
Does anyone have that clip in siege where the guy team kills 2 guys while he's either pre-firing a window or camera. Pretty sure they're playing on Oregon, I can't seem to find it for the life of me

Attached: deploying-welcome-mat-and-a-chin-chong-nip-nong-to-26787277.png (500x477, 91K)

cute image

mind if I save it?

I mean i can't stop you

>tfw no Frost gf

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its all yours my friend ;)

i want to give little kiss to Cabbera.

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Yes, but only this time.


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Did they doll up Frost like they did for Frenchtiddies? She sorely needed it.


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Those are the eyes of a soulless killer.

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Zofia is still bae

Attached: zofia.jpg (1200x1023, 173K)

every girl drawn by shinosaaaaaang is a bae

>waifufags shitting up a thread again

fuck off you pathetic lowlife degenerates

shut up, silversurfer

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You will never know this comfort.

Attached: kap frost 2.jpg (787x944, 90K)

i want to snuggle with Twitch while watching romantic movies with her.

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I stopped playing when she got released, does she have any use?

Reminder that Ela needs a buff.


stay friendly user. This is a toxic free thread about a toxic free game.
Based Ubisoft.

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>all that cancer removal

wtf i love ubi now

You must be looking for this. Now give me a fucking tier list for operators in this game since I have 25000 points to spend (outbreak needs not be mentioned)

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Get Zofia and Smoke.

I unironically think that this banwave was a good thing to get rid of the memester and underage, but they installed a fucking word-ban filter so I can never talk ingame because I have to fear to get banned for saying "ggez" or "shit".