>Binge on healing items
>Character's weight goes up
Binge on healing items
>twf slave for thick hard black megacocks.
That doujin has made cum more times than my girlfriend.
sequel when?
> save all the really good items that are limited
> reach end game without using any
>changes their dialogue
name ONE parody, non OC doujin that ended with "to be continued" that ACTUALLY got a sequel. ONE
>name 5 games that do this
You mean like this?
I always self-insert as Kneesocks in that doujin.
That throat fuck is amazing.
Dumb sissy white boi.
Barneyfag in 3... 2... 1...
Remember to report video games threads
Are there no Gainax/Trigger games?
>entire game is based around feeding a princess until she's fat so the enemy can't capture her
I hate interracial shit but that was a good doujin.
>tfw GOOD throatfucking doujins are incredibly rare
y-you too
Easily Shiwasu no Okina's worst doujin.
Gurren Lagann got a PC game. It fried peoples' computers, so the company had to send out free hard drive replacements as an apology.
same which is why a sequel with the demon sisters and briefs having a bigger uncut white megacock then all the nigs would be glorious.
Insecure white boy spotted.
>ywn contact the creator of that doujin and pay him to do this
didn't they cancel it after the beta fried hard drives? i can't find any footage of it at all.
Yeah, it was Konami.
SnO's strengths rely on having a multitude of different girls with different body types and personalities. Not much you can do with P&S.
He has an Enty account (japanese patreon). Pay him a couple thousand bucks and he'll do it.
i want to fuck panty!
Well shit I'm gonna go sell myself to do that