>is hot
>hangs out with a bunch of fucking nerds
>is hot
>hangs out with a bunch of fucking nerds
"Girl ostracized because people think shes slut" trope. This never happens in real life by the way.
This is the ludonarrative dissonance, the Nathan drake syndrome of P5
>Ridiculously beautiful, talented people
>Supposed to feel bad for them cause they're downtrodden and circumstances
Hahaha no
but its like one of the jocks. he should be smashing all kinds of puss although ann is probably too rich for his blood.
She initially started hanging out with the typical bad boys that most stacys like though.
Or atleast the baddest most notorious kids at school.
Lmao this how many people care who the sluts are IRL? Is that just a Japan thing?
"Boy ostracized because people think hes a delinquent" trope.This REALLY never happens in real life either by the way.
Sluts aren't hot user
everyone thinks she fucked the gym teacher
>Party consists of a sociopathic womanizer, chad, stacy, class prez, genius hacker gurl, rich girl, cute mascot
It's getting to be a little ridiculous
She's a slut.
Nah this trope was likely born years ago, like decades.
They’re hot nerds. Have you seen how much Joker and Ryuji work out and how much of a bishie Inari is?
If anything it'd be the nerds ostracizing her for being a "slut" while the normals wouldn't care.
>is an outcast
>hangs with other outcasts
The only one the trope makes sense for is the MC.
>Emo hair
>criminal record
>transfer student
These things people actually don't like irl
Ryuji reads like a high school freshman trying to rip off Catcher in the Rye.
>Emo hair
Oh, it’s you again. Curly hair isn’t emo hair it’s just a trendy shaggy hair cut
MC character design is god-tier, soejima really thought it through and hashino made sure he was perfect
He likes to run and was called a delinquent because an asshole gym teacher baited him into punching him in the face
This isn't what ludonarrative dissonance means
Ludonarrative dissonance is like when you know who committed the murder but you have to choose incorrectly in Ace Attorney just to get to the actual ending later
This is just a story-telling decision you don't like. Stop using words you don't understand.
Not back when I was high school lmao, though its par for the course in southern california.
He ruined THE BIG GAME and then everyone hated him. It's like a kid reading Catcher in the Rye and not understanding that's just Holden being a myopic teenager.
too simple gotta make it more complicated
I guess if you view it that way but Ryuji doesn’t actually want to be viewed as a delinquent he just lived up to it because everyone thought of him as one
Japan has a weird thing about their "waifus" not being pure as fresh-fallen snow, it's the reason idols have to do black-ops missions just to date.
I don't understand what point you're trying to make. Do you think Holden "wanted to be a delinquent?" Have you even read the story?
Purity is such a big thing in Japan
I’m just saying that Ryuji isn’t that one dimensional
>hangs out with the two school criminals
Sounds like what a hottie would do
>outcast because japs are too gay for hot girls
I feel like maybe you should go read a book. Not specifically Catcher in the Rye, but any book would probably do you some good.
post em
This. Emo hair has always been straight hair.
t. went to highschool when Emo was still a thing
Boy I’ve got a shelf full of them, I’m just saying that Ryuiji isn’t based off of some American book character
t. somebody who hasn't hung out with ryuji
Ryuji's characters is really misleading. He looks like a cool punk but instead he's some loser pussy.
Yeah and our age of consent is 18, girls are still huge sluts. Can't imagine how it is on countries where its lower.
Ok, never mind. Read Catcher in the Rye. You clearly haven't.
If they want to make a MC that people wouldn't like in real life all they need to do is
A. Make him a egotistical bastard that needs to one up everyone
B. Make him an in your face homosexual, like the kind that wears heels and has a hard lisp
C. Make him actually autistic and sniff glue
D. Ruin gym class or class trips on a regular basis
At least going off my highschool experience, excellent way to get hated
Play the game and interact with Ryuji first
Persona 5 has some interesting tropes but I found in high school there were really only 3 groups kids belonged to
>the actual jocks
the 'chads' who play football and basketball whom get average grades and the 'stacies' who hang out with them
>the 'nerd' jocks
the kids who play soccer and tennis and get above average grades but aren't as social as the actual jocks tier but still do fine
>the weird kids tier
the kids who don't do any sports, have bad hygiene, wear a lot of black and like theater and art
actual jock demoted to nerd jock tier
nerdjock to the core
Weird kid tier:
>possibly mc
There's also some overlap like both jocks and nerd jocks doing track but this is generally what it was like when I went to high school
It's a power fantasy friend simulator made by Japs, most people play the person series for the girls and to live the highschool fantasy they never got to.
