Why do the Imperials get so much support from normalfags?

Why do the Imperials get so much support from normalfags?
They're they Vichy France of Skyrim

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Long live the Empire

I miss him,les amis.

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Degrelle was better

Yeah but he was Belgian you Chouffe

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But he was actually fascist.
Petain was just a right wing opportunist

Most normalfags are cucks, so they can sympathize with the Imperials.

Because Skyrim can't win a conflict against the Thalmor alone. You know the Imperials are just biding their time until shit goes down.

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>Oh no actual fascism
But that just makes him better desu

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>He thinks resistance to the thalmor will come about with time and not with bloody revolution
Toppest kek,

most people I know sided with stormcucks

>He thinks he can trust a Thalmor informant to lead Skyrim

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>He thinks Ulfric is a Thalmor sleeper agent
Until someone picks up a sword against the Thalmor no one will, it doesn't matter if Skyrim secedes from the Empire or not , the rest of it has to resist the Thalmor and when none of them do because of the Empire then there is nothing left except to rebel against the Empire

Can someone please explain why the Aldmeri never had the Dunmer join? They've resisted human influence for millennia and the Thalmor never thought to bring them into the fold? Was it because of the Red Year crippling them?

They dislike them as much as the other races

>it doesn't matter if Skyrim secedes from the Empire or not
Good job nullyfying your whole argument.

The Aldmeri and dunmeri religious beliefs are entirely different and what split them up in the first place when the Velothi people went to Risdane to worship Daedra instead of the traditional Aedra.

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The Thalmor took power by taking credit for closing the Oblivion gates. Making nice with people that openly worship Daedra would undermine them.

I can immediately tell you didn't pay attention to the lore and history of the last 4 games

>Implying we (normalfags) dont support the TRUE rulers of Tamriel
>Because Skyrim can't win a conflict against the Thalmor alone
>Implying the Thalmor doesn't have the empires nuts in a vice grip already

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How was fallout 4?

wait, i thought normalfags liked the rebels. they always like the rebels

The Thalmor do have the Empire in their grip. And the empire can't win in it's current state but neither can Skyrim.

The Civil war is just a way for the Thalmor to make both Skyrim and the empire to bleed resources into a conflict that's going nowhere.

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The Empire is weak as fuck by the time Skyrim rolls around. Hammerfell and Black Marsh have seceded, Valenwood and Elsweyr are part of the Dominion, and the only provinces besides Cyrodiil are Daggerfall and Skyrim.

This idea that the Empire will come back to fight back the Thalmor when the Thalmor have people within the Empire dictating orders to Imperial troops and the Empire has only two bases of power besides Skyrim is retarded.

The Nords have a long history of beating the shit out of Elves, and they are true to Talos the god of mankind. They should be allowed to determine their own fate.

they do. surprise surprise OP is a faggot

Good to see you know what side of history to be on

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Let me add that i'm not on the same page as the Thalmor here. I do not believe that Lorkhan created mundus as a disservice, nor separated them from their ancestors. I believe Lorkhan created mundus so that lesser beings could understand the wheel, become the amaranth and continue existance.

The thalmor are retarded for wanting to topple the towers and bringing about the destruction of everything.

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I see.......

So you're a heretic are you?

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Is this some RP shit going on?

If so, you can consider me a heretic.

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>tfw when the Dunmer are just as cool as the Thalmor

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The dunmer is in my opinion one of the most fleshed out and coolest fantasy races ever.

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>edgy elves

Most races in Tamriel are quite cool though

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Because normies are programmed since birth to be suspicious and critical of white people with nationalist and racially exclusionary sentiments, even if they're from a fantasy universe where the context of race and politics is completely different from the real world's. If TESV had been set almost anywhere but Skyrim, that race's equivalent of the Stormcloaks would be unquestionably seen as morally superior freedom fighters and overwhelmingly popular with normies.

>Oblivion crisis happens
>Skyrim gets rekt by Oblivion crisis
>Empire repairs the damage and fixes everything
>*Centuries later*
>SkYrIm FoR ThE NoRdS