
What's your favorite rougelike, Sup Forums? i'm talking about games that are actually like rouge, not shit like FTL Spelunky.

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You made a mistake making this thread nu/v/ has no taste.

Always loved Nethack. Shame I'm fucking awful at it though.

nethack for the fun factor

soup for the badass factor

Mine would have to be IVAN. Played it a bunch when I had my shitty little netbook.

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I mean without FTL all I can say is Cataclysm DDA.

Currently playing through powder it's quite fun

Dungeons of the Unforgiven

My favorite one is still stone soup

Soup. I tried others but they all feel like a downgrade.


Honestly, Rogue.

I am pretty crappy at roguelikes, but I enjoyed Stone Soup and Doom RL.

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Soup is a good, well-rounded game.
Nethack is garbage, finished it 3 times and I can safely say this game is overhyped and full of bullshit. Just bad game.

one way heroics and POWDER

Stone soup is great, quaffing every mutation potion in sight is the only way to play.

>sometimes your body breaks apart on taking damage
>you are a bit dopey
>you are sometimes translocated next to monsters

The only smart way to play!

CCDA = survival zombie apocalypse
ADOM = Similar to ToME, but more classic and in development for ages, getting lots of content
ToME = MMO spell combat system, but the quests and overworld isn't randomly generated
CoQ = RPG + Roguelike
Elona+ = Deep jrpg roguelike for weebs
DF Adventure Mode = Dwarf Fortress with an adventurer
DCSS = Praised by many to be the best for it's purity
DRL = Doom the roguelike
HyperRogue = Hypergeometric roguelike
Hydra Slayer = Roguelike using number theory to slay monsters
UnReal World = No idea, but supposedly it's good
Dungeons of Dreadmor = Charming roguelike, good start, surprisingly deep
Nethack = Get ass fucked in infinitely different ways. Requires metagaming to no end
Tangledeep = New roguelike with a long campaign and cutesy graphics
Cogmind = Newly released, highly reviewed robot roguelike
Desktop Dungeons = Interesting puzzleish roguelike
Dungeons of Chaos = D&D roguelike

There, that's all of them. Pick your poison. Anything else gets into roguelites or obscure roguelikes that is arguably inferior.

I prefer Stone Soup or Incursion.

I also liked aspects of ToME, but the retarded unlock system ruined it for me. When someone's trying to artificially pad out a fucking Roguelike, you know something's terribly wrong.

Cataclysm dda

Brogue is pretty fun. I want to git gud at nethack, but I suck at it.

Also, Elona

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There is another zombie rouge like but I forgot its name.

I've probably put like 3k hours in DCSS. It's probably not very good but I like it.

why is your highest skill Stealth as a GrFi

I don't think ToME needs any padding out
The unlock system is added to many games. Generally not roguelikes, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad idea. I enjoyed it. It gave me something to work towards.

I meant to say CDDA, Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead. I've had a lot of fun with it, but it's certainly not a traditional roguelike. It's just survival rather than dungeon crawling.

Rogue Survivor, probably.

No, I know you meant CDDA, I was talking about Rogue Survivor. Its been dead for years now though.

Dwarf Fortress

Acsii doesn't make something a roguelike

Spoilers all the way man. I finally beat it after a huge number of attempts by looking up everything on the nethack wiki. After you've learned all the ways the game can kill you it becomes pretty easy.

>I don't think ToME needs any padding out
>It gave me something to work towards.
A Roguelike should be a game you want to play over and over to begin with. Locking most of the races and classes behind retarded achievements only serves to make the game more frustrating and restrictive to new players. If you need to add unlocks for replay value, your game is shit. And if you don't need them but still add them, that's even worse.

>he doesn't know about adventurer mode

>people actually play that

cogmind. made it to access three times, once as a tank build, one with 6+ hacking suites, and the fastest one which was nothing equipped.

I feel like this argument could be applied to many genres in general, indicating you believe an unlock system is bad in general

However I'd say, I'm open to it, because there's so few roguelikes. We have to be flexible with how they are. If you're going to be so restrictive with how roguelikes are made and defined, you'll only find 5 that meet the criteria. That'd also be my complaint with assuming they know about adventure mode.

One thing I'll add about ToME though, is that even if it didn't have an unlock system, I'd still play the hell out of it

It's not as if everyone's favorite class turns out to be the unlocked ones. I just stuck with the starter classes for basically my entire play time

Cataclysm: Dark Days ahead is my favourite survival game despite its massive flaws. As for actual dungeon roguelikes, I'm a casual in that I've only played DCSS.

My favorite is Angband.

What's the massive flaws in CDDA

I don't know, I just kept leveling it from the start of the game.

Well you picked a good one
Many people say DCSS is the best of all time, because it keeps the most classic elements of roguelikes, but is not over complicated. It's design philosophy is simplicity and skill.


