Should I get a PS2 or a backwards compatible PS3?
Should I get a PS2 or a backwards compatible PS3?
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Depends on the games you wanna play.
You'll get a cleaner signal out of a ps3 if you're using hdmi than you would if you were using a ps2. Softmodding a ps3 is easier than installing freemcboot on a ps2 so I'd recommend getting the phat ps3 and just doing that
Do you have a CRT? If you do, a PS2. If not, a PS3 and hack it.
get a PS2, the PS3 fats are not made to last, I've been through two of them.
pretty sure ps3 fat is the best deal because you can play both ps3 and 2 games
also I'm not 100% sure but i think you can also load ps2 roms onto a ps3 fat
not all PS2 games were playable on PS3 as far as I remember
Backwards compatible ps3 is goat console, I’ve had my 60gb since launch and it’s loud as fuck now but still the best console I’ve ever owned
Get PCSX2 and RPCS3.
It can be done but it's a major pain in the ass
How good of a CPU is required for the PS3 emulator?
I'm more worried about the ps3 dying or something.
Hacking it was the plan, but its not like theres many reliable ps3s left out there
>ps3 and 2 games
Get a PS2. The early model BC ps3s were pieces of shit. The later models BCs used shitty software emulation.
Oh and playing PS2 games on an HDTV with a BC PS3 looks even worse than just hooking a regular PS2 up with component cables.
CFW PS3 slim fag here
Is it true that PS2 games burn the PS3?
Theres 16 playable games and literally half of them are naruto and NBA.
as much as I would like it you're not gonna get a good MGS4 or Nier until a few years
New album when?
i5 with a moderate oc, but emulator is still in proof of concept phase so don't bother.
pcsx2 works fine but if you really want a console, i'd go for a ps2 unless there are ps3 games you want to play as well
i5 isn't really descriptive unless you include a generation.
i've not heard of that personally but it doesn't mean it's not a thing
>best post
>no replies
Maybe because it's a shitty post? How do you go through two ps3 fats unless you rage a lot and smash it or some shit. I've had mine for well over 5 years and it still works perfectly fine (even though I've switched to PS4 recently).
fats have a lot of issues. I also fucking hate the gloss and the way it looks.
Basically I didn't want to buy a ps2 and a ps3 seperately just to play a handful of games
>Hacking it was the plan, but its not like theres many reliable ps3s left out there
Unfortunately all the reliable PS3s are the Slim and super slim models that don't have any PS2 BC
Define these "problems" or stop complaining about it.
Kinda, the PS3 can't change fan speed while it's in the CFW PS2 emulator, this can cause the PS3 to overheat in some circumstances.
You'll need to install webman and change the fan speed manually to be completely safe
PS3, even the ones with EE in them, suffer from input lag and incompatability
>LBP 1 and 2
you lose
PS3 Fats have input lag for PS2 games
they are more prone to hardware failures and overheating
they have overheating and disc read issues. what did you think caused their reputation? are you incapable of googling?
go be a mongol somewhere else.
Weird, never had either of those issues with mine.
>i'm a mongol for being curious about what issues you had
Grade A retardation my guy.
if you're worried about failure, get a ps2 slim
Mine is 12 years old, was literally submerged in water at one point, and still works fine to this day, including the disc drive
>literally "works for me"
>never had either of those issues with mine :)
this, old PS2's are also somewhat failure prone, but the slim models are much better. swap trick to boot pirated PS1 discs is also ez pz
yes that is SUPER weird that you in particular didn't have that issue.
kill yourself
I have a backwards compatable PS3. Its great for playing ps2 games as long as it doesnt break. Just make sure to re-apply thermal paste first.
weird I thought fat ps2s were better for some reason, or easier to hack or something
>Should I get a PS2 or a backwards compatible PS3?
Just get a ps2, theyre like 60 some bucks on ebay if you look enough. And the ps2 looks better than the ps3 fat and will probably last longer.
You don't need to install freemcboot, you can just get a memory card with freemcboot on it already for less than $5. Playing games of a HDD on a PS2 is easy.
Just get a network adapter + an ide HDD, id say 160 GB. Then format the hdd with this
the advantage of fats is that they support hard drive adaptors and you can play games off them, while slims don't. but slims can play games from your PC via LAN so that's not a big deal.
hacking is laughably easy for both, you can get cheap free mcboot memory cards off fucking amazon if you want
easier to hack, yes, since some very late slim models cannot run FMCB
slims also need a different modchip than fats IIRC, but beyond that, slim is a great system when hacked and if it's possible in the first place, it shouldn't be any bigger of a task to do
I would just get a PS2 slim, they're really cheap now and it's worth it for that aesthetic startup and main menu.
Fat PS3's are just annoying to deal with and a chore to lug around.
>tfw got a slim PS2 in perfect condition (even with the plastic cover on the front) plus 7 games for $20 at a garage sale last year
Is that WinHIIP?
No but you can use winHIPP to add the games to the HDD. Just launch hd loader. Oh and the games must be iso I think
No u
You can also use WinHIIP to format the drive.
Oh I didnt realize that. I like this still cause it gives the icons on the bowser.
PS2 costs 10 bucks tops, a PS3 FAT that lets you play PS2 games natively will cost you way more than a normal second hand PS3 AND a PS2, and their failure rates are pretty high by now (specially the disk readers).
A slim PS2 will run you 30 bucks
A freeMCboot memory card will run you 10 and a stack of DVDs will cost like 5 bucks.
There, the best library of games for about 45 dollars.
A fat PS2 is $5 if you get one without a working disc drive. An IDE HDD is $10 for 200GB. Network adapters are $15. Fat PS2s are the way to go.
ESRloader is kinda ass, I wish there was a softmod that could replace the function of a modchip for PS2
>the best library of games
arguably the 3DS