He plays as an elf

>He plays as an elf
>Character will not shut the fuck up with her witty "banter"
>Always rushes headfirst into a horde and gets blown out
>"uhh team???"
You may as well join the rats, sap-drinking knife-ear, you're as much a part of the vermintide as them.

Attached: gas.jpg (1024x819, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:


t. lumberfoot

t. mayfly

>Watching behind for horde
>Literally nothing their but me
>Elf F's me


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More like Slayer than Elf

>not playing Dwarf

Thanks for letting me play my main

kill faster, mayfly

>he plays as [insert character]
>Character will not shut the fuck up with their witty ''banter''
>Always rushes headfirst into a horde and gets blown out
>''uhh team???'

Literally all characters mate. Elf is the most annoying sure, but the tropes aren't exclusive to elf so stop being an elitist over a co-op game.

Learn how to move while attacking lumberfoot

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t. elf

Attached: elves3.png (201x273, 79K)

>Total Kills
>Melee Kills
>Ranged Kills
>Total Damage

These are the most cancerous stats that needs to be removed, basically led most shitters that play as elves to ignore teamwork for MUH DEEPS

>Have most revive in game because all these downed elves

>minor balance tweaks
>go up a ramp
>horde spawns
>4 chaos warriors
>minor balance tweaks

Game should still be in beta.

git less shitty teammates

if that fails, git gud


>it's chaos spawn in a narrow hallway again

t. american

>horde spawns
>literally, unironically 50 rat models appear right in front of me
yeah it's still in beta

>Kruber carrying a grin and tome
>On white health
>Tinyest sliver of health left
>"rip Kruber"
>Manages to make it to the end

Attached: IMG_5082.jpg (540x720, 71K)

>Its a shitters pick up all the grims and tomes when they can't even beat recruit normally episode

Man, people really hate elf in these threads
It’s almost like success breeds jealousy

>ever dying as an elf
>not picking an elf for sweet special sniping and headshot boss damage

>dude lmao we barely survived this boss on champion and lost 2 people so it's time to TAKE THOSE GRIMS LMAO DUDE WOW HAHA

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I hope they fix knight's passive soon. It gives literally nothing, as well as breaks 15 lvl perks.

The worst is the Empire in Flames Grim / Tome. That fucking jumping puzzle brings the game to a hault and that jump at the end has gotten so many of my pub parties killed because they refused to cut their losses and just win the fucking match. Some loot is always better than a higher tier chest.

Empire In Flames is 99% wipe when you set the cart on fire.

>jumps 10 meters and slams a twohanded warhammer into a chaos warrior
>"just an old ranger trick hehe"

Why is it so gold

>Sup Forums is full of elves
makes complete sense

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is it true that this game features greenskins?
how many diffrent enemy types would you say it has?

>Play Bounty Hunter
>Pick the talents that give him health on crit
>doesn't get health when I crit with my guns

Am I doing something wrong here


Is it me or are Sienna's Flame Swords shit?

>is it true that this game features greenskins?

People who complain about her "toxic" banter are autistic. Can't you tell from the intonations that it's all done in a subtly endearing manner instead of outright because Wood Elves are total assholes in general?

"It's intentionally annoying as hell XD"

>She's meant to be like this so it's not annoying!

Attached: deer.jpg (670x503, 61K)

>fastest way to level is to glitch out of map, run to end and die on legend

800 exp every 3-9 mins wooo

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How do you even play as elf. Or build Shade since it's the only class I'm interested in elf anyway. I wanted to like it since I like Druchii in Total Warhammer, but all her weapons feel like shit. Floaty and never can hit what I want. Bows are boring and crossbow has next to no ammo.

Attached: shade total war warhammer 2.png (120x260, 99K)

Reveal your secret

Attached: know more.gif (627x502, 940K)

Dualwield for crit bonus, either daggers or dagger/sword.

you don't until they buff her
pyro and bounty hunter do everything she does better

why are babies so fucking retarded???

Explain faggot

Brace of Pistols is best.

Just go DUAL WEILD and watch the skaven pile up.

