Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker is now backward compatible on Xbox One
>Sony in charge of keeping "their" series
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker is now backward compatible on Xbox One
>Sony in charge of keeping "their" series
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1 xbox one, please!
That's nice but where are the new games
fuck peace walker, I need 2 and 3
what are some good games for xbone that are not available on PC? legit asking, friend got a free xbone (original, not X) like two months ago
finally I can play a port of an 8 year old PSP game on The Oneā¢
based MS
>>Sony in charge of keeping "their" series
It started on Nintendo retard.
>It's particularly notable in hindsight, having laid much of the groundwork - with its distinctive mission structure, Mother Base expansion, and gotta-catch-em-all Fulton Extraction - for Kojima's final Metal Gear Solid game, the Phantom Pain.
I know portable ops isnt cannon but are they really that retarded?
Portable Ops didn't have Mother Base nor fultons.
yes it did have fultons, and it also featured management of multiple playable characters
wow I can do the same on ps3 and pc
thanks ms
The MGS1 remake will be PS4 exclusive. I'll take that over a PSP port any day tbqh.
remake 1 on the xbox one like twin snakes and ill buy the fucking console
Why would i want to play that when twin snakes already exists.
It started on Microsoft retard
except for it did retard
It was never theirs
>MGS1 remake
I remember playing this for about 14 hours straight while binging shitty reality shows like Catfish, grinding out missions for staff and parts for Zeke.
Fun as fuck if you love repeatable missions with grind involved.
You'll hear all about it at E3 :^)
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker for example
Why does it feel like the grind of PW was more enjoyable even though MGSV is mechanically the better game?
Peace Walker was simpler game, due to being limited by PSP. And that's why I love it.
yeah but you can emulate original psp game
yeah but i'd rather blow myself then play portable ops again
>future pickings so bleak they have to pad their release schedule with backwards compatible PSP games
It's less time-consuming per every thing you decide to do.
Actually improved controls make big difference.
>not available on pc
good for people with xboxes. i hope they enjoy this great game!
My PS3 died and I'm jelly. Not touching the emulated PSP version.
MGS Legacy Collection on PS4/Xbone/PC when?
>Scalebound cancelled
>Phantom Dust cancelled
>Crackdown 3 inevitably getting cancelled after becoming vaporware
Is this the power of Microsoft?
Hopefully this could lead to a hd rerelease of acid and acid 2
sorry... what?
holy fuck buying now
The HD collection has been on ps now for like 8 months now, xbone's way late to the party.
this game is fuggen gorgeous on PPSSPP
hopefully this will lead to a resurgence in the MP mode too, considering Survive is already dead :(
Enjoy your input latency.
Sorry for what?
Impossible cuz of MGS4
that's cool, can you play it native on PS4?
PO IS canon user.
Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo 5, Sunset Overdrive.
It's been down below 100ms for a year and a half.
Nope, but if those rumors about the hd collection port to xbone/ps4 are true, probably soon.
it started on msx retard
best kojima game.
Just a quick reminder that PW is the real MGS5. Which is why Kojima made it a point to say V instead of 5 when talking about GZ/TPP.
>sperg chimps out that his westacuck console doesn't have games
Better atmosphere.
MGS V was all grim dark and depressing while MSF in peace walker would go fishing, have barbecue, free a stray cat and of course
It felt like home, poor Paz.
That's fucking sick
I hope all this back compat work theyre doing carries over to future gens. Imagine on playing on an Xbox 3 and it has full og Xbox, xbox 360 and above back compat. That's a huge selling point right there.
MGS+MG1&2 on switch when?
no it just needs Peace Walker, or V
We've already seen those movies before.
>Streaming service
Don't make me say it
actually I meant the whole MGS series plus the MSX ones on the Switch in one MEGA cartridge
fuck you guys, It would be awesome with Labo integration
Would a cartridge even be able to fit the msx games on it?
>doesn't know the msx used cartridges
I mean I hear the switch carts are really tiny, i've heard a bunch of games have had to cut content and turn it into a mandatory patch just to have the cartridge work.
