Where the FUCK is it, Team Cherry?
Where the FUCK is it, Team Cherry?
Other urls found in this thread:
Good question.
Did they ever release the last dlc?
Im also waiting for it, hopefully there will be a physical release instead of digital only.
Game barely runs smoothly on a high end PC. How the fuck will some phone tier hardware be able to run this?
According to some rumors, March 16th
the third hollow shill general today
Where the FUCK is it, Team Cherry?
>Stop talking about video games!
The real nigga here asking the questions that matter
How can you not own a PC?
How can your only platform be Nintendo hardware?
>drones really exist
Please consider removing yourself from the gene pool
No, and they said that the Switch version won't include it right away.
Fucking hell I'm just ready to throw my money at this game, it looks like the beSt Metroidvania in the last 10years
The Devs already showed a video of it playing apparently 60fps on the switch, while handheld. It's on their webpage
Last video they posted in early Feb showed they had it running at 60fps in handheld mode. They said they basically had to go back in and redo almost all the code because it was a fucking mess and that they plan to actually port those fixes over to the PC version as well.
pathetic attempt at shill damage control
>shill damage control
>He didn't even notice it was a new IP post
Brainlet detected
I'm starting to think that this guy saying "SHILL" every single thread, is actually a shill just trying to keep the thread bumped.
What are you even on about? I have a decent PC, and have a Switch because i like Nintendo games. And the portability of the switch for smaller games like indies is excellent ans i would rather 100% play a metroidvania on the switch than in PC.
Other generes, like FPS i play on my PC, like DOOM for example, i wouldn't even consider getting it on the switch.
hollow knight more like ''five aspies criclejerking in groundhog day knight''
>thinks shills don't post from different mobiles to keep the IP count high
Do you even social media? Do you even internet of things?
Bad publicity is still publicity
I have permanent sage in the name field now because deep down, 99% of threads are marketing assets. Sup Forums is basically facebook for video games
it was established 6 months ago that these are just falseflag threads
Why is "portability" a valid argument for indie and not Doom?
What makes a game "perfect for the Switch" and not every game?
>Sup Forums is basically facebook for video games
Is infinite any better?
Sincere question
goddamn you are right
it's either waifu threads or shill/autism generals, there is no original content here
>99% of threads are marketing assets.
Take your pills you fag
>there is no original content here
That's because most people come here for 'funposting' aka they're scum of the earth
no not the funposters but the genuine autists who are actually obsessive enough as to run a piece of shit general a year straight
funposters are harmless
>Take your pills you fag
Are you implying anything I've said isn't the truth?
Because of the graphics limitations of the switch. I can play DOOM on ultra at 1080p >100fps with a mouse and keyboard.
But the switch can play the common indies which usually are not very graphically intensive on the go, which is a big plus for me.
I don't expect to pkay Monster Hunter World or Assasins Creed Origins on the switch. And that's OK. That's why I have both systems
>Are you implying anything I've said isn't the truth?
user you've figured it out, congrats
no they said the switch version would release first, then they'd focus on finishing the dlc for all platforms
Well I played Hollow Knight on my 4K OLED TV at a flawless 60fps and it was my favorite game of last year. It'll probably be running at 720p in docked mode and 560p or something in handheld, with at least the occasional stutter.
And we're also talking about a 1+ year discrepancy. I wouldn't wait to play Hollow Knight, it's too good. Sooner + better = why on Earth would anyone wait for the Switch version? You're doing yourself a disservice. Hollow Knight is also highly immersive and atmospheric, which I think is completely lost playing on a handheld on a bus or in a doctor's office. Good games should always be played at home where you can get comfy and relax.
>fags on Sup Forums still think that it's ridiculous to think that there's actual shilling going on
why the fuck? Sup Forums has a huge traffic and shilling is just about money, not ethics
fucking hell there were russian trolls dedicated on influencing the US elections
The amount of blatant 'shilling' by anons fucking with people and retards here actually taking that bait has numbed me to the idea that shilling is a huge issue here. Hell I pretended to be a 'shill' for the latest Ass Creed for laffs, did it in the most blatant way and people still thought it was legit
even further it makes sense for big publishers too to guerrilla market and if it makes sense it does happen
Real shills are negative. It's how things are marketed these days. Create controversy and no one will suspect you.
>meanwhile your thread is viewed by thousands of people who, curiously, check out this game that is allegedly so terrible
How can anyone shitposting a game be called a marketer? It's the best cover
>Real shills are negative. It's how things are marketed these days. Create controversy and no one will suspect you.
I mean it's also the only way a thread won't fucking die on Sup Forums, so everyone has to do it. If you wanna talk about a game in any capacity you need to make it bait unless it's a favor of the month game which has become big enough to sustain itself in discussion (such as Into the Breach, Cuphead, Hollow Knight, etc)
this, you just bait a bit with a dividing opinion and you end up with flamewars where both sides are poe's law faggots
The real question is
Would you fug Hornet?