Hey guys, my mom just bought me a Nintendo Switch! This is so epic!

Hey guys, my mom just bought me a Nintendo Switch! This is so epic!

Attached: Screenshot_20180301-124148.jpg (1029x1025, 387K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1520958736795.png (898x898, 56K)

>90 days till E3

Attached: 1520955880849.png (300x300, 35K)

What's the matter Soynyboy? Your game playing itself again?

cool, enjoy your game newfriend! :^)

Attached: 1520837051898.png (711x1091, 116K)


>This is so epic

more like This is soy pic

Attached: 1518849537534.jpg (852x1024, 315K)

Based shoop posting saving this shit board

>off topic thread
>derail it by shitposting
>get blocked but the thread still gets unbanned


Attached: 1509585995244.jpg (640x640, 68K)

Attached: 1519516016741.jpg (416x454, 57K)

This is now a seal thread

Attached: 437664.jpg (1920x1080, 727K)

Hold your hand over his mouth and see his lifeless eyes void of humanity.

Why do you assume I'm a Sonybro? I play on my Nintendo Switch and I pre-ordered the Nintendo Labo!

Attached: 1520696377758.jpg (1512x2016, 544K)

I'm confused. Whats the resurgence of Shoop da Woop gotta do with the new soyboy buzzword?

Attached: 1520256954215.gif (288x389, 1.91M)

Attached: 1520957664924.jpg (350x167, 10K)

Thanks, doc

Attached: 1519536530477.jpg (1024x614, 71K)

Cause butthurt Soyboys.

Attached: 1517487497575.png (450x367, 70K)

Jakers, my man! How's the wife?

Attached: 1462938237158.jpg (1524x1353, 1.82M)

Attached: Harp-Seal.jpg (800x798, 83K)

seething s*yb*y because meme gets t** cl*se t* h*me


Attached: 1518837587674.png (377x485, 108K)

Is shoop posting back to save us

Attached: 325951.jpg (2560x1703, 274K)

it's one autist spamming it

his hair upsidedown


just something to trigger redditrash that use soyboy unironically

seething lol

Attached: 1518853453624.png (1076x1067, 562K)

Attached: 1516232341225.jpg (1330x1607, 199K)



Attached: VigorousNeedyIceblueredtopzebra-.webm (640x798, 2.71M)

Attached: 43484f95cffae0ce12494b2a8608239e.jpg (900x600, 111K)

Attached: shooopbot engaged.jpg (584x1474, 103K)


Attached: 1519788606595.png (3070x3025, 2.65M)

Attached: 593480.jpg (1280x799, 80K)

>Not Asian

BASED. Only JEW tits allowed here.

Attached: 1493276848218.webm (320x568, 196K)

Lol, Soyboys are such autists.

Attached: 1515780842200.jpg (750x708, 574K)

Attached: 0.jpg (570x570, 74K)

Attached: 1519694085985.png (1600x1200, 34K)

Attached: q4EZPtY.jpg (1020x680, 39K)

the average white man

What's the point of deleting this but not the entire thread?
It's for the better of everyone. This thread is accomplishing nothing of value.

Congratulations you just gave shooposters a new image to edit


Attached: Sora_(Art)_KH.png (2035x2050, 3.67M)

Is that supposed to represent their hitbox

Attached: 8585d2bed7[1].jpg (699x462, 55K)

Attached: 1518443578278.jpg (452x798, 109K)

Attached: 1520347284450.jpg (750x736, 137K)

some seething fag is trying to kill the soyboy meme by oversaturating it with his shit edits

>trying to spin free vidya like its a bad thing

This is high culture

Attached: 1514306273598.jpg (1320x1776, 1.12M)

What's with the resurgence of Shoop Da Whoop? I haven't seen this meme in nearly a decade.

Attached: 1499132304396.png (500x209, 108K)


Attached: 2E1C88BE-BBE0-49BB-B68B-59D7CE09A96A.jpg (658x876, 95K)

Attached: 365080.jpg (1440x900, 154K)

Glad I snooped in this thread

is there a video game character that can defeat Jakers in his cloud 9 form?

>tfw wojak and yellow face is slowly dying off


Attached: 1518076462953.jpg (1280x1932, 410K)

Give me source before this thread gets canned hurry

It's to scare redditourists

Attached: 247628.jpg (1999x1333, 312K)

Attached: 1520710345813.jpg (1200x400, 129K)

What the FUCK is wrong with his fingernails?! Why are they so clubbed/tiny?


Attached: 1317042564888.jpg (252x240, 7K)

Will Sup Forums ever stop being obsessed with Reddit?

Fuck off, the United States is whiter than your shithole

I'm in here for the shoops
Not disappointed

Attached: 898.jpg (1127x672, 49K)


Attached: roll.jpg (1526x2616, 768K)



Attached: sonigures.png (1254x342, 114K)

As a family member of some one with the same thing short answer is that he probably chew on his fingernail all his life.

Attached: 1520014696040.png (625x773, 63K)


Where's her chin

thank you user

Attached: cxx0oLi.jpg (700x697, 43K)

>When i summon Exodia the thread gets deleted
>When i don't it stays up

Attached: SHOOP.png (2650x1317, 550K)


Attached: 1517017973921.png (1228x1348, 201K)

Imagine taking memes this seriously holy shit

do it
end this suffering

Attached: 1519951777804.png (748x392, 452K)

do it


Lol he said soy. Based kek


RTDers HATE original content like this !

Attached: 9.png (500x333, 21K)

ok then

Attached: 1446747858173.jpg (185x272, 9K)

Attached: 1518477884829.png (571x618, 56K)

>Sup Forumsfags lose their fucking minds when someone makes fun of their shit meme

Just do it already. Some kid is spamming pics of seals in my thread anyway.