and this is what we get after many months

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Any modern fps with progression, game itself is fun and you unlock more skins/weapons while actually enjoying the game. Ex: Titanfall 2 and Battlefield ANY

Grinding levels in Souls games is fun if you find a method you enjoy, such as helping others defeat bosses or set up a sequence to run through.

I have no problem with having to party up and talk with others, but jesus this exp gain is draining everyone

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>the only good thing about this update was the Hildibrand ending

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Explain this content you want without sperging out like a child

it's like you guys don't remember diadem 1.0, this will be the 3rd time they have made it, and they have become exceedingly efficient at it. This is another dino island though just with levels and elements to make people move around killing mobs instead of staying in one place and killing mobs how the fuck this got delayed numerous times is beyond me.

how long until this honourable samurai commits sudoku?

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Keep in mind XIV has a lot of players who never touched XI.

More fucking raid battles, trials, dungeons
The only content that this game does good

That's fucking it

i don't mind the exp gain and level 20 feeling far away but at least give me things to look forward to in the mean time there is too little reward for levelling up that it just feels futile and that you're not even getting anywhere

i don't even mean XI, i mean the diadem that didn't have fates and was released in 3.1 then that was stopped and rereleased completely in 3.55, making eureka the third iteration of ff14 diadem shit.

At least PotD has a use.

>but old MMOs did it
>its fun with friends
>it's fine if you watch TV or browse while you play
Why the fuck do people use these excuses? The only one of these with any credence is the friends one. Yes, MMOs are social games meant to be played with others. That's fine. My question is, when did that suddenly excuse drab content?

You know is going to be in the cash shop man.

Reminder that this is the THIRD iteration of this type of content. Even if you think Eureka isn't that bad, there's no excuse for it to not be amazing at this point.

>making eureka the third iteration of ff14 diadem shit.
Diadem 2.0 has much more going on than Eureka currently does. Eureka is mob camps and the odd NM Fate that spawns based on some condition. Diadem 2.0 had objectives to deal with, environment hazards, an underworld with harder mobs. Random chests in the environment. Gathering. Rotating fates. And the odd alliance-dungeon style boss that would spawn on a random timer.

Music rip when?

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>XIV adds Durreka this month with outdated rewards
>Meanwhile XI gets hard-mode Dynamis - Jeuno with relevant drops

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maybe i wasn't clear, i mean to compare it to dino island from diadem 1.0 only with forced movement around the map rather than just staying on dino island, but lets be honest here both diadems and eureka are complete shit and the dev team need to realise this is horrible game design.

>you take way more time grinding for a 355 weapon than learning and progging the entire savage for a 370/375f

Casual players don't care about time spent. They care about the effort they would have to out in to not be terrible at the game.

If you have to do shitty grind for one dyeable AF set, which would it be?
I'll probably do one for samurai, heck maybe just chest piece even.

Even the Hildibrand storyline for SB is disappointing. ARR was fantastic and HW dropped in quality but it was still decent.

wtf why hasn't XI been shut down yet surely the cost to run it outweighs the revenue it generates at this point?

Since the saturation of the MMO market and stopped and developers no longer need to innovate to stay relevant. It's kind of hard to believe a sub fee MMO released mechanically horrifically dated content and dressed it up as a nostalgic trip.

Another lootless week. I'm starting to hate this game slowly.

>tfw your main job's AF set dyes like shit

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Monster Hunter. The grinding is fun and keeps you on your toes instead of doing monotonous shit over and over.

There's like three actually good AF armor sets and they already look amazing without any dyes. I'd rather not have metallic-dyed DRKs and DRGs ruining the aesthetics.

I'd rip her arsehole.

Remember when they said Eureka would be an alternate path of progression and would be a major component of the game.

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>4 interns working for cafeteria food
>probably 20k subscribers
I think XI generates money for them still.

So we all agree that WoW Legion btfo Stormblood?

Servers are cheap and XI's dev team is three members these days. They've become rather efficient at recycling existing content into new content the past year and a half, all the while adding new QoLs, like a glamor system that shits over XIV's take.

