Demon's Souls remake

>Bluepoint announces they're doing another, larger scale remake a few days a go
>Now pic related

Can't fukken wait lads, it's pretty much confirmed. Just need to confirm whether it's a remaster or a remake.

Thoughts and expectations?

Attached: Capture.jpg (421x459, 61K)

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RIP item burden


I would worship Bluepoint forever if they do this AND include the missing snow area.

>servers taken down
>esrb changes to reflect such

no online content anymore so it needs to have its rating changed

Same game, with better graphics and performance, i wouldnt even care if all the glitches are still there, the less added, the better

Never going to happen.

Fuck, is that what it is?

it's a re-rating for the PS3 version, and they just omit "Online experience may vary" or whatever from the original ESRB description. nothing conclusive about a remake to see here, move along folks

>Never going to happen.

Let me stay deluded in peace. Worse comes to worst I'll just play the beta build of DeS on emulator.

>demons souls released in 2009
>servers go down in time for 2019 10 year remake

This is good news. I always liked Demon Souls the best

It´s probably MGS HD collection, wasn´t it semi-leaked a few weeks ago?

Yeah great the same fucking game yet again

*Now in 4k 15fps

>from 100% hype to 100% disappointment in 60 seconds
Those click-baiting, misleading, scummy bastards.

>on PS5

>last gen game

>be PC guy
>after 15 years of waiting finally get a PS3 emulator that can play Demon's Souls at 15 fps
>superior version is revealed
>have to wait another 15 years for a PS4 emulator

Attached: 1515880728539.png (600x580, 360K)

its fucking over

sony won and theres nothing we can do

Why are you sonybros so angry all the time?

I really pray it's true

First time playing demon souls. Am I expected to complete the game with just half the life bar?

Never ever faggot lol

But you just admitted that that's not true in your previous post. PS3 emulation works to the point that DeS is now available on PC.

they have to buy a new console every 3 to 4 years, spend money on $60 exclusives, pay to play online and somehow pretend that they're better than switch and xbone drones

Grab ephemeral stones to restore human form, but expect tendency to change if you die.

Exclusive to PS4


I have played and loved the entire soulsbourne series and Des is still my favorite.

Go play new games soulsfags and stop living in one franchise like an autist

The game is balanced around Cling Ring health, I'd say.

Get the Cling Ring in 1-1. It will give you 75% health in soul form. Run up the stairs at the start of the area and turn left before you get to the boss fight room. The ring is in the room where you open up the shortcut at the bottom of the tower stairs.

My PS4 needs games and both Nioh and MG Survive sucked.

>tfw never ever ever get to go to the land of giants

>have to buy a new graphics card
>can't because of cryptocurrency

Already have a 1070 that I bought on black friday in 2016 and I get every game I want for free. Enjoy those 500gb updates tho.

>bluepoint got their hands on DeS
please god no.

I think this one needs a proper remake, I hate to say it, but as someone who beat Das1 and 2 before first playing it, it felt archaic to me, even by those standards, it needs to be at least a little modernized, I really do want to like the game,'s rough.

remake would be better. No one really wants to play the same shit just with "HD" assets.