Maybe not in america you degenerate nig
I did. You didn't. We very literally can't have this conversation because you have no frame of reference and have decided to take offense to a comparison you don't even understand.
that's because in america all the girls are sluts
>is hot
>can't give her the dick
>2 delinquents
>a prodigal artist
>a literal business Scion
>a talking cat
>only one actual nerd but it's a cute female
You confirmed didnt play the game
>tfw you hear your sister getting slammed by Joker, while you can't even pay for a man to love you
Uh, they found out that they could warp into people's head and they're the only people they know who can do it.
Yeah, no shit they started hanging out with each other.
Damn dude, have you seen what Joker and Ryuji look like? Joker is the very definition of Mr. Steal Yo Girl.
jokers not a nerd hes fucking chad
Ebin, you know whos real pure? 10 year old girls, get to it Ahmed.
>jokers not a nerd hes fucking chad
>ITT: A group of asocial nerds try to figure out who is and isn't a chad
They’re all faggot twinks you fucking nerds. The reality is they would all be the ones taking it up the ass like the femboys they are
.t Kamoshida
so glad rpcs3 can run this game
P5 really didn't do the whole outcast from society thing well, it was more mostly normal people which like everyone has a few issues and think society can be a bit shit. I guess they were too scared and backed off from actual delinquents. Which is a shame cause being part of a real gang and having mechanics around that would be fun
Joker and Ryoji aren't nerds
But if you want to assume that she's octracized for being mixed
Why is fat Ann the cutest?
Wish fulfillment
sorry I don't have any pics saved, I'm not actually one of the fatfags
>is hot
user... I don't know how to tell you this. A hot girl that acts like a typical real life hot girl would completely ruin the otaku pandering that all jrpgs go for. It's why whenever there is a strong and capable female character they always add some dumb fan service to undignify them or give them some lame character quirk like they get easily flustered etc. They add these tropes to not intimidate their beta virgin audience. same rule applies to most anime.
take makoto for example. smart, good looking, leadership skills but then they had to add "I am totally clueless about how normal kids behave" trope to give a "moe" aspect to her character. In reality a person like that wouldn't have a flaw like that.
>best dragon
based user
gotta have a good meal
Is there even a single character that would realistically be an outcast IRL?
>10/10 looking dude with a mysterious past and a criminal record that amounts to "pushed a dude once"
>absolutely qt3.14 who's also rich and kind to everyone she meets
>8/10 chad who's an (even if "retired") athletic star that's dumb in this lovable way
>gourgeous and very responsible girl who comes from a influential (prosecutors in japan are fucking beasts) family
The only person that people would feel kinda "eesh" about would be Futaba because she's been a smeely neet for pretty much her whole life. Also she's a chuuny.
>she's been a smeely neet for pretty much her whole life
2 years is not her whole life
You forgot :
>a guy so attractive that no matter how weird he acts girls find it cute
Joker being an outcast probably makes more sense in Japanese culture; at least, that's what the game is implying. Ann being isolated also makes sense when you remember that she's part-gaijin in a school that's 99.9% pureblood Japanese, and that most of the girls also resent her for being an "exotic" 11/10.
Is is when she's basically a child compared to the rest of the cast.
Fuck, I forgot about Yusuke. He's a fucking weirdo, yeah, but I met a lot of people IRL that could get away with it, especially with the "He's so artsy XD" excuse.
why did Yosuke go from 10/10 chad pussymagnet to weirdo loser as soon as he joined the phantom thieves?
Mae from Into the Woods is a college dropout who had a psychotic break and murdered a guy.
That's not ludonarrative dissonance either, fuckass. Don't talk like you know what you're talking about.
Ludonarrative dissonance is when mechanics and narrative message don't line up. The best example of this is Bioshock Infinite. Beautiful world, all about the wonders of humanity and what happens when you suppress people and the dangers of amassing too much power in the name of something "good". Its message has very little to do with violence and in some cases is completely against violence.
And yet, all you actually DO in that game is shoot people. The narrative presented by the mechanics are completely at odds with the narrative presented by the story. THAT is what Ludonarrative Dissonance is. Its in the name of the term. "Game-story dissonance"
Joker was designed to be a chad. Thundercuck being chad is literally meme, his canon personality is "the nicest guy you've ever met"
Makoto's not an outcast. She isolated herself by choice.
Yusuke was never a chad, he's just really pretty. That will attract pussy no matter what he you do. He's been a sperg from day one.
I don't think you can have a forced bedtime and still be called a chad.
Whiter than you mohammed
I enjoy the P4tA memes as much as the next guy, but Joker feeds on a steady diet of grown women, to say nothing of the obligatory 10/10 teens. He and Yu aren't even playing in the same league.
>not playing Jokah as nicest guy you ever met in the day, Smug asshole when you thievin'
All nu-persona protags have forced bedtime. The difference being that in p3-4 it was voice in your head which tell you to go to bed
>a cute nerd girl
She would be treated like a Queen in the geek circle at least. Probably enough of a boost that she is the acceptable one of the group
>Euroniggers always complain about American's being prudes but also they're apparently sluts
Which is it niggers