You forgot shut down Lionhead studios and turned blacktusk into a gears of war only developer
I hope everyone remembers these in the coming years when Microsoft promises they've changed and are investing in first party games and studios. Unless if they get another 360 success they'll just repeat this same process during next gen.
ah yes unfortunately, probably they can cut out MGS4, it sucks anyway
I installed, probably will never play it though.
Not that big of a fan of PW, but at least this is a sign that MGS2 and 3 can be on the way.
>You forgot shut down Lionhead studios
Lionhead deserved to get shut down because every game they made was ass not to mention Forza Horizon devs seem to be making Fable 4
>and turned blacktusk into a gears of war only developer
They made one game so far, and is rumered to be making a new Perfect Dark game.
kinda sucks that it's like the conclusion to the whole MGS saga, though I suppose 2 does that well enough anyway
Fuck man Forza Horizon 3 is pretty much the best open world game ever and I have BotW
I would still love an MGS4 with V gameplay tho
MCC, Halo 5's singleplayer, Sunset Overdrive is actually fun as fuck
>but if those rumors about the hd collection port
What's up with the legacy collection anyways? It's clearly the more complete one, but it's stuck on PS3. The HD collection is on both consoles and probably will be on more in the future,but it's missing MGS1 and MGS4, what's the deal with those games? I'd love to play the series from the start and surely MGS4 is worth at least one playthrough despite what people say. So why do these two keep getting excluded?
but they play pretty much the same?
To me they aren't really different enough for that to make a significant difference. The problem with MGS4 isn't the controls or mechanics, it's that every load screen is accompanied by a bunch of cutscenes and codec calls. There's barely any part of the game where you actually get to play uninterrupted for more than like 10 minutes. The longest no-cutscene gameplay section is probably the eastern Europe stealth section and that barely counts desu.
They have made 4 games so far. They're called The Coalition right now and have had 3 names previous.
>The Coalition (formerly Zipline Studios, Microsoft Game Studios Vancouver and Black Tusk Studios) is a Canadian video game developer based in Vancouver, British Columbia, and a subsidiary of Microsoft Studios.
Lionhead wanted to make Fable 4 but was told no and to make something for the kinect instead. Then they were shut down.
A lot of Microsofts problems seem to stem from them meddling then when things don't work out they save face but shutting down studios or cancelling games.
I find mgs4 a little clunky
this too
Can other villains even compete?
What was his name again?
White Blackman
Peace Walker is my favorite Metal Gear game and I'm not even a little bit ashamed of that.
Traps Gayman
I meant they made one gears game, well technology 2 since the mastered Gears 1.
Gears 5 isn't coming any time soon, I can tell you that.
>Lionhead wanted to make Fable 4
It lets be honest, it would have most likely been trash just like the other games.
At least now, a better dev team is working on it.
Gonna keep dumping MGS1 concept art because I feel like it.
Man Womanman
do you have the orange one with snake and meryl?
Actual IRL cardboard boxes for metal gear.
PW with PO's story (and improved AI) would have been the second or third best MGS.
Sunset overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Halo MCC and Rare replay if you haven't or like to play some older games
Just peace walker or the whole legacy collection?
No but I have this orange one.
>Halo 5's singleplayer
Nigger wut
cross buy dude. If you buy it for PC you'll get it for Xbone too
>Tfw MG:Acid was my first Metal Gear game
>Portable Ops was my second because I was interested in more
>MGS3 was my third, where I expected something worse than portable ops, I ended up with probably one of my favorite games
it's a fun game, late game is when you start appreciating it more, imo, because you have all the cool shit and you have that bad emanate mentioned down to a T
If you liked Acid I hope you played Acid 2
what did he want to do again?
Nah you had to bring them to the truck.
Yes Noman
I agree, the late game stuff is fantastic.
>Killing the upgraded red versions of the Metal Gear bosses with your cheat-ass portable nuke launcher
>Hunting Gear Rex, Tigrex and Rathalos
>breezing through stealth levels fultoning S ranks
I miss it a lot. Wish I still had my psp sometimes. I can play TPP on PC but not this.