It's almost as if XIV's devs should take a note or two from them. Not every piece of content needs a unique dungeon, theme, and enemy models to go with it.

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No, they're both terrible in their own way. MMOs are dead.


What happened the mobile that they were making for XI?

They were both shit for different reasons.

Still no real word on it, and still not officially cancelled. It's been taking them so long at this point that they'd be better off ditching it and trying to do a mobile take on XIV instead.

No one on the mobile knows what XI is or gives a shit about it.

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Can someone who has never played XI even hope to get anywhere meaningful in the game at this point? I'm curious about it but I don't intend to go super hard on it either. I also don't know anyone who plays.

>"Hey the story of this thing seems cool maybe I'l try to grind for it to learn more about it!"
>10,000 xp required to get to level 5
>mobs give between 5 and 10 xp
Yeah no fuck it, I explored the whole map in like 5 minutes and nothing seemed worth the trouble other than the Aethernet thing.

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That's some comfy looking bamboo forest.

I don't hate it, it's a mostly positive nostalgia bomb gameplay-wise.

Most of the FFXIV kiddies get worn out a bit too fast on it though.

Anybody complainjng about the amount of grind here have no idea what real grinding is all about

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Is the cape in the DRK one still purple if you dye it?

Rowena may be a jew that makes Lalas jealous and keeps catgirls in indentured slavery, but goddamn is she hot in that hippie coat.

PSO was more fun to play though

Comfy until the music starts playing, which anyone who's caught up on XIV shit will recognize.

Nevermind the giant black holes eating away at the zone in the distance.

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I'm going to dye the RDM set blue.

It's embarassing that this game doesn't have a single fun thing to do in it.

Dungeons are not fun
Alliance Raids are not fun
Savage is not fun by the third week, or not fun at all with PuGs
PvP is not fun
PotD is not fun
FATEs are not fun
Hunts are not fun
Beast Tribe Dailies are not fun
Diadem wasn't fun
Lords of Verminion wasn't fun
Fashion Report is not fun
Eureka is not fun
Pretty much any content that involves you having to play with other people is not fun

Only reason to login is because you're forced to get your tomes and pages for the week.

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Oh wow. They added a XIV song in XI after 4.2!

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How about you quit the game

I'm not interested in dyeing my AF3 but increasing the stats is probably worth it for my retainer

>Exp to level in Eureka literally doubles every level
>Still getting like 50-100 exp per mob even around level 6

Alright, I'm out. Back to grinding tomestones and Sigmascape.

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Let's be clear here, grinding is only acceptable in a game where it's treated as a long term goal because you're working towards something that will be useful to you forever, not replaced in a patch cycle/future update. Even then, the gameplay systems also need to be fun to make it acceptable.

I don't mind the concept of Eureka at all, being able to party and shitpost with cross server people in the same zone is awesome. the problem is that the rewards/exp gain is not enough. they made it FFXI tier grindy which is not good in 2018

This. Another "big new feature" that's dead in the water because of the double whammy of being uninteresting and lackluster rewards.

Hell hath no passive aggressive fury like telling your fc that no, Eureka isn't fun.

>Ding dong bannu but still haven't gotten an email so I can't tell how long it is
Fucking epic, Yoshi.

>dosoku on tatami
shamefur dispray, ijin

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Honestly I was find with the rewards, but it's already taking 2+ hours per level around elemental level 6.

You'd be better of just sitting there AFK until the NMs show up and doing that.

Good job cheating.

It gets more updates than ff14 does. Thousands of people still play too. Multiple a few thousand players a month and tack a sub fee on. It's not hard to see it making money still.

Wait I recognize that fucking song

If it was ungabunga it's perm.

You'll be able to complete all story missions available just by getting to 99 and doing the quests for easy 119 gear.

Getting to endgame is an entire different issue. You'll need to grind for months and months for the stat boosts with Merits & Job Points to be able to even touch true endgame. Which at this point is just to play the game more efficiently and fight the Master Trials.