why do people shit on the gen 7 games so much?
i find them to be pretty good
why do people shit on the gen 7 games so much?
i find them to be pretty good
Personally, I find Gen 6 to be the one that gets trashed on most recently.
Also, B&W1 get trashed on as well for being too handholdy.
I believe the major complaint for Gen 7 was "too many cutscene moments interrupt flow of control"
So many of the damn Pokémon are unviable.
Also, what good is announcing Alolan forms if there are so few and all Kanto?
Too many cutscenes and tutorials interrupting gameplay flow, abysmal postgame
Still better than the giant turds that were gen 6
I love gen 7
nonsense, trust me alolan pokemons are really good. Just try them out or look them up on POKESTRAT (in french though sorry).
Too many cutscenes apparently? Heaven forbid an RPG tries to tell a story.
>I'm a homosexual who wants my face raped
I might have liked them if had actually gotten the chance to play them instead of getting railroaded through a tourist trap.
At least the girls are cute
Who cares. They can cram in as much story as they want as long as they don't do another fucking gym quest.
too much dialogue, shitty writing
Alola Male Swimmer is 100% sex.
Mostly NU or below in Smogon aside from Muk and Maro.
Most trainers have only 1 (one) pokemon, the trials suck, The MC have that fucking unchanging face, shitty characters and evil team in general, UB are all shit, Alolan forms are lazy as fuck, Z moves a shit, riding clothes are disgusting, ultra versions don't add anything that is worth a damn.
This one if more personal but there is no fucking pants for the Male MC, only shorts, I know that it is Hawaii and shit but come the fuck on.
What's with her hat?
Which gen 7 has the best tasting armpits?
Man i wish Misty would show up in a game. I always liked her Silver/gold design and wish they had her in other swimsuits as well.
Why is that brown girl so sexual?
She's ugly, stop trying to force it
He didn't say all girls, learn to read
way too much story
way too much handholding
i cant even get into the battles now. the gotta catch em all urge is gone too because theres like 800 pokemon and its not even possible.
its like the only thing the games have going for them anymore are the girls
t. a man with no taste.
I put 300 hours into Moon and I'm rather enjoying Ultra Sun.
They were generally positively received by the majority of the fanbase and USUM sold over 7.17 million copies within a couple months, so don't take Sup Forums's opinion to be "shitting on them so much," Sup Forums shits on everything "so much."
That said, I can understand complaints about the constant prompts on the first island and more prominent plot, and the online is inferior to the prior gen. Regardless I did enjoy them though, and the designs were often among my favorites.
Really poor pacing, less wild pokemon variety compared to XY or BW, smol overworld with a lackluster postgame, no move tutors UNTIL USUM, which is BS.
Waifu game is stronk as ever tho, but honestly pokemon gets better waifus the worse the games get so take that as you will.
Nail in the coffin is the low framerate with weather and 2+ pokemon on the screen, bottlecaps instead of O powers, among other things.
>less wild pokemon variety compared to XY
That's a good thing Gen 6 had way too many Pokemon and most of the new ones were the rare encounters thanks to older Pokemon clogging up the place.
>most of the new ones were the rare encounters
Don't worry, gen 7 just gave you less old pokemon but at a higher chance and gave the new pokemon 5% chance to appear
I wish I could enjoy HGSS again
cutscenes, also only 1 year between sm and usum
God damn this gen was full of semen demons
have you seen the encounter rate for SM mons? other than regional bird and rodent they are something like 1%
>Misty was all my childhood fetishes rolled into one
Damn that’s probably what made me like mermaids growing up so much.
I wanted to like Golisopod but after it falling below 50% hp because of fucking stealth rocks and not getting the First Impression revenge kill on Greninja or Latios, I started to use Araquanid more.
SM has no fixed 1% wild encounter rates in the entire game (although there's some wild SOS that have 1%, like Politoed) and is one of the only games in the series not to ever resort to forcing a player to endure any rate less than 5%. USUM however has 1% rates for Larvesta and some other older gen Pokemon.
I see the new Pokemon far more often in 7 than I ever did in 6.
Why didn't you have anything to get rid of sneaky pebbles and a Choice Band/Life Orb on Golisopod?
I used one in my initial Moon playthrough and loved it, but in Ultra Moon I'm using my Shiny Araquanid and Shiny Ribombee.
This is a kill or be killed meta thanks to Koko, Lele, and Greninja. Stopping to use a defog or spin mid-battle is asking to die.
Also, I put a Sitrus Berry on my Golisopod at all times when using it in the story.
>no pokemon porn game where you fuck the sluts instead of the creatures
Because Gen 7 and the other 3DS pokemon games share the same problems:
>poor framerate and bad animation with mediocre 3D models
>minuscule distribution of new pokemon
>battle gimmicks instead of balanced typing and stats
>slow gameplay
>little to no post-game
>intrusive stories
Plus, the Gen 7 games take 13 minutes at best to get your first pokemon. That's horrible. And it always looks like the only people who seem to like Gen 7 are shallow waifufags.
keep posting cute pokemon waifus
Golisopod is super fucking cool and ruined by it's ability. They really should change it so that Golisopod only switches out at the end of the turn it falls below 50% health, otherwise there's no point in it even having a different ability name that wimpod's. Also Dream world Golisopod with Adaptability when?
>why do people shit on the gen 7 games so much?
You know why. You know the gameplay is shitty and only made this thread to post SM fanart. Gen7 fags always do this.
>mediocre 3D models
Those high-poly high-def models are the reason for the poor framerate, how are they mediocre?
>PokeSpe Emerald
Absolute god tier taste there user.
Why are the gen 7 girls so sexy?
The cycle. It's not just limited to Zelda.
every time
Shit animations
So you basically hate the majority of the series is what i read.
I love those Tamagoro doujins where that girl is complete slut, so good.
We aren't talking about BW.