>brace of pistols with 2 ammo on crit
>bh saltz with free shot
champion is now a fucking joke

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Why the fuck are the bots so retarded?

t. recruit player

>Glaive and Crossbow
>25 talent to fire ranged without breaking stealth
>Be a shittier Waystalker until boss
>Get behind boss
>Drink a Strength Pot and Press F
>Magdump the 30 bolts into boss back
>whiff the first glaive charged attack and hit the second
>go back to being useless now that the boss is dead

Attached: 1515567956500.png (1915x1034, 1.86M)

Why is sword and shield so fun?

>Shield bash a chaos warrior and follow up with a lightning quick stab in his visor
>Cleaves almost as well as the two handed sword on light attacks
>Shield offers great crowd control and defense

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fucking lumberfoots

Attached: squatting skaven.png (1112x649, 1.46M)

t. shitter
Seriously, if you think the Elf needs a buff you need to get good.
Even handmaiden is good.

Wanna know how I know you're a fucking elf main?

lol she's not
she's worse than ironbreaker/kruber at crowd control and she's worse than bh and pyro at special/boss deleting

she serves no purpose

>tfw starting to doubt that that helmet is in the game at all

t. Elf

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>tfw getting all your ammo back from a horde
>sniping specials and elites across the map before the dumb elf even notices

i like how Sup Forums covers how shit they are at the game by pretending that only elf players are awful and everyone else is good, when in fact everyone is fucking awful

elf detected

here a hot opinion all her classes suck on champ+ im more suprised the community memed waystalker to take a regen nerf

look there they go again


elf players were bad in the first game, they are also bad in this game. its either girls or fags wanting to be legolas

more of it

For me it seems that she talks 200% more than all the other characters. I dont even play elf and i could probably recite most of her lines.

THIS they also have the cringiest names too

I want that rat to sit on me

BH's free crit applies to all shots of the repeating pistols m2

>Stare rape
That's a new one.

Too slow. Only good for chaos warriors and bosses, and Sienna beats him at both of those.


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>tfw already have 3 illusions for 2h sword and don't even use it
All 3 looks so cool that i think I will start.

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>Finally trigger some unique banter between other characters
>the fucking elf starts talking about Mayflies and interrupts the dialog.

I haven't used any of Saltzpyres alternate weapons. Rapier just feels much better at killing hordes and the heavy goes through armor along with the ranged weapon of your choice.

>first actually lore dialogue about Bretonnia
>it starts right when we're exiting the level through the bridge of shadows

>level 30

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t. slayer dwarf

if you don't want to deal with elf shitters, you need to play the elf

When something goes out of the babies sight, they think it is gone forever. It fascinates them when the object reappears. That's why they love it when you play "peek-a-boo."

Is zealot supposed to be good? Do I switch over from crit raping as bounty hunter?

No, I have dignity.


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No one in my friendgroup wanted to play the elf, so ironically i ended up with the elf, which is fine i like her

nah, I was testing 10 lvl elf before and forgot to change.
There is no point in playing Veteran since I'm long past 200 power items.

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>people pay 60 bucks for a new game
>beat it in 10-15 hours having fun
>people pay 30 bucks for something like Vermintide 2
>have fun for like 40-50 hours
>"game is bad because it's repetitive"

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i wish this game didnt lag for me so i could enjoy playing it

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What 25 talent for foot knight?

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friendly reminder that if you're still playing veteran past level 15 then you need to git gud

also cowards who hide from the patrol can get commissared




Why would you pull a patrol on Legend?

Cooldown reduction. With that talent and a concentration potion, you can stunlock a boss by repeatedly charging it.

clang clang clang
clang clang clang

it's fun

>Taking unnecessary risks that have a better than average chance of going awry

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leeches look like they're braaping and you're being drawn towards them by the smell of their braap

couldn't they have done something different

challenge yourself user

the game is most fun when you have to fight 4 chaos spawn back to back and you all barely make it to the end point on 1HP

CD reduction for stunlocking bosses if you have some other forms of CDR and play with friends, or permablock if you are in a pub of shitters and they die often so you can revive them without interruption

Brap is the essence of nurgle, though. It makes sense for them to cast smelly magic.

The game challenges me and my group plenty enough on its own. We don't need to go looking for extra trouble.

are you me? my friends and i have literally been calling "braapwizard" as a warning

Why not tie a hand behind your back and play blindfolded, too?