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>indicating you believe an unlock system is bad in general
If the unlocks are as bad as in ToME, it definitely is. No exceptions. Imagine buying a new Street Fighter game to discover that the only playable characters are Ryu and Ken, and all the other characters are locked behind dozens and in some cases maybe hundreds of hours of gameplay. Nobody would accept that. Having one or two secret characters or unlocks is a cool bonus, but the sheer amount of locked content in ToME makes me never want to play it again. The only games I know that even come close to the level of retardation that ToME displays are FTL and Into the Breach, but at least those games are designed to be over really quick so unlocking new stuff takes very little time.

This isn't a case of saying it is or isn't a roguelike based on specific features, so don't even start whining about that. Of course it's a roguelike, it's just a roguelike with incredibly shitty design aspects. Artificially padding out your replay value by locking 80% of your game away from the player in a game that's supposed to be highly replayable by virtue of its genre means the game simply isn't worth my time.

You can make all the excuses you want about how there aren't enough roguelikes so you have to just accept the flaws of the ones we have, but that's bullshit and you know it. There are enough decent roguelikes that you can at least choose one whose flaws you deem acceptable. ToME is simply not acceptable to me, because I refuse to put up with this kind of bullshit.


Tome, altought I suck at the game.

I still don't know if that's a legitimate mistake people make or if it's just a meme to bait retards like me

Elona+ because I have my own harem

i played Doom roguelike and its fucking shit

OP here, i've been making that mistake forever. i suspect it's usually bait though.

tales of maj'eyal? Worth it?

I fucking love caves of qud

maybe I should replay it and actually kill the stone dragon this time

Depends in what your looking for it has half its stuff hidden behind unlocks so you can't use everything from the get go

I won't keep arguing, but I really don't see what the problem is. It feels like you haven't actually played that much ToME.
1) In a single playthrough, it is not difficult to unlock almost all the classes. No class is hidden behind challenging achievements.
2) ToME is fairly short
3) FTL and Into the Breach requires something more similar to grinding than "complete these fetch quest achievements" as in ToME
4) The best classes are either the starter classes or easiest to unlock
5) I unlocked all the classes in my first 20 hours of gameplay. Where did the other hours of replay value come from?
6) Why put unlocks at all? It doesn't add value to the experienced player. It's just a little side feature for very green players to feel they are earning something

It's understandable if you don't like it, but I don't understand where your complaints are coming from.

Is there a trick to making it far into the game? I hated re-doing the first continent over and over, the furthest I got was to the high elf city and then some named mob blew me up with damage I didn't have proper resistance to. Also I can't even complete the first continent unless I'm playing something with absurdly high defense like dwarf bulwark or something.

This man is a baby. It really is not a big investment and happens alongside getting aquainted with the game. If anything getting unlocks as you get aquainted with the game helps introduce it more slowly and not overwhelm you, something ToME is very good at.

Stone Soup for short, relaxing sessions (15 rune never ever)
DDA for long, immersive roleplay sessions
Elona for lolwacky experiences

There are only two major flaws:
1) It bottoms out when you hit the endgame and don't have anything to do besides make shit up (like any other survival game)
2) Because it has such a large scope, the non-fleshed out parts stand out like a sore thumb. Things like z-levels are still incomplete but god knows if the game is still being actively worked on.

Well burst damage is a problem. I'm sure you know infusions and runes are everything. Archmage is actually the strongest class due to utility, but it requires slow and methodical gameplay.

I don't think there's a trick, just knowledge and take your time to think gameplay. I'd read guides. One person beat the hardest difficulty using an archmage with melee and antimagic i.e. an archmage with a stick that couldn't use magic. If that can beat the game anything can.

Burst damage always gets my goat no matter the game. I just can't justify the game blowing me away without some kinda warning.

why does no one suggest rogue legacy or binding of isaac, they're more fun than these ones you list because they're not turn based

I was coming here to post this. I'm actually digging the fuck out of this game.

Also Infra Arcana is a blast.

Yea, so shields and runes that let you die at -800 health will help a lot. I don't think there's a get rich scheme. Just read guides and really, really take your time to think.

That's my current favorite game.

Thinking about trying out Angband, looks fun on paper, any anons have the experience?
My previous rls are Soup and Nethack

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Elona+ is my favorite but to be honest it very nearly falls outside the actual roguelike definition at this point. It's just a item-collecting pokemon-raising rpg dressed up to look like a roguelike. I think I've played it for nearly 1000 hours.

Other than that, some older versions of DCSS are the top for me.

So I've wanted to start with Cataclysm DDA, but there are so many forks and shit. It seems everyone has their own opinion about what the game "should be". My questions is where do I even start with this? Is the base version good to start with or is there a better fork to try?

I like FTL.

One last bump.

does mystery dungeon count?
i liked their stories :c

Is Sword of the Stars: The Pit a roguelike, or roguelite? It's turn based, has random dungeons and starvation mechanics, and the only between-run progression is learning recipes and things.

That coffee is gonna make her brap a lot.

I'd put it in roguelite. I still enjoy it a lot all things considered. I liked the humor and the "sprite" designs.