i have given up man
every game is fuckin trash besides world of warcraft where even collecting pets and transmogs gives me more sense of reward
I have given up man
>every game is fuckin trash besides world of warcraft
>everything in life is fuckin trash besides shooting up heroin by the bins round back of Greggs
You are living trash, please do the responsible thing and dispose of yourself.
dont you have some crossdressers dick to suck on reddit
>every game is fuckin trash besides world of warcraft where even collecting pets and transmogs gives me more sense of reward
WoW has rotted your brain to the point where you can only "enjoy" a game if it's a glorified skinner box drip-feeding you dopamine. It's not that every game is trash, it's that you've quite literally degenerated and physically cannot understand what is enjoyable and what isn't any more.
I do, but i have ample time to mock your dumb ass before i have better things to do.
Nah, I'm not interested in accidentally running into either of your dads.
nice bipolar syndrom you autistic son of a bitch
Then play world of warcraft you miserable cunt.
>WoWfags see every other game as trash
Tell me why should i be surprised
>every game is fuckin trash besides world of warcraft
You should probably truly give up, yes.
going through the checkboxes that someone else gave to you is a poor way to live your life
i've given up, too
every non-fps game i've played is fucking garbage
even Overwatch is more fun than Skyrim just because it has multiple types of guns
OP have you considered working a minimum wage bottom-rung job for a large corporation? Since you seem to gain pleasure from doing the same couple repetitive, thankless tasks for a gigantic uncaring entity you may as well get paid for it.
why are you all so mad at me? its not like its my fault that i got addicted as a kid because a single mother raised me
>i've given up, too
>even syphilis is more fun than gonorrhea
This is just furthering my theory that "le tired gamer syndrome XD" is really just "shit taste syndrome".
go play your fortnite and watch some streamer you seem PJSalt'y
>I-i-it's not MY fault I'm a failure! It's my upbringing/surroundings/society
Typical addict response, blaming everyone but themselves to avoid having to accept responsibility and grow up.
Make the Switch already, you'll become enlightened like all the other Nintenbros.
Not that user, but what do you think a person is? outside of a lot of very basic building blocks it's just environment, you telling him to get off his ass is another environmental pressure that presumably hasn't been with him most his life.
Yeah man, Fortnite is totally my jam, you've got me 100% pegged there. Hate's WoW, Overwatch and Skyrim? That's definitely a clear indicator that someone would want to play the hottest F2P battle royale trash fire. I'm absolutely shocked at just how accurately you can profile someone. Why ever are you wasting these ace detective skills on Sup Forums when so many crimes go unsolved throughout the world?
dont forget to turn your lofi hip hop playlist on
i've been playing wow, dota, hots, bayo 2 and DQ builders
man you have to be really, really stupid to outright refute that those things have a role in one's existence. just as retarded as the people who do the opposite and claim that there is absolutely no degree to which one is responsible in even the most minor of cases, the kind of people you probably really hate and look down on for being stupid.
get real you desperate edgy poser