Post your cats next to vidya

Post your cats next to vidya

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Thumbnail made me think it was a big furry cat dick

cade benis :DDD

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uhh how many copies of that game you have user? Cute kitty kat.

I didn't see it untill now.

4 now, they were on clearance at Wal-Mart for $3 each so I bought out their entire stock so I could give them out to friends as a gag gift.

the book is the original video game

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Please somebody contribute, this thread is too good to let 404, wish I could myself but I'm at work

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I don’t have a cat so I’ll post this instead

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Stop feeding him soylent

I’m very sorry to hear that user.

Your cat is a smug shit
I love it

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Her name is Flea, say something nice about her :)

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Cute Australian cat.

Sleeping on the ceiling is an impressive feat

If you have a cat you literally are a pussy. Kill yourself and your weak-ass genes off.


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My cat's been dead for 4 years, still don't want to replace her.

t. dog

t. Nigbull owner

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I tried luring Mr.Lynel out with some gameboys but he was not moved.

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I don't have a cat

>not the neon Soycons

if I'm a pussy does that mean I have a chance at getting some dick at some point?

My big fluffy pillow, sans vidya but avec christmas tree

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Nope. Not video games.


bonus points for anyone that can guess the game

pro-tip: none of you newfags can

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either that tv is small or that is one big ass cat

Snake? Snaaaake?

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He's a huge cat and also a massive wimp who will run away from everyone except me

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He's old. 18 is a lot for cat.

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Is that Mr Tigs? Tell his mom I say hi she'll know who I am

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Probably isn't, but Battlefield 1942?


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First box I had nearby, don't judge

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Yes, but it's the original mod, not the standalone game.

>tfw all my video games are digital

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Can I post dog?

She passed away on Thanksgiving four years ago...God I miss her...


Thats a big cat

Are dogs acceptable?

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cute big cat. looks like a lovable goof



wouldn't have happened if you didn't use a tripcode

The "open mouth looking at the camera with a faggot beard" of pets


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>Starcraft BW
I allow it.

not cat

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Oh fuck off.

Mad cause true haha dead cat!!!!

Your cat knows you pretend to be an intellectual and is smug about it

>that fat fuck finally took it off the shelf, is he finally gonna read it?
>nope he's just taking a picture

That would be toy breeds of dog my man.

Bro take your tree down

not sure if this is vidya enough

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That would be the shiba inu

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Yeah I guess that scenario never happens with dogs.


I love my 3DS!

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He's wonderful

looks like an eggplant

Your cat has a fucking unintentionally hilarious face. Post moar

You just tell them to move, and then they cuddle up to you after you lie down

thats a pretty cat

>letting your dogs on your bed in the first place
luh mao

Attached: UEziFzz.jpg (2828x2304, 1.08M)

Are sneks good pets?

It can.

His name is baby
The little terror

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Plz no bully.

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>Naming your kitten, baby.

Shit naming skills. That's like naming your puppy, fluffy.

Yeah because it’s dead

Actually we didn't name him, he was saved from a junkyard. My stepfather's friend couldn't keep him as a kitten so we took him.

We're discussing dogs now. Do try to keep up.

It would be dead with you around, let’s be honest.

Better look of cat.

Attached: cat2.jpg (3840x2160, 2.63M)

>more cat
>no HotS

No, she's still kicking.

can you teach a snake to constrict itself around your dick
i'm asking for a friend

She recognizes who the REAL best girl is!

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Fucking destroyed tripcunt. Go back to Sup Forums

seek help


>Rise is only best girl in bizarro upside down world
As it should be

How's Sydney this time of year?

fuckin rekt

>liking cats
They only want food and attention, they don't give a shit about you user.

You mean Australia?

Fur you.

Not true. If you aren't a dick they can be very affectionate and loving.

>not cuddling up with the dog until it gets annoyed at you then moves.
Soyboy pls go.