Post your cats next to vidya
Post your cats next to vidya
Thumbnail made me think it was a big furry cat dick
cade benis :DDD
uhh how many copies of that game you have user? Cute kitty kat.
I didn't see it untill now.
4 now, they were on clearance at Wal-Mart for $3 each so I bought out their entire stock so I could give them out to friends as a gag gift.
the book is the original video game
Please somebody contribute, this thread is too good to let 404, wish I could myself but I'm at work
I don’t have a cat so I’ll post this instead
Stop feeding him soylent
I’m very sorry to hear that user.
Your cat is a smug shit
I love it
Her name is Flea, say something nice about her :)
Cute Australian cat.
Sleeping on the ceiling is an impressive feat
If you have a cat you literally are a pussy. Kill yourself and your weak-ass genes off.
My cat's been dead for 4 years, still don't want to replace her.
t. dog
t. Nigbull owner
I tried luring Mr.Lynel out with some gameboys but he was not moved.
I don't have a cat
>not the neon Soycons
if I'm a pussy does that mean I have a chance at getting some dick at some point?
My big fluffy pillow, sans vidya but avec christmas tree
Nope. Not video games.
bonus points for anyone that can guess the game
pro-tip: none of you newfags can
either that tv is small or that is one big ass cat
Snake? Snaaaake?
He's a huge cat and also a massive wimp who will run away from everyone except me
He's old. 18 is a lot for cat.
Is that Mr Tigs? Tell his mom I say hi she'll know who I am
Probably isn't, but Battlefield 1942?
First box I had nearby, don't judge
Yes, but it's the original mod, not the standalone game.
>tfw all my video games are digital
Can I post dog?
She passed away on Thanksgiving four years ago...God I miss her...
Thats a big cat
Are dogs acceptable?
cute big cat. looks like a lovable goof
wouldn't have happened if you didn't use a tripcode
The "open mouth looking at the camera with a faggot beard" of pets
>Starcraft BW
I allow it.
not cat
Oh fuck off.
Mad cause true haha dead cat!!!!
Your cat knows you pretend to be an intellectual and is smug about it
>that fat fuck finally took it off the shelf, is he finally gonna read it?
>nope he's just taking a picture
That would be toy breeds of dog my man.
Bro take your tree down
not sure if this is vidya enough
That would be the shiba inu
Yeah I guess that scenario never happens with dogs.
I love my 3DS!
He's wonderful
looks like an eggplant
Your cat has a fucking unintentionally hilarious face. Post moar
You just tell them to move, and then they cuddle up to you after you lie down
thats a pretty cat
>letting your dogs on your bed in the first place
luh mao
Are sneks good pets?
It can.
His name is baby
The little terror
Plz no bully.
>Naming your kitten, baby.
Shit naming skills. That's like naming your puppy, fluffy.
Yeah because it’s dead
Actually we didn't name him, he was saved from a junkyard. My stepfather's friend couldn't keep him as a kitten so we took him.
We're discussing dogs now. Do try to keep up.
It would be dead with you around, let’s be honest.
Better look of cat.
>more cat
>no HotS
No, she's still kicking.
can you teach a snake to constrict itself around your dick
i'm asking for a friend
She recognizes who the REAL best girl is!
Fucking destroyed tripcunt. Go back to Sup Forums
seek help
>Rise is only best girl in bizarro upside down world
As it should be
How's Sydney this time of year?
fuckin rekt
>liking cats
They only want food and attention, they don't give a shit about you user.
You mean Australia?
Fur you.
Not true. If you aren't a dick they can be very affectionate and loving.
>not cuddling up with the dog until it gets annoyed at you then moves.
Soyboy pls go.